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Stephen Jones

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Stephen Jones last won the day on April 12 2022

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  1. When you are happy with the separate parts just glue them into position. I used acrylic paints. Hope this helps someone. As I said I will be making some new ones so if there is any interest I may take pictures as i go and remember these will be very light and inexpensive to make. Steve.
  2. Here you can see that my sanding stick has rough and fine sand paper glued to it. Also the arms are L shapes. Slowly sand and carve away at the foam. To make the face gentle squeeze the foam in to make the nose and checks, and the mouth simply use a craft knife to make slot or a cocktail stick. Hands are made by sanding the ends of the arms flat. Steve.
  3. I made my pilots from a block of foam similar to Kingspan not that white stuff. You may come across some in a nearby builders skip so will be free. Very simple tools are all that is needed a very sharp knife and very fine sand paper glued to a stick. I cut a simple L shape out to start with so that I could get the scale about right then altered the shape that resembles a body legs and head. I then cut so that i could better sand-shape the legs and body. Gentle sanding is all that is needed to get the shape. Steve.
  4. Do you remember these two pilots I made for my Sipa S-200 Well I need to make two new Pilots so...... Although these pictures are of poor quality I think they will help guide anyone who is thinking on how to make there own custom pilot. Steve
  5. Stephen Jones

    Foam Pilots

    This is how I made two custom pilots for my Sipa S-200 a while back so the quality is not that good but should help you get the idea on how to make your own.
  6. Canopy glue. Deluxe meterals.
  7. Maybe my flying style or looks faster on camera than actually is.
  8. Mine has a OS .25 SF and flies great. https://youtu.be/zxTchxsCZ8c?si=klucgcksT2GkkJFE
  9. Yes, down wind leg, but aren't all aircraft faster on the down wind leg. I did mention that it's very windy and direction is switching.
  10. Finally managed to get My Gyroo II to fly and all it needed was the head bearings replacing. Just need the weather to be nice so that I can get an enjoyable flight in. Steve.
  11. Hello again, I now have some primer on the G-Guppy. This is its second coat and needs some filler in places. Tried to fill it with primer, but failed. Also needs some around the hatches and fin. Then I will have to think about a color scheme and thats the part I suck at. Was thinking of using light blue , yellow a touch of white and red too. But no idea on a scheme. Steve. 🤔
  12. Stephen Jones

    The G Guppy / E Guppy

    Re Design of my Own Design Model Aircraft
  13. Hello again, So I have now finished the Glassing. A little more finishing off to do before painting but happy with it so far. The model is a little too be to get into shot so some pictures so far. Radio and push rods to do. Steve
  14. A bit more work has now been done. I am Glassing this one. Sanding and Painting next on the List. Steve.
  15. When it comes to the fin I used Triangle Balsa as support and this would need shaping and sanding. So I put tape over the slot so as not to glue the Fin before I had bent the Triangle Balsa supports into shape. This allowed me to only glue Balsa to the sides of the Fin so that I could remove it for shaping before final gluing into position. Steve.
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