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Ian Jones

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Posts posted by Ian Jones

  1. It doesn't matter how high your horse is or on which side it's ridden, the purpose of a firearm is to kill, that does not apply to all the other analogies that have been made. That there are now also sporting uses for firearms is beside that point as the more firearms there are; the more suffering there is because of them.

    I've had the opportunity to try a few firearms from time to time and been surprisingly good at it but I do not think that justifies any further interest in them on my part.

    Edited By Ian Jones on 25/11/2017 14:38:41

  2. The Mass build is an excellent idea and I have taken part in the past. I would do so again but I have so many models and such a slow build rate that it's not practical to join in every time, as much as I would like to. I would certainly have preferences amongst the models mentioned but it wouldn't really be fair if I cast a vote with no intention of following it through.

    Unless I'm mistaken, this forum isn't as active as it was in the days of the early mass builds so that may account for the low take-up rate to some extent.

    Although MB build blogs here are the norm, I wonder if a timely build featured in the magazine would help?

    I also wonder if returning to some of the original concepts would have any influence on the take-up, e.g. to donate to a charity, a build suitable for absolute beginners and a quick one at that?

  3. Posted by Itisme on 01/11/2017 20:59:41:

    Stearman PT-17 KaydetFinally finished and flown, it needed the motor assembly moved forward by 10mm to get it to balance properly. Surprisingly there’s were no nasty surprises for it maiden flight.

    Fantastic !

    Where did you get the build files? What filament did you use, how much does it weigh, got any video? Questions questions!

    Could tell all in another thread if you want, I'm sure lots of us would like to know more.

  4. Posted by Geoff Gardiner on 28/10/2017 12:12:26:

    I designed this after losing my battery hatch on my Wot4 Foam E.

    I also added some air vents for better cooling.




    I have posted it on Thingiverse here if anybody is interested.


    Nice work Geoff, thanks for posting it to Thingiverse, I'm sure others will find it useful.

  5. Posted by Tony Bennett on 27/10/2017 08:44:27:

    The machine gun is for my 1/4 scale hawker fury.

    this is my latest.

    9th scale figures for the Lancaster refurb.


    Tony B

    Graet guns Tony, the Lanc. is going to be well kitted out. Could do with something similar for my SE5a.

    Not to too sure about the lycra looking trousers though wink 2.


    Edited By Ian Jones on 30/10/2017 11:21:34

  6. Glad you mentioned retraction Robert, I thought I had mine high as it was, having been printing with ABS, however I am getting some stringing with PETG so will try more retraction.

  7. Here's my most recent:


    1/4 scale pilot printed from "Gary" on Thingiverese. I printed it with ABS (suitably masked up) on a PEI sheet. To try and improve the finish I tried a cold acetone vapour bath. My container wasn't sealed well enough and it was to cold in my garage for it to vapourise properly, so it didn't make much difference, though the pilot did end up looking at his instruments! A technique I need to do some more work on!

  8. You are so right about getting the first layer adhesion right, ABS can be a real pig that respect.

    I recently printed a pilot from a Thingiverse file "Gary" . I just fed it into the Windows 10 3D Builder, split the model just below the shoulders, then scaled it to suit (1/4 scale actually). Sliced and 3D printed it with simplify 3D. It could be probably be improved however the recipient of the print, Martyn Kinder, was more than happy with it at the first attempt.

    Incidently I printed it with ABS (suitably masked up) on a PEI sheet and to try and improve the finish I tried a cold acetone vapour bath. My container wasn't sealed well enough and was to cold make much difference, though the pilot did end up looking at his instruments! A technique I need to do some more work on!

  9. It appears that we still tend to categorise people by how the build/acquire/assemble their models, the main division still being those that are "real aeromodellers" and the rest.

