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Torsten Spitzner

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Everything posted by Torsten Spitzner

  1. Excellent, thank you Jeffrey. That is also what the scaled up Chilli Breeze CG works out to.
  2. Posted by Matt Carlton on 30/12/2020 16:00:34: Does this help? I know it's the smaller version but it should be roughly the same proportionally? Edited By Matt Carlton on 30/12/2020 16:01:47 Yip., thanks.This is what i have as well and i will scale it up and use that for the maiden.
  3. The chilli Wind that I am building from the Outerzone plan is nearing completion. The Outerzone plan does not indicate the CG position. Can anyone here give me an actual CG position. I have used two online calculators, worked it out maually and taken the Chilli Breeze CG position as a guide but all are somewhat different. An actual CG position would be most useful at this point Thanks in advance.
  4. My latest scratchbuild, just in time for thermaling in our hot summers... 3m span 'Paragon', courtesy of Outerzone. Electrified and spoilers fitted. It came out a tad heavy for my liking so I may eventually build a lighter fuselage for it. Flies well none-the-less.
  5. Getting the servos and linkages to fit without binding was frustrating. In the end, I bought low profile servos and even so, lots of fiddling and bending pushrods until it all worked. My next jumber will be larger and I will take the radio gear into consideration from the beginning.
  6. Painting was completed before the radio gear was installed. Brush and whatever paint was at hand, with rattle can clear coat over the top. Hardwood dowels were glued into the ankle as securing point for the elastic band hooks
  7. Shaping of the head wassome more sanding of a bals block. The nose was a piece of ply glued into a slot in the head. A small piece ow hardwood dowel helps anchor the head to the torso.
  8. These are the arm mounting blocks. Two on each side, the arms fitting in between. The arm mountings are shaped balsa blocks. I faced them with 0.6mm ply on the insides. . Brass tubes were epoxied into the arms as horns. There are small pieces of 0.6mm ply glued onto the arms where they will move.
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