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John Privett

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Everything posted by John Privett

  1. Evenng all! Quick reminder time, it's the final race weekend before the summer break, and Spa in Belgium this weekend. So first the customary reminder; Don't forget your predictions! P1 saw Verstappen setting fastest time, over half a second ahead of Piastri, with Albon third, followed by the Mercedes duo led by Russell. P2 saw Norris heading the charts, 0.2 s ahead of Piastri with Verstappen third fastest. The two Ferraris were next followed by Russell. P3 is tomorrow at 11:30, followed by qualifying at 15:00 UK-time. Rain is likely tomorrow though, and possibly Sunday too for the race which starts at 14:00. Don't forget, Verstappen is taking a 10-place grid penalty for exceeding the permitted number of engines used in the season. Points for the pole prediction though are based on the qualifying results, regardless of any penalties - at least according to the game guide! Good luck everybody!
  2. Evening all! Channel 4's coverage should have finished by now, so let's get on with today's results; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 178 2 7 2 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 170 3 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 166 4 5 2 Iqonic racing iqon 164 5 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 161 6 6 0 Pitts Specials john stones 143 7 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 139 8 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 137 9 10 1 teewrex John Tee 134 10 13 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 129 11 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 106 12 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 93 13 9 1 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 81 14 14 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 73 15 11 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 70 16 8 3 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 68 Quite a range of scores today, but topping our chart today is Pete B with 178 points. Second today is fat brownie with 170. And third, with 166 points, is Charles. Well done to today's top three! I mentioned a wide range of scores, and 5 of us only managed to scrape together a 2-digit score... Looking now at the overall table after today's race; os League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 2147 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 2093 3 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1994 4 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 1942 5 5 2 Iqonic racing iqon 1941 6 6 0 Pitts Specials john stones 1922 7 7 2 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1859 8 8 3 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1855 9 9 1 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1814 10 10 1 teewrex John Tee 1796 11 11 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1786 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1709 13 13 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1665 14 14 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1624 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 1621 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 1563 No changes at the top, so Tony holds on to first place overall from Pete and Charles. Iqon moves up 2 places to 5th, fat brownie also moves 2 to 7th. Clearly this means we have players heading in the opposite direction - Carl drops 3 places to 8th and GrumpyGnome drops 1 to 9th. Further swaps see John T take 10th from Simon who moves to 11th. Finally our sadly-departed friend Chris clearly made a great job of picking his initial team. Even with no predictions now being made, he outscored 6 of us today and takes 13 place from me in the overall table. Belgium, and Spa, next weekend before the 4-week summer break.
  3. Evening all! Back to normality... I'm back from my travels and it's a 'normal' GP weekend - this time in Hungary. So without further ado; Don't forget your predictions! P1 saw the Ferraris of Sainz and Leclerc setting fastest and third fastest times, sandwiching Verstappen in 2nd. Mercedes had Russell setting 4th fastest, with Hamilton 10th, McLarens were 6th and 7th. P2 was topped by Norris, though Piastri was only 13th. Verstappen was again 2nd with Sainz 3rd but Leclerc only 18th. Mercedes were 5th (Russell) and 7th (Hamilton.) P3 is tomorrow at 11:30 (UK-time) - will that provide any more clues to base our predictions on? Qualifying is at 15:00 with Sunday's race at 14:00. Good luck everyone!
  4. Hmmm... looks like the scores on fantasygp changed some time after I copied and posted them! So today's scores are now as follows; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 9 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 146 2 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 136 3 6 1 Pitts Specials john stones 132 4 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 131 5 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 126 6 13 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 123 7 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 120 8 11 0 teewrex John Tee 119 9 7 1 Iqonic racing iqon 116 = 8 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 116 11 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 114 12 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 110 13 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 109 = 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 109 15 10 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 107 16 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 102 The top three places are unchanged, though with an additional 10 points each. And many - though not all of us - also now have an additional 10 points compared to the initial results posted. So the overall table now looks like this; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1986 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 1915 3 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1848 4 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 1803 5 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1787 6 6 1 Pitts Specials john stones 1779 7 7 1 Iqonic racing iqon 1777 8 8 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1733 9 9 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1719 10 10 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1716 11 11 0 teewrex John Tee 1662 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1603 13 13 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1551 14 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1536 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 1484 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 1470 The top 5 now remain unchanged with John S overtaking iqon to take 6th. Other place changes remain the same.