    However the only conclusion that I can draw from responses in this thread is that those categories are pretty much nonsense these days. There will always be those that adhere to plan building only, kits only etc. but it seems to me that generally the models we have are the ones that meet a particular desire at the time, regardless of the degree of building required. So where we started and where we are now is not necessarily a progression towards what's best, more of a case of an acceptance of the wide range options available with a particular choice being made to suit the occasion.




    Edited By Ian Jones on 24/10/2017 11:52:26

  10. I've done several build blogs, got one or two unfinished (because the models are unfinished... one day dont know)

    I have always found good support, the weakness has always been my getting on with the build, rather than the blog, no build = nothing to blog. In my defence I haven't had the best of health the last year or two, all the same I have some stuff in the pipeline that I fully intend to build blog within this very forum in the not too distant future.

    By blogging the build others can learn from it and just as importantly the blogger can learn from others, it creates a great exchange of ideas and information so please keep 'em coming.

  11. Just realised I voted incorrectly.

    When I were a lad my dad bought me a free flight glider, apart from clipping on the wings it was ready to fly. So that's where it all started.

    As a young teenager I built a model from a kit, rubber motor powered, it hadn't flown more than a few feet testing for CG when I over wound the motor. My then very short short model went on the scrap heap.

    Fast forward many years and to the answer I gave, I started RC flying with an ARTF trainer as the primary drive was to get flying. These days, kits, plans, ARTFs and a little DIY modification to any of them are all in the mix.

  12. Posted by Percy Verance on 11/10/2017 08:06:23:

    I got my "B" about 30 years ago, and I've never owned a jet Ian........ smiley

    HI Percy, don't think I'll ever own one either, even if I could afford it, it would probably mean focusing just on that one aspect of model flying and I I don't want to give up the favourites I already have.

    So far as paying for instruction goes, at the time I was the only instructor in my club, we had one member with a B and he said he'd passed it so long ago he didn't feel he could help. My options were somewhat limited!

  13. I use a 3300 battery too and like Piers find that it improves flight performace and time, it does need to be slightly further forward though. I have also strengthened the booms with carbon fibre

    I beleive the recent models have had the thrust line corrected but anyway I dealt with the problem with mine by mixing throttle to elevator. It took some trial and error it is now quite seemless. The main gains are consistent pitch at all throttle levels and less floaty landing which was a problem if there was breeze.

  14. Posted by TigerOC on 06/10/2017 22:13:51:
    Posted by Tom Thomas on 06/10/2017 21:58:51:

    I do like yellow and black, but I'm very disappointed with the colour tape, it's horrible to try to get around curves etc.

    On the nose I gave up trying to get it looking anywhere near neat!

    I build a lot of foamies, mainly in depron so tape is the covering. 2 essentials; 1) a new scalpel blade 2) meths

    When dealing with curves; take the tape out beyond the curve and then run multiple slits in the tape so that you can cover the curve in sections. The adhesive always gets on the blade and ruins it. so you need meths to clean it off at regular intervals. An oil stone on hand will keep the blade sharp.


    Edited By TigerOC on 06/10/2017 22:14:46

    thumbs up

  15. I'm doing quite abit of work with PETG at the moment, hope to have something to show for it in the not too distant future. The key thing is to experiment to get the right temperature for a good finish without causing stringing if it's too hot or loss of transparencey if it's too cool.

    Have fun with it,

    Edited By Ian Jones on 05/10/2017 15:12:51

  16. When I first started looking into 3D printing the only warning I found was that ABS can be a bit smelly. By the time I was actually using the stuff warnings were out about the toxicity (did I just make that up?) of it and sure enough headache and sore throat soon proved it despite good ventilation.

    As a result I stopped using ABS, just when I was strating to beat the warping issues too.

    Well anyway, I've revisted the problem by using a 3M 4251 mask. I can't smell the fumes, don't get any effects from them and I reckon that, for me anyway, that's the problem of fumes sorted.

    What's everyone elses experience?

    Edited By Ian Jones on 03/10/2017 20:03:58

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