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john stones 1 - Moderator

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Posts posted by john stones 1 - Moderator

  1. 3 hours ago, kc said:

    Why is it that we are willing to accept a Digital phone won't work when the mains supply fails?   Surely the phone could be fitted with a battery just like the cordless phones  ( 2 AAA size Eneloop in mine ) that recharges automatically from the mains and can provide an hour or so of calls!   If we accept that technology cannot provide a proper service in future in an emergency then we are wimps and will pay the price eventually - due to terrorism, war, strikes, electric cuts due to sudden mass use of elecric car charging etc.     Some months ago in RCME an article showed how a small, cheap solar panel can keep a gel cell charged for use in shed etc.  Cost was about £18 retail for solar panel and 12 v gel cells about £13 for 7 amp.    Why do we not insist BT do something similar for land lines?


    The phone companies want to eliminate land lines to force us to have mobile phones which are cheaper for them and much mor expensive for consumers.  Landline users are being forced to also pay for a mobile contract just to have a phone in emergency.  

    Actually they can also be charged in a car, so can be charged via petrol or diese!   Or a solar panel can charge the car battery or phone.


    My mobiles £5 per month, unlimited calls/texts, much cheaper than landline and for the most part has eliminated cold callers.

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