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Joachim Söderblom

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Everything posted by Joachim Söderblom

  1. Well, a year! after I started this build, I´m finally done! My first scratchbuild, only done lasercut kits earlier, apart from all my arf´s and foamies. Well, built a couple of indoor-foamies and a Polaris from scratch as well, but I´ve started liking the balsabuilding more... Setup is the "standard-motor" recommended, a 6A Turnigy esc, some cheap 4.7g servo for the elevator. Tried a HXT500 for the ailerons, but that seemed to weak to handle the bends in the pushrods, so swapped it to an Emax08. AUW with 2S 500 is 187g. Not maidened yet, mostly due to bad weather and icy snow. Don´t want to rip the covering on the first flight... L /Jocke
  2. Thanks! She´s really beautiful in the air. Too bad it´s so messy/expensive/fiddly/heavy to get the real scale-like sound as well..
  3. Isn´t there any film of this beauuuutiful aircraft..?? I got so inspired of this excellent thread that I´m putting this plane on my must-build-list!
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