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bob Thomas

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Everything posted by bob Thomas

  1. Alan4 I'm impressed. The engine fix went exactly as you predicted. Turning over freely now. The only oil I had was two-stroke garden machinery type. A cursory internet look in my area did not show anyone selling glow fuel, but there's a club just half a mile away. Thank you    
  2. Alan4 Many thanks for your advice.. Yes, I now see a stylized "HB" on one side of the engine. There is a prop, a TF 11-5 super-M. I'll try out the engine remedials this week. I failed to enthuse my wife regarding the prospect of the plane's resurrection, so i'll have to wait until she's out before I raid the saucepan drawer ! Uprights not loose. There is no plastic top deck, although I found some odd pieces of profiled plastic., I see on the plan "moulded centre fairing" .     @import url(http://www.modelflying.co.uk/CuteEditor_Files/Style/SyntaxHighlighter.css);@import url(/CuteEditor_Files/public_forums.css);
  3. I have been gifted a Cambria Pioneer, assembled with a plan sheet. The model looks complete, bar the wheels and cosmetics. There are 3 RC control cables in situ. I have very little experience in model building, notably some rubber band powered balsa kits, many years ago. I would like to get the Pioneer airborne. There is an engine in the box, a Perry 40. I don't know if it's compatible . It's also seized. Would anyone advise disassembly to free it ? Any advice gratefully received.   @import url(http://www.modelflying.co.uk/CuteEditor_Files/Style/SyntaxHighlighter.css);@import url(/CuteEditor_Files/public_forums.css);
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