  5. Morning all - just coming up to 9am here in Vancouver, and no TV coverage of the race available to me where I am, but it looked like quite a race from viewing the live timing screen... With channel 4 having live coverage this week, no need to wait for them, just for fantasygp.com to update their tables - which they've now done. So first, today's results in our league; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 9 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 136 2 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 126 3 7 0 Pitts Specials john stones 122 4 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 121 5 5 1 Iqonic racing iqon 116 = 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 116 = 8 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 116 8 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 114 9 13 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 113 10 6 1 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 110 11 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 109 = 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 109 = 11 0 teewrex John Tee 109 14 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 102 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 100 16 10 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 97 Top place today goes to fat brownie on 136 points. Second today, 10 points back, is Tony on 126 points. Third today is John S with 122 points. Well done to today's top 3! Now, looking at the overall table after today's race; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1976 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 1905 3 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1848 4 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 1803 5 5 1 Iqonic racing iqon 1777 = 6 1 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1777 7 7 0 Pitts Specials john stones 1769 8 8 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1733 9 9 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1709 10 10 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1706 11 11 0 teewrex John Tee 1652 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1603 13 13 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1541 14 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1536 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 1474 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 1460 No changes in the top 4 today, but iqon moves up to 5th, dropping Carl to 6th. Fat brownie's win today moves him up a place to 9th pushing Simon to 10th. And I move up to 13th ahead of Chris. Next up is Hungary in 2 weeks time.
  6. Evening (B.C.-time) all! Just a quick, early, reminder as my day is currently 8 hours behind most of yours... Silverstone this weekend, and a 'normal' race - no sprint - so the usual 2 practice sessions on Friday, with P3 on Saturday then qualifying at 3pm. Sunday's race is also at 3pm - or 7am for me! I'll end for now with the usual reminder; Don't forget your predictions!
  7. Afternoon (B.C. time!) all, Sounds like an interesting race - I didn't see it. So first, our scores today; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 211 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 207 = 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 207 4 6 0 Iqonic racing iqon 201 = 8 2 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 201 6 7 0 Pitts Specials john stones 190 7 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 188 = 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 188 9 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 184 10 13 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 171 11 9 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 163 12 10 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 155 13 11 0 teewrex John Tee 152 14 14 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 147 15 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 126 16 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 123 Top place today goes to Tony with 211 points. Tied for second today are Pete and Zoonie on 207 points. Well done to today's top 3! Turning now to the overall league positions after today's race; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1850 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 1784 3 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1734 4 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 1694 5 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1667 6 6 0 Iqonic racing iqon 1661 7 7 0 Pitts Specials john stones 1647 8 8 2 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1617 9 9 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1609 10 10 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1593 11 11 0 teewrex John Tee 1543 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1494 13 13 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1434 14 14 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1428 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 1374 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 1344 No changes in the top 8, so Tony (not surprisingly with today's win!) holds on to top place. Further down the table, GrumpyGnome moves up 2 to 8th, displacing Simon and fat brownie to 9th and 10th. And our sadly departed friend Chris had made a team selection that, even with no predictions made, manages to move up a place ahead of me today! Next up is Silverstone next weekend.
  8. Evening all! Quick, belated reminder before I head off for Canada in the morning... Sprint qualifying is at 15:30 UK time on FRIDAY Please get your predictions done by then!
