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Ivor Thomas 1

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  1. Not sure how top add text once you post photos, but here is the EDF version of the mass build F-86. Colour scheme is from Argentinian Aerobatic team Cruz del Sur, or Southern Cross. Seemed a little more jazzy than the RCAF I had planned to use. It weighs 3.6 lb without battery. Flying Slopes are hard to find around here unless you want to drive four hours over the mountains to Richland WA. We don't have a problem with slopes but they are all covered in trees.I have a bungee catapult launcher so I will use that at our local grass field. All the paint work was hand done, with home made decals for details like roundels and tail markings. All for now.
  2. Here's my F-68 from the short kit but with a few mods. The biggest one being the addition of a 70mm EDF and 6S Lipo battery. This required a new fuselage design following the plan and parts but with a new set of formers laser cut by my son. I also reversed the wing servos to come out of the upper skin to avoid damage on landing. The inlet is connected to a matching duct to provide air to the EDF and a Secondary inlet added to the Center section of the wing. The cannons are from the MotionRC/Freewing F-86, Cost all of $8. The tail ended up with a lot of looking at photos and the F-86 at the Museum of Flight. Up next is painting it.
  3. Thanks to Dennis for how to post photos. Here's my F-86 ready to go!. Actually it's a freewing F-86 80mm EDF that I built last summer and left the gear off as it wouldn't work on our rough grass field. It's the same size as the mass build one, and I'll use the same markings. Decals from Callie Graphics. MotionRC or european outlet for Freewing might have plastic inlet and gun ports as spare pieces.
  4. Help. I'm new to this forum, how do I post a photo and not get a message that it's too big.
  5. I have been building Depron aeroplanes for quite a while and have been trying various "skins" over time, including self adhesive paper with all the markings pre-printed on the paper. I was wondering what happened to this Mosquito and it's final finish solution as I'm heading for a Mossie this winter. I would appreciate an update. Thanks, Ivor
  6. Roy, Thanks for the update on the build.I guessed that was what you had done, but I wanted to confirm. I've done several models with a similar technique but where I've rolled the upper skin 3mm depron around the LE and back to the front spar. This gives a very clean LE, if the LE is straight! Ivor
  7. Roy, I just found this build thread, very nice build. I wanted to ask about the wing. you jumped from the single depron sheet with the ribs attached to a skinned wing. Can you post a few hints on how you did it? Ivor
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