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The Hobbit

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  1. Ops!!! If you are wondering why my post is exactly the same has "tigerman ".It is because I am new to this forum and I did not realise when you first post stuff on the thread it is vetted first ( I have no problem with that ,makes sense ) .I thought it had not been posted so I rang my brother and he put it on his thread for me Sorry but I did get my question sorted out thanks Jon I will be ordering the Black Horse 30cc for my Laser 180 has soon as Black Horse has them back in stock
  2. Due to fact my father use to fly the Sea Fury many years ago ,I would like to have a Sea Fury .Black Horse do 3 different size Sea Fury .I have 2 Laser engines but not sure if they will be OK .I have a Laser 80 and looking at the specs for the 20cc Sea Fury but think this might be to much for the Laser 80 and then they do a Sea Fury 45 but then again I think the Laser 80 might be to much for the Sea Fury 45 .My next hope is the Laser 180 would this power the bigger Black Horse 30cc Sea Fury ? Or am I going to have to buy a 120 for the Sea Fury 20cc or a 30cc petrol engine for the 30cc Sea Fury ???
  3. My dad use to fly the Sea Fury many years a go ,So I would like to have a Black Horse Sea Fury .I have a Laser 80 and a Laser 180 but I am not sure which Sea Fury would be the best combination .The Laser 80 I think would not have enough power for the Sea Fury 20cc and would be overpowering the Sea Fury 45 . Now would the Laser 180 be enough to power the bigger 30cc Black Horse Sea Fury or not .I am doomed and will I have to buy a different engine say a Laser 120 for the 20cc Sea Fury ?
  4. I would like to put a Laser in a Black Horse Sea Fury .I have a Laser 80 and a Laser 180 .I think the Laser 80 will not power the Black Horse 20cc Sea Fury so was thinking on the Sea Fury 45 but will the Laser 80 be to much for the Sea Fury 45 and not powerful enough for the Sea Fury 20cc On to the Laser 180 will this power the bigger Black Horse Sea Fury 30cc .My question is would the Laser 80 power the Sea Fury 20cc size or would I be better using the Laser 180 in the bigger Sea Fury or am I doomed to none of the Sea Fury being suitably for the Black Horse Sea Fury ??
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