  9. Evening all! With the channel4 highlights safely finished, time to have a look at our results today; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 7 2 Pitts Specials john stones 167 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 148 3 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 146 = 10 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 146 5 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 144 6 6 1 Iqonic racing iqon 139 7 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 138 8 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 135 9 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 126 10 9 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 124 11 11 0 teewrex John Tee 123 12 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 120 13 13 0 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 115 14 14 0 GASTON Formula Chris McG 106 15 8 2 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 90 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 69 Our clear winner today is John S with 167 points. Second today, almost 20 points behind, is Pete B with 148 points. And joint third. just a couple of points back, Tony and GrumpyGnome both scored 146 points. Well done to today's top 3 (4!) Looking now at the overall table; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1639 2 2 0 Revers Racing Pete B 1577 3 3 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1550 4 4 0 PSS Power Flyer 1506 5 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1479 6 6 1 Iqonic racing iqon 1460 7 7 2 Pitts Specials john stones 1457 8 8 2 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1446 9 9 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1438 10 10 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1416 11 11 0 teewrex John Tee 1391 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1368 13 13 0 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1281 14 14 0 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1263 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 1251 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 1137 No changes in the top 5, or in the bottom 7. All today's changes are mid-table. Iqon moves up 1 to 6th with John S moving up 2 to 7th. Heading in the other direction, Simon moves down 2 to 8th, fat brownie is down 1 to 9th. Next up in a week's time is Austria and it's a Sprint weekend. That means our predictions must be in my the start of Sprint qualifying on FRIDAY. I'll be travelling to Vancouver on Friday and will be away until after the British GP - so my updates for Austria dn the British GP might be at rather odd hours of the day - UK-time!
  10. Evening all! Back to Europe this weekend, and it's the Spanish Grand Prix at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya. So first, the customary reminder; Don't forget your predictions! We've had P1 and P2 already today. In P1 Norris set fastest time from Verstappen, but only by 0.024 seconds, with Sainz a third of a second slower in third. Russell was very slightly slower, ahead of Perez, Piastri and Hamilton. P2 was even closer, with Hamilton fastest, 0.022 s ahead of Sainz and 0.055 s ahead of Norris. Gasly, Verstappen and Leclerc were next, the top 6 being separated by only a third of a second. P3 is at 11:30 UK-time tomorrow, with qualifying at 15:00 - so get your predictions done (or updated!) before then. Sunday's race is at 14:00. Good luck everyone!
  11. Morning all! By now the Channel 4 highlights programme should be well underway, so anybody who is watching that and doesn't want any clues about the results - please look away now, and get back to watching the race! So first, our results from Canada; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 4 2 PSS Power Flyer 143 2 7 1 Iqonic racing iqon 142 3 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 140 4 13 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 139 5 10 1 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 137 6 8 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 133 7 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 131 8 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 130 9 2 1 Revers Racing Pete B 127 10 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 124 11 9 0 Pitts Specials john stones 116 12 11 1 teewrex John Tee 114 13 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 111 14 6 2 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 100 15 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 96 16 3 1 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 83 And some close scores at the top! Today's winner is Ade with 143 points. Iqon is just one point behind with 142 points and takes second. Kev is only two points further back on 140 and takes third. Well done to today's top 3 - and the close scoring continues, with just 6 points separating the top 5. Looking now at the overall table after Canada; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1493 2 2 1 Revers Racing Pete B 1429 3 3 1 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1412 4 4 2 PSS Power Flyer 1380 5 5 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1359 6 6 2 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1356 7 7 1 Iqonic racing iqon 1321 8 8 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1314 9 9 0 Pitts Specials john stones 1290 10 10 1 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1270 11 11 1 teewrex John Tee 1268 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1233 13 13 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1166 14 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1157 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 1107 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 1068 Tony holds on to top place. But there are a few place swaps, most significantly Pete moves up to take 2nd from Charles who slips to third, and Ade and Simon exchange places, Ade taking 4th, Simon 6th. Next up is Spain in two weeks time.
