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  1. The OS 91 fs Surpass is a great engine I have 3, Dependent on many factors the optimum needle settings will vary from engine to engine. Would it not even try to start? The 91 runs off the low end needle for around 70 / 75% of the throttle band , as long as it has a decent glow & is getting fuel it should at least feel like it wants to fire even if its well out of tune,
  2. Hi Ian , I would add to Paul Adams advice & also suggest the Firebirds club.
  3. Its taken me till today to maiden mine as its been a busy summer family wise & any spare time has been used flying & not finishing the P47 . The first flight was more than a bit hairy! it needed a lot of down maybe due to the issues I had with the tail assembly but after adjustments the following flights were great. The gear doors tend to move causing a lot of drag when there up so I plan to fit a wedge on the rear edge to stop this. Other than that its great & a nice addition to my fleet. Edited By Justin K. on 20/09/2014 17:33:51
  4. Controversial Steve, but interesting if its true.
  5. Hi Nigel, Im not sure about the self tuning ? Petrol's need running in & to be tuned as well and a well tuned Four Stroke wont need to be touched. I think the 91 will be a bit limp for the XL, I have 3 and they are good but not enough for an airframe as big as the XL. A 120 would be more the tool. There's a good thread here **LINK** Paul is a very experienced flyer and his went very well on a 25cc Petrol. Edited By Justin K on 13/09/2014 14:57:11
  6. WoW did this seller know something we don't about this airframe only gem? **LINK**
  7. ..

    A cert

    Ryan , the test worked for me try here **LINK**
  8. Really Daithi? I didn't realise that.
  9. Has anyone got any idea why this radio is attracting so many bids? The reason I ask is that I have recently taken possession of the same set & didn't really think it would be worth anything. Are these older radios collectable ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191282615043?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Edited By Justin K on 14/08/2014 16:41:26
  10. Well I really enjoyed the show despite the wind stopping play for a couple of hours, the full size Jet Provost display made up for that tho My highlight was Dave Johnsons XH558 Vulcan, I've been waiting to see this one for ages. **LINK** **LINK** ​There was a pretty good trade attendance but the table top sale was very disappointing. All in all a great day out.
  11. Yes many thanks again, a quick google search bought that up, and also it looks that it was 3 channel to the lack of a moveable rudder isn't an error. I am looking forward to flying this one.
  12. Ahh exelent service chaps , many thanks. So has anyone got any info on C of G etc and also the flying charictoristics ? My Father in Law is going to look for the original plan . As I stated the horizontal stabiliser is well off square so I would like to see the assembly to ascertain where is best to cut to make it true. Posted by leccyflyer on 07/08/2014 21:40:01: Justin The model in your pictures looks like a Flair Beaufighter, rather than a Blenheim. \
  13. Yes I've managed to get one into my album but can't get it on the forum at the moment?
  14. Hi chaps, I'm looking for a bit of help/info on this airframe. Looking through the internet I think this is a 63 inch wingspan Brisol Blenhiem can anyone confirm if it's from a balsa craft kit or were there other kits available ? It was built by my father Inlaws father some years ago but never flown. It's been stored in an attic for a good few years & I now have taken position. The only build flaw I can see is an off centre horizontal stab so that will need sorting. It looks to be powered by two in runners and we did manage to get her running this afternoon but unfortunately the elderly speed controller let its smoke out. So the project is to get her in the air and give her a go so any info is much appreciated.
  15. We are staying with family in York that week so I'm looking forward to going.
  16. Here's an odd one ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Airplane-nitro-Seagull-edge-540-/181474171793?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276 How on earth has he ended up with 2 mixture screws ?? Edited By Justin K on 26/07/2014 10:58:30
  17. Ebay is probably your best bet Ryan.They sell out very fast from hobby king, put an email alert on both the UK & the Europe warehouse pages but be ready to order once they do come into stock. I have one built but not flown that I may consider selling.
  18. Hi all, I have a Multiplex AcroMaster that hasn't flown for a while as it been waiting for a minor undercarriage repair , I've now prepped it ready for flight and it's not behaving. Occasional when I connect the LiPo the servos go through an odd sequence moving in unison to their outer limits & back again? I then have to disconnect the batt to reset it. Its on an Orange FASST RX , is this a speed controller issue or a duff RX ? Thanks in advance J
  19. I fancy most of these LiPo's come from the same factory but with differing wrappers. I have had a batch of 3 Gens Ace 3s 3000's all fail with an unbalanced cell yet the previous 4 I purchased are fine. I also have 4 Dynamics 3s 2200's and these have been great despite some hard use, I would definitely choose these first next time.
  20. I had a similar issue with the 53 size irvine & found it was the front bearing allowing air into the crankcase. And funnily enough my flying buddy is having the same issue with one of his irvines.
  21. Thanks for the replies chaps, it's only a single sub C cell and it took a full charge from the other charger so yes it seems to be detecting a false peak. I'm not sure if it can be adjusted but was interested to know what the sensitivity adjust does. Not wanting to whack it up from default to 20 only to see the thing catch fire!
  22. I'm trying to charge a 1.2v 4300 cell with my generic four button charger but after around 10 mins on charge it stops & tells me its fully charged. I know its not as the cell in question is powering an on board glow system & after teething troubles with that I found the cell was not charged. After an hour or so on a friends charger all was well. Why is my charger telling me its full & turning off prematurely ? I have found in the programming a sensitivity section will upping this from the 6mA solve my problem?
  23. Had the day of yesterday & spent 8 hours at the club , it was great ! We have been very busy at work for the last 3 months so a day sat in a field in the middle of nowhere was just what the Dr ordered. I maiden'd my Katana & flew it a day.
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