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Charlie Hayden

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  1. But Andy, look at the quality and detail of your build.
  2. Thanks John. I'm delighted with it. Charlie
  3. Video of the Maiden Flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o4z_JjxsN0&t=2s
  4. Hi Andy. I have used Oracover for the tail. Rest of the fuselage will be dark blue. Wings same as the tail. I plan to mimic a 5 cylinder radial protruding on the nose. I’m sort of copying a photo I have seen of the first aircraft to be put on the Irish register EI-AAA. It had such a motor. Nose is built up of balsa sheet. Planed, sanded and gouged out inside to lighten.
  5. Tony Nijhuis Jet Provost built from TN woodpack and RCM&E Plan. Flew great once in the air. A bit fast for me though.
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