  12. Evening all, Back to North America this weekend. Its Canada this time, and specifically Montréal. And of course this means everything is a few hours later than normal for us. P1 was delayed by a rain storm, and started 21 minutes late. As the track dried out it was only in the last 5 minutes that any vaguely-representative times could be set, and Norris was fastest ahead of Sainz and Leclerc. Hamilton set 4th fastest, though over 1.5 seconds down on Norris with Verstappen 2 seconds adrift of Norris in 5th. So not really a useful indication of anything - except for how badly weather-affected the session was! P2 starts in around 90 minutes from now - at 22:00 UK time. P3 is at 17:30 tomorrow with qualifying at 21:00. So, the customary reminder... Don't forget your predictions! Get them done before 21:00 on Saturday. Sunday's race is at 19:00.
  13. Evening all! With channel 4's programme safely finished, it's time to look at our results from today's race; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 2 3 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 202 2 1 1 Essex Racing Tony Clark 166 3 3 1 Revers Racing Pete B 164 4 7 4 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 151 5 6 0 PSS Power Flyer 140 = 9 1 Pitts Specials john stones 140 7 8 0 Iqonic racing iqon 130 8 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 120 9 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 115 10 10 1 teewrex John Tee 112 11 13 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 98 12 4 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 92 13 11 4 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 77 14 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 66 15 14 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 54 16 5 4 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 37 Quite a spread of scores today! But top spot today is taken by Charles with an impressive 202 points. Well done, Charles! Second today on 166 points is Tony, with Pete just 2 points further back taking 3rd place. Well done again to Charles and to the rest of our 'podum places' today. Several of us failed to even reach double-figures with our scores today - myself included... Looking now at the overall table; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 1 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1363 2 2 3 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1329 3 3 1 Revers Racing Pete B 1302 4 4 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1256 5 5 4 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1248 6 6 0 PSS Power Flyer 1237 7 7 4 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1181 8 8 0 Iqonic racing iqon 1179 9 9 1 Pitts Specials john stones 1174 10 10 1 teewrex John Tee 1154 11 11 4 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1133 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 1102 13 13 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 1061 14 14 1 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 1027 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 967 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 944 So Tony is back up to top place. Carl had briefly taken top place after Imola, but unfortunately his last place score of 55 points today means he falls 4 places to 5th. Charles' win today means he jumps 3 places to 2nd, with Pete moving up a place to 3rd. Amongst other changes, fat brownie is also heading upwards, 4 places up to 7th, and GrumpyGnome moves down 4 places to 11th. Canada is next, at Montreal, in 2 weeks time - and that means evening qualifying and race times for us in the UK.
  14. Evening all! Monaco this weekend, and some interesting leaderboards coming out of P1 and P2. But first, the customary reminder! Don't forget your predictions! P1 saw the best times set by Mercedes and McLaren. Hamilton set fastest time ahead of Piastri, with Russell and Norris next. Verstappen and Perez set 11th and 12th fastest times - though that was on 'medium' compund tyres, rather than softs. P2 saw Leclerc setting fastest time from Hamilton with Alonso third and Verstappen 4th - though still over half a second adrift of Leclerc's time. So, once again, as I wondered last weekend - will Red Bull get their act together for P3 and/or qualifying and/or the race? P3 is tomorrow at 11:30 UK-time. Might be a good idea to set some predictions now and be ready to update them (or not!) after P3. Qualifying follows at 15:00, with Sunday's race at 14:00. Bonne chance à tous!
  15. Afternoon all! OK, the fantasygp site is now running normally, so here are our results from yesterday; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 5 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 160 2 1 1 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 155 3 6 0 PSS Power Flyer 151 4 9 2 teewrex John Tee 147 5 3 0 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 142 6 2 1 Essex Racing Tony Clark 141 7 4 0 Revers Racing Pete B 139 = 7 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 139 9 8 0 Iqonic racing iqon 138 = 10 0 Pitts Specials john stones 138 11 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 133 12 11 2 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 123 13 13 0 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 112 14 14 0 GASTON Formula Chris McG 107 15 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 104 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 85 Top place is taken by Charles with 160 points. Second is Carl with 155 points. Third place is taken by Ade on 151 points. Well done to yesterday's top three! In terms of the overall table, we have a change at the top; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 1 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1211 2 2 1 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1197 3 3 0 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1164 4 4 0 Revers Racing Pete B 1138 5 5 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 1127 6 6 0 PSS Power Flyer 1097 7 7 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 1056 8 8 0 Iqonic racing iqon 1049 9 9 2 teewrex John Tee 1042 10 10 0 Pitts Specials john stones 1034 11 11 2 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 1030 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 987 13 13 0 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 973 14 14 0 GASTON Formula Chris McG 963 15 15 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 901 16 16 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 824 Carl has moved up to top place, with Tony dropping to second. But it's close! Only 14 points separate them. Further down the table John T moves up 2 places to 9th, with fat brownie droping 2 places to 11th. Next up is Monaco, next weekend.
