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Andy Green

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  1. I've just been give a set of wing for one of these, does anyone have more info than is posted here, website is down unfortuately. Andy
  2. I built the DB short kit a few years ago, you can see a build blog here: https://www.andy-green.co.uk/barnstormer/ Sorry for the shameless plug... Andy
  3. Hi Phil, For me it was my username. I was using my email like the old site, but I had a different username.
  4. Hi, I have a digital subscription and I notice that when I try to read the October issues it says 'not for publication' and has very low res images. How can this be corrected? Andy
  5. Hi, everytime I wish to loging I have to request a new password. Often then when I post it says there already a user with my username, and I have to log out, then I cant log in without first resetting my password, and I'm stuck in this loop. Andy
  6. Hi I can provide club websites / email / hosting for a reasonable cost. More than a website is a full club management application. Details here with sites that are already using the system. Andy
  7. Give Stan a try at Phoenix Model Products. Andy
  8. I wrote this article a few years back, might help. Andy
  9. I too use jeti and another supporter of the RC Thoughts website. I use the Current meters, and Varios, and have 4 channel temperature sensor in a 1/4 scale cowl. Each can be made for a few pounds, and following the instructions on the site its so easy. Might have a go at a GPS sensor next. I have flown for years (Decades!) without telemetry, but now I have it I can't imagine myself flying without. The Jeti system also has full logging, and I log and check every new model for the first few flights to monitor the Rx installation. Andy
  10. Yes, I've done all that countless times. Also same on different browsers. A
  11. Doesn't like me either, Have had to log in every time for ages now, the main reason I'm not on here much. FB remembers me at least. A
  12. If you are willing to spend some money - these are absolutely fanstastic - Bigatmo. A
  13. Ah, I'm down near Worcester. I'll PM my club details, see if you are close enough. Have you seen the BMFA Club Finder. A Edited By Andy Green on 17/04/2018 15:10:44
  14. I'm in the Midlands, and a member of a couple of local Clubs, where are you? Andy
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