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Jon H

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  1. oh that. sorry i saw bob as battle of britain and not best of british
  2. I am drifting towards sunday assuming my test flights tomorrow work out so it looks like ill miss you Ron.
  3. been that way since 1984 🙂
  4. Plenty of folk who fly at OW only have an A so i would get in touch directly and make your case.
  5. Just to cover off a few points. In the entire history of laser to date only one cam lobe ever wore out, so it is highly unlikely its a camshaft problem Cam timing is also going to be fine as a 2017 model would have been test run by me, and if it didnt achieve the rpm i expect on my test prop (8500 +- 200 on RAM 16x8) it would have been rejected and inspected. This obviously isnt true if someone has had it apart. All bets are off in that case. The rocker cover being full of oil is not a problem and is by design. The exhaust cam follower bush is modified to turn the cam follower into an oil pump and force oil into the rocker cover when the engine is upright. On its side and inverted it is very common for the whole thing to fill up. This is perfectly normal. Without a video of the engine running is virtually impossible to diagnose. The various noises it makes will be very telling.
  6. you would put castor in a ys but not ml70? That makes absolutely no sense at all. ML70 is perfectly suitable and is not the same as it was back when originally released. As with all oils it has been developed and works just fine
  7. If you can do it without poisoning or blowing yourself up you could mix your own for a bargain price with Methanol on ebay You can kiss goodbye to any engine warranty though
  8. cant got wrong for that money. I might even get one for my dad to replace his old FF6 8ch futaba rxs compatible with that system are about 40 quid, and 6ch about 36 quid. These are much more reasonable than in the old days where it was 70-80
  9. The low oil laser fuel more or less doubled in price over a year which was very disappointing. I did my best to question it but clearly had little impact. As Ron suggests, SMC are likely to be my go to from now on. I plan to order some of the low oil laser fuel and hope to give it my stamp of approval for whatever that is worth.
  10. If you still have a futaba challenger and you stick a new battery in it there is no reason not to use it. 35mhz is still legal, still viable, and with so few using it you are very unlikely to be shot down! I still fly half of my fleet on 35mhz and will do for some time as i picked up a virtually new FF9 for less than a tenner a year or so ago. If you are shopping for new gear then futaba still offer some very good options. I have used futaba and spektrum 2.4ghz systems, and while the futaba has been faultless i have had problems with the spektrum. Personally i would grab a futaba t6k or 10k and crack on. I use the older 8j as well as my ancient FF9 and find it very easy to use. the 6 and 10k use the same programming interface with a little joystick to navigate. There are other good radios around, but if buying a futaba set gives you that feeling of confidence in a known quantity then that makes it well worth while sticking to what you know.
  11. Disregard the above, ED and i are going to discuss it offline and not clutter up the thread
  12. Its not an opinion, i tested it and it a fact. Moreover, i had access to a far greater sample size than anyone flying at a club and can say without hesitation that its not good enough.
  13. Running perfectly on the ground but not in the air can point to a cowl airflow issue
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