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Everything posted by AndyD

  1. AndyD


    ive got some now thx but not the way I wanted,lost a plane on take off yesterday,no hight no speed no hope,compleatly wrecked the fuz and ive had my money out of it so onwards and upwards.
  2. speechless,makes you feel like doing something silly,scum plain and simple.
  3. AndyD


    Is there any where you can buy the glassfibre type horns that glue into the control surfaces like kits use.or maybe sheet so to cut my own,not that I fancy cutting out 12 of,im lazy and they proberly all come out different.
  4. tried to get forces tv on 96 but cant get that either,i think my tellys 5 years old.n,lincs area.
  5. not much happening so I thought I would have a look at this PBS America on freeview 94...nothing so retuned and still nothing.is it deffo on 94.
  6. AndyD


    ive always liked the if it looks right approach,it was just that ive known half a dozen or more people give up on building because the model they were building had not gone to their expectations so rather than carry on or do the neccasary repairs they've given up and gone the ARTF route,but to me the bueaty is seeing your creation successfully take to the skies more so if its a own design.
  7. AndyD


    ive been building now for over 30 years and I still don't class my self as good but like so many club flyers a good average moddler,but the question is what is a good tolerance as when I started building I was told things had to be perfect this and perfect that or it wont fly,i tend to try and build within a mm or two give or take but have built planes over the years where they have been over 1/4 of an inch or more out of true,twisted fuz,twisted tails etc etc but have all still flown well,used to give my dad nightmares as he was into his steam engines and a 1000 of an inch was a lot to him sadly he died to young to see how much I haven't progressed ,i know as a youngster it could be off putting and is this still the case as I still here people still say its to difficult to build even on simple trainer designs..
  8. found another plus a set of home made,s basically copies but squared off tails.
  9. couldn't resist I cut the aerobat sides,dont know when I shall get round to doing any more though.
  10. AndyD

  11. thx Paul for uploading my vid idid try but couldn't remember how to and gave up.
  12. as of a lot of fields ours is much the same wet very wet so I'm still flying my foamys or is it foamies,i tend to fly them all year round especially as a back up whenthe big stuff lets me down.https://youtu.be/kpb4HwB70jA
  13. AndyD

  14. I don't know why but I just checked and ive got enough balsa and bits to build one but ive got to many builds already.(could I just fit another one in).
  15. AndyD

  16. 1st difference would be changing over to electric and try and build it lighter,im a bit of a heavy builder so maybe a built up tail smaller lighter servos maybe the elev/rudd servo at the tail,as a aerobatic trainer I think its probally over engineered compared to todays planes,but for anyone still learning that's probally a good thing.but as a over view I would still say a good design as originally built.
  17. looking forward to this thread,i shouldn't but you got me thinking about building one.
  18. the acrobat was the 1st plane I enlarged,64 inch span with a os 90 4 stroke,flew ok but heavy by todays standards at 8 pound,i just enlarged every thing wood included.the pronto was the 1st plane I flew with the os 40 4 stroke in it,my teacher used to take it for me and if I was lucky he would let me have ago,just put putting along,happy days.
  19. Nigel R,they were all in there along with the manock bi-plane bat,sky rider pronto,red arrow,excellence and tyro major,enough info to build but a lot easier with a ful size plan,the best book I ever bought,well that and Gordon whitehead,s book rc scale aircraft.
  20. AndyD

  21. ah nostalgia,my beginning started in the early 80,s with DB,s radio primer where the plans although small were all in there,pronto which started it for me then rm trainer and acrobat,loved them all,would love to remake them all to see if they fly as good as I remember.ive got a rm trainer nearing compleation.heres my acrobat about 1982 with os 40 4 stroke
  22. AndyD

  23. AndyD

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