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Blade 130X Micro Helicopter and Parts


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Here is a used and ready setup to fly Blade 130X micro Heli. Additionally there is a carbon framed used Heli with enough parts, mainly new and unopened to build a complete second Heli.

Includes everything in the photos. Also 2 brand new brushless 130x motors which are not pictured. There is too much to list exclusively so see pictures and ask if you are looking specifically for any parts. 

Amongst other things this collection includes

A new speed fuselage
A slightly used but excellent fibreglass canopy.
Two more slightly used but excellent canopies.
Two new tail case sets.
Two new main blade sets.
A new tail shaft set.
Two new hardened flanged tail shaft bearings.
A new replacement 2.9g linear servo.
2 sets of o rings.
A used but serviceable tail shat with tail blades and new gears.
A used but good tail torque tube and tail servo link rod.
The screws a d cyclic servos links are there to rebuild the carbon framed version.
3  lipos that look good to go and charge up and spin up well but not guaranteed 

This collection was amassed to make 2 flyable helis. The first is finished from it's full check /service/build and is ready to fly but has only been hoovered indoors to test. The second is still in parts and can either be finished or used to keep the first flying.
The project is now going no further hence the sale . This will be a bargain for someone experienced or keen to experiment with 3d micro helicopters.IMG_20240917_223731.thumb.jpg.704da11eaf61b369fbbc1979be6b39f7.jpg







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