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Everything posted by Jimbo565

  1. Dave Mine is a tail dragger built from a free plan,don't know which designer!! The BB plan has trike fixed wheel u/c. I think Boddo did one also
  2. Tom If you do build the wing with ailerons and flaps you must reduce the dihederal approx.1" max under each tip. one of our esteemed mods built the modified wing and forgot to reduce the dihederal,he shall remain nameless Jim
  3. Thomas Just good luck and guess work,no drawings involved. I have just refurbished it again, made the ailerons the same width as the flaps as the narrow ailerons did not have much authority. I have now re-covered it with Solartex,I shall take some pics of the wing tomoz and post them on here for you Jim.
  4. Mini Super is the one, this is mine modified with ailerons and flaps, very stable and easy to fly.
  5. Martyn Might not be any help but this is the Akromaster built from the Pilot kit.
  6. Jimbo565

  7. Hi Pat This is the MK11,my first one was all silver and it flew like a dream,I got the model half built from Nigel Armstrong when I was in the Blyth club Sold it many years ago,it was looking a bit sad. The reason for the yellow finish,I had the Cub yellow in stock and I don't like working with silver tex or film,tend to struggle with it. hope all is well at SS PS  nowt wrong with your memory   Edited By Jim Carss on 11/06/2018 18:50:10
  8. Straight on to the wood with a little overlap onto the tex.
  9. Chas I used chrome Profilm,I can't remember off hand where I got it from but you can order a small amount and it comes folded up to save postage costs. If I can find the supplier I'll leave a post for you. Jim
  10. Trebor/Rob Just found a couple of pics of the fuzz build. Trebor, plans in the post this morning.   Edited By Jim Carss on 26/05/2018 10:17:08
  11. Jimbo565

  12. Jimbo565

  13. Jimbo565

  14. Rob Unfortunately I only have the one copy which just this minute have got them ready to send to Trebor. Maybe you could come to some arrangement with Trebor with regard to doing a copy or when he's done with them maybe he would pass them on to you. Nice job on the Moth,the pointy rudder is quite outstanding. JIm Edited By Jim Carss on 25/05/2018 19:41:39 Edited By Jim Carss on 25/05/2018 19:41:56
  15. Trebor I have the plans for you if you want them. As FN says rudder tip is pointed as below If it is a Premier jobby then someone has modified the fuzz sides,as i said in my first post the fuzz sides are built up with 1/4 sheet. Send me a PM with your address and I'll pop them in the post for you.The price will be if you ever see a left handed Piano,send me 50p. Jim
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