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Everything posted by KawasakiCraig

  1. I have a Mosquito with two OS 52 FS second hand engines in and both seem to start pretty well but when I try to run the engines up to full throttle they struggle at about the half way point and then quit on me. I have tried to alter the main needle when the engine gets to about half revs but it doesn't seem to make much difference, any ideas?
  2. Anyone know what compatible budget 8 channel aero receiver will work with a 2.4ghz Futaba T6EX Fasst transmitter?
  3. I can't believe the price of nitro fuel especially when it comes to helicopter fuel with a high nitro content, of course I need a high oil content as well. I have a Raptor V2 and a Weston UK Velocity I like to run on these type of fuels. They seem to be priced any where from £30 to £40 for a gallon, it wouldn't be so bad if I didn't need it delivered but of course this makes it even more expensive. Does anyone know a cheaper alternative?
  4. Anyone know if a Futaba T6EXP 35mhz can be linked via a training cable to a Futaba T6EX 2.4ghz ?? So the main controller will be the one on 2.4ghz and the secondary with be the 35mhz. Will the aerial have to be extended on the 35mhz even?
  5. Yes other people on here have been great too, I appreciate yours and everyone's help on here, I now have a better understanding with what was going on. It's funny because I can do most things and also have a fair knowledge of mechanics, I work on cars, motorcycles etc all the time so I should have been able to diagnose the problem myself and I've been r/c modelling for quite sometime now but I clearly failed when it came to an inverted engine lol...
  6. Okey dokey I'll have ago, you obviously know your stuff I can tell, thanks Ron...
  7. I hear you Pete lol... I'm used to using high nitro on my helicopter OS motor and my Weston UK Velocity. I thought it could only be a good thing to use that fuel on the Super Tigre as well and give me lots of power hehe. Okay I'll some different glow fuel, think I have some other kicking about the garage. I think I have it close to being setup nice but I will definitely take note of how you told me to set it up, thanks for the info... Oh, I've seen people saying to point the inlet nipple at the rear mounting bolt???
  8. I'm presuming I done this right but this afternoon I measured the height of the fuel tank tubing coming out of the neck to be level with the spray bar on the carb and before It was out by 40mm, what does anyone make of this, does this sound like a better setup?
  9. I must admit I have not had trouble quite like this with any other glow engine!
  10. Yes they did, okay rich on the high or low needle?
  11. Yep thanks for that, I have looked at it and made sure it's well seated.
  12. Right you are I will try that thank you Ron?
  13. I haven't yet to be honest, the only thing I done was I removed it from the vice and turned the whole thing upside down whilst it was running, seem to go quite well until I moved the throttle to idle and then it cut...
  14. I can imagine it would act like a heat sink. I have been using different types of fuel one of them being Opti Fuel 20% nitro and 18% oil. I haven't taken the piston out to check the piston ring but compression is very good and I'm pretty sure there aren't any leaks. Thanks for your help too...
  15. I am overwhelmed with all the help and useful information everyone has sent me, it's amazing. I did at one stage take the pipe off the exhaust to see if that would make a difference but at the time it didn't, I figured I was still doing something wrong. The setup at the moment as you can see in the photo's is working a lot better after tweaking the settings however when I turn this upside down it still cuts on idle. I now know the tank isn't in the ideal position but this is just temporary until I can get back to work on it. Thanks about the plug thing I understand and I will get one me thinks for sure...
  16. Thanks Martin I found this very interesting as well as the other useful information people have kindly given too. It's funny when you say about the landing part because I had that very thing happen to me where I came in a little bit too fast (idle was set fast to keep the dam thing running) so I decided to go around and try again, I blipped the throttle and the motor cut (oh bugger), because I was dead stick and still going at some pace I gave a little to much bit too much elevator to bleed some speed off, slightly stalled it and hit the ground too hard and it broke the nose off along with the motor. If the Spitfire which I was flying was fitted with flaps it might have been a successful landing even though the engine was idling fast. So yes it would help a lot if I didn't have to worry about the engine potentially quitting on me especially when taking off or on finals! Oh I thought I would upload another photo the engine in my crudely setup in my vice showing the tank and in it's temporary position.
  17. I hear you Ron thanks, this is more of a backup really if I can't nail it...
  18. Okay I still haven't got the engine back in the plane yet but I have got it running better bench testing it. I will of course from peoples help on here check the position of the tank in relation to the spray bar. I have made some fittings on the glow plug so I can run a 1.5v battery internally in the plane and have it setup mechanically so that when the throttle servo arms moves to idle it will make a connection and put power the glow plug and hopefully keep the engine running that way. I could of bought an onboard glow system for this purpose but I'm tight lol. Here's what I have done so far in the photo. I crimped a wire to a electrical ring connector so it is help in position when the glow plug is put in and I used an old cog with a grub screw in so I can tighten it to the top of the glow plug and screwed in another wire to the top of it, Just got to sort out the other end now.
  19. Yes I know that can happen or the classic one is where the clunk double backs on itself perhaps after a hard landing and the next time you go to run the engine you get problems or people use too stiff a tubing etc, I'm wise to these things but thanks for your help...
  20. Okay noted, with a longer plug I'll turn the engine over by hand with out the glow stick connected of course and check for clearance, thanks for the info...
  21. The tank is pressure fed from the exhaust if that's what you mean? I didn't occur to me about the plug not being long enough and I can imagine what you mean with the fuel collecting in the head. I have been using OS no8 plugs mostly, maybe I should try a long reach one then as well.. Thanks Pete
  22. Okay cool, that would work great I reckon with that micro switch, thanks..
  23. Thanks, another thing in my arsenal to combat the engine quitting...
  24. The tank position in relation to the spray bar is something else I need to look at it seems from what people are telling me, thanks for the info...
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