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Everything posted by KawasakiCraig

  1. Oh excellent thanks for that. I have an idea now being a cheap skate lol, I could set something up with a 1.2v battery with a metallic strip screwed onto the throttle servo arm that touches another metallic strip when the throttle is a low position and then once I cut the engine I could even rig up a switch to turn it off afterwards or move the throttle back up so it's not making the connection anymore, I think it will work...
  2. I seem to be for ever having problems with this old glow Super Tigre 90. I have have been having so many problems with it being inverted on the plane that I have had to bench run it and adjust the needle settings as to get it to run nice but as soon as I turn it upside down it quits again. I have taken it apart, cleaned it and inspected it, checked the spray bar positioning, etc.. but the dam thing will still quit when inverted. It seems that if the glow stick was permanently attached to the glow plug it would then stay running. I've heard of these onboard glow units before but I believe they only stay on for about 20 seconds. Is there away to have it set so the glow plug is constantly getting power from a battery?
  3. Can anyone tell me what they use on their scale models paint wise, is enamel paint fuel proof?
  4. I have a Spitfire with a Super Tigre 90 in it and it's almost ready for testing but before I do I wanted to know the easiest way to get a rough idea of the C of G. Can anyone help with this?
  5. Anyone got an Irvine 53 crankcase kicking around?
  6. Has anyone owned a Pilot Laser 67"?If you have what are your thoughts, is it any good?I am thinking of getting my first petrol motor which they suggest a DLE 20-RA and I would like to know if it is powerful enough for things like prop hanging?
  7. Does anyone know where I could get a R/C Kaman K-max helicopter?
  8. Hi, I did give Hyperflight a call about it and they didn't seem to know why either, still know one can give a straight answer to why these models are built with left hand thrust in. All I know is most UK aircraft are built with right hand thrust because of the clockwise rotation looking from the cockpit of the air hitting the rear vertical stabilizer on the left. These gliders must be made for anti clockwise rotation looking from the cockpit and must have reversed propellers blades too. Really it would have been better not to have any thrust built in in the first place.
  9. I wish I knew which way Russian modeller's have their side thrust set that's all.
  10. I bought a Vladimir Sprite Hot e from Hyper Flight in the UK and I believe they get them from Russia. I want to install a motor but I noticed the thrust angle is about 2 degrees to the left, I have never seen this before, normally it always to the right, can some one help?
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