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Cessna O-2

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Hi Simon,

What a brilliant model, well done Sir!

I'm very interested in the wing construction you've used as I've been trying to form a wrap-around leading edge also in 3mm depron for a 1m symmetrical section wing and I cannot for the life of me get a smooth curve around the leading edge. I've tried pre-crushing the foam for about an inch either side of the le centre with a teaspoon so it bends rather than snaps but it doesn't bend evenly and I get random creases along the span. What is your secret please!



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I have tried several method but eventually resorted to the simplest - a solid Depron leading edge sanded carefully to shape, just as you would on a balsa wing. wink 2

This shows the Cessna wing built but without its leading edge.Tail boom 3

The LE consisted of two strips of 3mm Depron glued on and sanded to shape by 'eye' taking care not to damage the surface of the Depron sheet on the wing.

After sanding the leading edge has very 'open' structure compared to the smooth skin of the Depron sheet so I use thick PVA glue carefully brushed onto the surface to fill the 'grain'. When hard just a light sand to smooth it down.

On the very thin scale wing sections used on my EDF jets the leading edge is done exactly the same way but with a single strip of 2 or 3mm hard balsa to give a measure of 'ding' resistance!

I hope this helps.

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