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Jools Enticknap

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  1. The Stuntmaster was just a prototype for me to figure out what was needed to practice 3D during dark of the winter. So for me it's all about orientation and colour. Additionally, having the white lights on the front means I can see how close the model is to the ground. Quite important ! I used to have the vertical lights on the tail, but I found it hard to see them at times. Having them in the centre of the model means they are visible more of the time. I'm just about to start a new night flyer 3D. It's based on a Tech one Venus, they are dirt cheap these days and I've bought a load of LED strips from china to see which ones give the best result. Once I get started I'll start a new build blog and update this thread. Glad it's of interest !
  2. With the nights drawing I decided to stick some LED's on my old StuntMaster. It wasn't until I finished I realised I'd stuck the colours on the wrong sides, but there you go ! I've got a Night Visionaire as well, but to be honest this is more fun to fly.
  3. I've been flying a Dynam A10 for a while now, but could not help but tinker with it. I wanted to extend the flying time, as 5 mins on a 2200 / 4S was just not enough. It makes such a nice noise. Moving the ESC's into the rear of the aircraft meant I could use a larger battery, and extended the flight time, but the extra weight did put a larger stress on the wings, which I then added some carbon fibre to stiffen up. All in all, lots of fun but after a year of abuse it's starting to look a bit rough, so I'm looking to try the FreeWing A10.
  4. Hi George, I've had a Concept -X for a while now, and it actually launches fine as long as you have the C of G set 7 as shown in the picture below. I use 3/4 throttle and launch at about 20 degrees from horizontal, not had a failed launch yet. --Jools
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