  16. Eveing all! Well, as the Channel 4 highlights programme has just finished I had hoped to be able to post today's results now. But first I was only able to see the current league position, not today's (or any race) results - the options had simply disappeared! And now I get an "Essential maintenance in progress" message when checking the league results, or for the results overall, "Whoah there! We haven't had a race in 2024 yet, when we do, your results will be here!" So I guess they're having some 'issues' at the moment! I'll keep an eye open, and post our results when it's all working again...
  17. Evening all! Well we're back in Europe, specifically Imola this weekend - and more normal timescales! The game will be locked as usual at the start of qualifying, which is 3pm UK-time on Saturday. So as usual; Don't forget your predictions! We've already had P1 and P2, and Leclerc was fastest in both. P1 saw Russell setting 2nd fastest time followed by Sainz, then Perez with Verstappen only 5th. In P2 Piastri set 2nd fastest time, followed by Tsunoda with Hamilton and Russell next. Sainz was 6th fastest, and Verstappen contined to have "a bad day" only setting 7th fastest, at least this time ahead of Perez. So will Red Bull get their act together again in time for P3? Or for quali? We'll have to wait and see - but in the meantime get some predictions entered, you can always change them later. P3 is at 11:30 tomorrow. Sunday's race is at 2pm. Good luck everybody!
  18. OK, take 2! As already pointed out, the results were revised following Sainz's 5-second penalty. So here are our updated scores for the day; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 10 4 Pitts Specials john stones 252 2 5 2 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 243 3 4 1 Revers Racing Pete B 238 4 2 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 233 5 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 218 6 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 215 7 7 3 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 212 8 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 204 = 8 1 Iqonic racing iqon 204 10 3 0 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 203 11 15 1 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 186 = 11 3 teewrex John Tee 186 13 6 2 PSS Power Flyer 182 14 9 3 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 179 15 13 2 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 173 16 16 1 Hans Brake Zoonie 134 Same top 3, though not quite so close on points as previously! Clearly something else was "missing" from the scores I posted on Sunday night, as we've all scored somewhat higher in the revised results... The overall table now looks like this; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1056 = 2 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1056 3 3 0 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 1022 4 4 1 Revers Racing Pete B 999 5 5 2 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 967 6 6 2 PSS Power Flyer 946 7 7 3 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 917 8 8 1 Iqonic racing iqon 911 9 9 3 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 907 10 10 4 Pitts Specials john stones 896 11 11 3 teewrex John Tee 895 12 12 0 Torque of the devil Stu 883 13 13 2 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 861 14 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 856 15 15 1 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 768 16 16 1 Hans Brake Zoonie 739 And now we do have a change at the top! Tony and Carl are now in joint top place. Simon remains in third place.
