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Everything posted by Aslan

  1. If you can get your hands on plans,there are companies out there that can laser cut the balsa for you.Might be worth checking out.
  2. Simon,I would suggest you join a club ASAP. Clubs are a must to help you along in this great hobby.You will get loads of help and information from fellow members, and more importantly,learn about the safety issues involved.If you have the bug and can afford one get a FF9 super.....You'll never need another radio.....ever.(MINE MAKES TEA)
  3. Steve,try tmenet.com You can download a very useful manual "secret smoke success tips" from their support menu.Some great tips here.It also explains the whole process.
  4. Try 50% diesel and 50% automatic transmission fluid.
  5. I'd stay with the 10% Mark.Run all my engines on it Saitos,2 and 4 stroke O.S.,big and small. No problems.15% syn. 3% castor....Lovely.....
  6. Heard 50/50 of diesel and automatic transmission oil is good......Simple too.
  7. Saito 100........Mmmmmmmmmmm.It's funny 'cos it's true.....
  8. I think geo is talking about towerpro servos that I have come across on the Peakmodel site.I did some research into these servos because they seemed too cheap to be true....and they were.Nearly all of the people who purchased these regreted their purchase.Don't think there is any relation to Tower Hobbies servos.
  9. Whaaat.....I didn't win? Oh well,how much Roy?
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