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Peter Waters

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Everything posted by Peter Waters

  1. 916-1 chance .. count me in too. Its better odds than the national lottery LoL. Regards, Peter
  2.  Hi David, 'lb' ... 'yardstick' etc.. shouldnt that be them euro-thingies, kilos and meterstick ? .. LoL - Sounds expensive, something powerfull enough to haul the Precedent Stampe ! Ive seen some cheap pulse jets on e-bay .... Oppps .. Sorry .. too noisey.
  3. Gone electric ! Much of the fun is in the noise and smell of the IC engine ... Isnt it ? Or is it the case that everyone is becoming frightened of making noise, frightened of making polution, and to lazy to was there hands after flying..   LoL .. Im only joking .. I think ! Watts per pound ! - I dont remember any such equasion in Ohms law ..  Youve been watching to much 'Star Treck' .. Im sure some wise soul will help you out though .. Peter
  4. ive built a couple Precedent Stamp kits .. lots of wood - lots of work - lots of joy to fly. I have never built a Svenson version of the stamp but if anyone has information, old plans, instruction manual or a complete svenson stamp kit. or even an abandoned project for sale, Id be very interested. Peter.
  5. I have no means of scanning the plans. There are 4 sheets of them, 3 foot by over 4 foot each. Peter.
  6. I have a printed copy here which has turned out as clear as the origional. Just need an address from you Trevor. Regards, Peter
  7. Trevor, I can scan/copy it anytime. Or I can send you scan's of the pages via e-mail, for you to print yourself. I just need an e-mail address to contact you. Regards, Peter.
  8. It is true the 1/4 scale Stampe seems to fly very well with a 120 four stroke. Mark, If you are interested in parting with the Svenson Stamp kit , I would be very interested. Peter.
  9. Trev.. i can probably do you a copy of the instructions. Peter
  10. Hi, The Precedent Stampe was ment to be fitted with anything from a 48 to 91 engine. However I doubt if a 48 would really have enough grunt for the job. Personally I would suggest anything from a 91 to 180 4 stroker. The wings are the most flimsey part of the Presedent Stamp kit so pay good attention to the fastning of the struts etc as each wing  relys on each other for support. I recomend you use Solartex to cover it as it looks more realistic and it a lot stronger than lightweight films.. Unless you prefer Nylon and dope of course. Its a great aircraft to fly and draws attention wherever it turns up. I hope you build it and enjoy it. Peter
  11. New plans arrived today! Ohhh my. Aren’t they something different to the first ones! Very pleased with these. Well done Tony! And, I take my hat off to RCME Great job all round. Well done! Peter
  12. How about a set of obeche veneered foam wings ? The only tricky bit it the retract openings but with cnc-ology etc. The wings are after all only straight sections with a rounded tip section which could be made up or a light balsa block .. Peter
  13. Does anyone know if a review has been done of the Galaxy Mystic ? Peter.
  14. The Typhoon is a hell of a better looking plane than the Pullman railway coach with wings, offered the previous month .. I thought that was a good laugh !  It definatly should have gone in the April issue. Peter Waters
  15. Should I bow and lick your ass Dave??? Errrrr on second thoughts !  Peter Waters.
  16. All I said was – It is disappointing! It looks as though Tony has done a great job in the structural design of the Typhoon. RCME has been hyping up this plan issue for months and when it is eventually available (free or otherwise) it is printed and presented under size. Disappointing for all concerned I am sure. It is great that RCME have acted so speedily in dealing with this (I commend them for this) and I look forward to receiving the correctly scaled plans. And to Eric, W&S are not concerned in this forum Peter Waters.
  17. Well One person mentioned a 'free plan' ! I didnt get a 'free plan' the magazine was more expensive than normal and I assume this was to pay for a plan that doesnt match the measurements and printed on very poor quality thin paper .. Very disapointing! I have never known RCME or any other magazine give anything away 'free' ! Peter A. Waters.
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