  19. Evening (or rather, Morning) all! Usual disclaimer - with the race being late in our day, the Channel 4 highlights programme has only just begun. So if you're watching that then you probably shouldn't be browsing the web looking in places that might tell you the result, if you don't want to know it! If that applies, then look away NOW! Ok, for the rest of us, that was quite a race, and proof that Red Bull aren't invincible. So here first are our league scores for Miami. Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 12 2 Pitts Specials john stones 208 2 5 2 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 206 3 4 1 Revers Racing Pete B 201 4 11 1 Torque of the devil Stu 193 5 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 186 6 2 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 184 7 8 2 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 181 8 3 0 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 167 9 7 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 162 10 15 1 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 161 11 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 160 = 10 1 Iqonic racing iqon 160 13 9 1 teewrex John Tee 159 14 6 2 PSS Power Flyer 145 15 13 2 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 140 16 16 1 Hans Brake Zoonie 109 Top scorer is John S with 208 points. Very close behind with 206 points, Charles takes second place. And third is Pete on 201 points. All 3 were very close on points, and well done to you all. Looking now at the overall table; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 1027 2 2 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 1007 3 3 0 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 986 4 4 1 Revers Racing Pete B 962 5 5 2 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 930 6 6 2 PSS Power Flyer 909 7 7 1 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 890 8 8 2 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 886 9 9 1 teewrex John Tee 868 10 10 1 Iqonic racing iqon 867 11 11 1 Torque of the devil Stu 858 12 12 2 Pitts Specials john stones 852 13 13 2 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 828 14 14 1 GASTON Formula Chris McG 812 15 15 1 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 743 16 16 1 Hans Brake Zoonie 714 No change in the top 3 places, so Tony remains top, ahead of Carl and Simon. Today's top 3 all move upwards, John S up 2 places to 12th, Charles up 2 to 5th, and Pete up 1 place to 4th. Next up in 2 weeks time we're in Italy for the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix. It's a 'regular' race weekend, and being in Europe timings are at more 'conventional' hours of the day for us in the UK.
  20. Evening all! OK, less than 23 hours until the game is locked for this weekend's Miami GP, so a repeat of yesterday's reminder! Don't forget your predictions! With it being a Sprint weekend, the game locks at 9:30pm UK-time on FRIDAY when the sprint qualifying starts. So get some predictions entered now. P1 starts at 5:30pm tomorrow, you can always change your predictions after seeing how the practice session goes. But get some predictions set before it's too late...
  21. Quick reminder time... Please remember that although this weekend's race is in the USA, and consequently later in the day than 'normal', it is also a SPRINT WEEKEND. This means that the FantasyGP game is LOCKED early, at 9:30pm UK-time on FRIDAY when the Sprint qualifying starts. Get your predictions done before then!
  22. Evening all, With the Channel4 highlights programme finshed long ago, here are the results of our league for today; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 230 = 11 3 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 230 3 2 1 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 228 4 4 2 PSS Power Flyer 227 5 5 0 Revers Racing Pete B 223 = 10 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 223 7 3 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 218 = 8 1 teewrex John Tee 218 9 12 1 Torque of the devil Stu 204 10 9 1 Iqonic racing iqon 201 11 7 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 194 12 16 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 183 13 15 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 177 14 14 2 Pitts Specials john stones 174 15 13 2 GASTON Formula Chris McG 171 16 6 2 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 165 And some very close scores today! In equal first place, it's Tony and myself (I guess I have to get it right occasionally!) with 230 points each. Don't forget of course that there are points for the sprint, so points totals are higher than usual. Third place is taken by Carl on 228 points, and I think it's only fair to give a mention to Ade, just one point back on 227. Well done to you all. Looking now at the overall table after China; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 844 2 2 1 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 826 3 3 1 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 820 4 4 2 PSS Power Flyer 764 5 5 0 Revers Racing Pete B 761 6 6 2 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 729 7 7 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 724 8 8 1 teewrex John Tee 711 9 9 1 Iqonic racing iqon 707 10 10 0 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 706 11 11 3 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 689 12 12 1 Torque of the devil Stu 665 13 13 2 GASTON Formula Chris McG 652 14 14 2 Pitts Specials john stones 645 15 15 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 605 16 16 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 582 Tony, unsurprisingly, keeps hold of top place. But there's a little 'shuffle in the next few places with Carl moving up to 2nd, pushing Simon down to 3rd. Ade and fat brownie exchange places, now 4th and 6th. And I appear to the biggest mover today, up 3 places, though only to 11th! Miami next, in 2 weeks time. It's a Sprint weekend too, and everything will be happening late afternoon/evening UK-time. Sprint qualifying - when the game will be locked - is at 21:30 on Friday 3rd May.
