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Everything posted by riverlandgirl.

  1. Most excellent, and a rather impressive sight, I like it a lot! Well done
  2. AP .09 Hornet, some people hate them, but the 3 I have are excellent. Also OS fp's. I have 2 .15's ,one never started, one still going after 20 years of hard use, and a unused .10
  3. Looking good, Steve. I'm not familar with a Sipa 200, but I would say if you put a keel and a mast on it , she'd sail quite well! looking forward to seeing it turn into a plane!
  4. Thank you all for the replies, most help full! The motor is a converted 50cc generator engine, so magneto. (sorry, I should have mentioned that) So if I understand correctly: Shield the plug lead with mesh grounded to the plug cap. Get the rx away from the engine in it's own shielded compartment, Twist, and/or ferrite rings in the servo leads. Plenty of testing with the engine running. Amy jane has set the boat up with the clutch, throttle and kill switch servos all in the engine bay, would it be advisable to move them? Thanks again Lynn & Aj
  5. Hi all. A friend of mine is currently building a petrol powered rc boat and was wondering what steps she needs to take to protect the radio from interference? I've never done a petrol powered plane, so I couldn't be of any help, other than to ask here! (she is using old fm gear, if that makes any difference?) Thanks Lynn
  6. Hi all Thanks again for the comments. Had a few more flights, and she's behaving quite nicely now!
  7. Hi all Thanks PC, for your very kind comments, I value all feed back, (but like the complimentry ones best!) Peter, No I didn't know that, thanks, It has a little dihedral, although the forward sweep makes the wing look flat. The "Green Meanie" (Thanks for the name, Bob) in flight. A little more tweeking, and now the flight habits are quite acceptable. C of G rather fussy, but fine once right, no more pitching issues, tiny elevator throws, but lots of aileron. Happy with her now. Thanks Lynn
  8. Enjoying this build, you've certainly been tried to the max. I'm certain it 'll all be worth it in the end.
  9. Hi all, thanks for the feed back. Did a bit of tweeking and had a good flight this morning. (c of g forward a bit, and toned down the elevator, definate improvement!) Dane. Thanks for the info, I've never tried a forward swept wing before. I can see how the leading edge flexing up can be a problem, what you say makes a lot of sense. My feeling is that the twitchiness was a combination of being fairly short coupled, too rear c of g and prop blast from the pusher prop. The plane was a lot less twitchy this morning, though I'll reduce the throw further. The stall was happening when the throttle was cut, I suspect the sudden loss of thrust holding the nose down would be responsible. Got in a good landing by keeping the power on until down. Looking like it might be all right.. Mowerman. Quite taken with some of Heath's contraptions! Steve, Thanks for the complement, I agree, the brown paper does make for a much stiffer wing. Thanks Lynn
  10. Thanks for the replies! Peter.I guess I mean just an ordinary stall, with the wings level, as opposed to falling side ways out of the sky!
  11. This is my latest creation. Flies tolerably well, survived the maiden this morning, though a little tweeking is called for. (rather touchy on the elevator, and has a nasty forward stall, though dosn't drop a tip, just don't cut the throttle on landing!) 48" span, direct drive speed 400, 2 cell. 15oz The Belyayev influence will be obvious
  12. Thanks Chris, I do like that tweak! (I never think to play around with the photos before I post them) I agree with you WF, it is a rather mishmash of a thing, not sure I much like the look of it myself, Definatly looks better in the air than on the ground!
  13. And a warm welcome from me too, from the far end of the earth.
  14. Welcome from me Andrew. There's no turning back now....
  15. Thanks for the comments. I do rather enjoy trying out whims, on a "If you don't try it you'll never know" basis. About 45% of my models fail, but that's ok. ( I should post a thread of my failures one day, could be quite entertaining!) Thanks again Lynn
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