  23. Evening all, A quick - and early! - reminder from me... Don't forget your predictions! As already mentioned, the fantasygp game is locked at 8:30am on FRIDAY, when Sprint qualifying starts. Don't leave it too late! Set your predictions now, if you find time you can always change them after seeing how the 4:30am practice session goes tomorrow.
  24. Evening all, You've probably all seen today's email reminder from fantasygp, pointing out the changed format of Sprint weekends this season. But in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, here are the relevant details; The F1 season continues this weekend and it's time to get ready for the Fantasy GP of China - it's also the first SPRINT weekend of the season. Note that the Sprint weekend format has changed a bit for 2024 - Friday has the practice session and then qualifying for the Sprint. Saturday is the Sprint Race and then the qualifying for the Grand Prix. Sunday is of course, the Grand Prix itself. The game will lock when Sprint Qualifying begins on Friday, see timings below. Make sure you're happy with your team and predictions before the game closes at the start of qualifying! Here are all the important timings for the weekend, all timings in BST (GMT+1). - Friday: 4:30am Free Practice & 8.30am SPRINT Qualifying (GAME LOCKS) - Saturday: 4am SPRINT race, 8am Grand Prix Qualifying - Sunday: 8am Race Start Get your team ready before FRIDAY 8:30am BST (GMT+1) So - my summary - don't wait until Friday to do your predictions - as after 8:30am you'll be too late! I've done mine already, and there's a slim chance I might get a quick look at the P1 results (Friday 4:30am!) and amend the predictions before heading off to work. (I did say, a "slim chance"!)
  25. With the UK channel4 highlights programme well under way, I'll post our results now, but the usual disclaimer applies - If you are watching the highlights and don't want any clues about the results then stop reading now! So first, today's league results; Pos League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 2 3 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 177 2 3 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 168 3 8 3 Iqonic racing iqon 160 4 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 157 5 10 3 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 144 6 12 2 Pitts Specials john stones 143 7 4 0 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 139 8 15 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 128 9 9 0 teewrex John Tee 125 10 5 1 Revers Racing Pete B 123 11 14 2 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 119 12 7 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 118 13 13 3 Torque of the devil Stu 112 14 16 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 106 15 6 4 PSS Power Flyer 102 16 11 3 GASTON Formula Chris McG 80 Top place goes to Simon with 177 points. Next up is Carl with 168 points. And third place today is taken by Iqon with 160 points. Well done to today's top 3, and a special mention to Tony, missing the podium by just 3 points. Looking now at the overall table; os League Rank Team Manager Pts 1 1 0 Essex Racing Tony Clark 614 2 2 3 DMFC Racing Team Simon Webb 602 3 3 0 Mannschaft Carl Brotherton 598 4 4 0 Hidden Cucumber fat brownie 564 5 5 1 Revers Racing Pete B 538 6 6 4 PSS Power Flyer 537 7 7 0 Team Charles Picd Charles Pic 530 8 8 3 Iqonic racing iqon 506 9 9 0 teewrex John Tee 493 10 10 3 LetsGoTotoLetsGo GrumpyGnome 483 11 11 3 GASTON Formula Chris McG 481 12 12 2 Pitts Specials john stones 471 13 13 3 Torque of the devil Stu 461 14 14 2 The JP Specials johnpflyrc 459 15 15 0 Hans Brake Zoonie 428 16 16 0 Norfolk Flyers Kevin Fairgrieve 399 Tony holds on to top place in the overall table, with Simon moving up three places to 2nd. Carl remains in third. Pete moves up 1 place to 5th with Ade slipping 4 places to 6th. Lower down the table, Iqon and Grumpygnome are also moving upwards - 3 places each and John S is up 2 places. Next up in 2 weeks is China and it's a Sprint weekend. Again, early start times for us in the UK, though, with the exception of sprint qualifying, at slightly more sociable times than the last 2 races!
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