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Posts posted by PeterF

  1. I have a temporary enclosure made from 2mm MDF shhets that I put around my 3D printer when printing ASA. I went to ASA after learning on PLA and PETG and have also printed in TPU. I have printed parts in all 4 filaments for RC planes including a complete Stearman in PLA before PLA-LW came out. The only issue I have had is the PLA nose cone on my Vulcan distorting when I left it too long in the back of the car with the sun shining on it through the curved tailgate glass. I have some bits printed in both black and white ASA on the outside of my boat (full size not RC) that have been permanently outside now for 4 years with no sign of degradation. None of my Tiger Moth was printed as I bought the printer after I completed that.

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  2. Unilight of Austria do a good range with some parts that may do the bill. They also kit sets for various models including a 1/4 scale FW190. Have a look at the links below. Nexus Modelling Supplies sell them in the UK. I have just bought some of these for a 2m A-10 Warthog but they have not arrived yet so I can not comment any further.




    1/4 kit for the FW190


  3. 7 hours ago, Paul Marsh said:

    Typically 5 years of 300 cycles, depending on load and strain. Why I wouldn't buy a electric car - with it's lifespan.

    We need to recognise that RC planes absolutely thrash lithium batteries harder than any other use, be it cqrs, phones, power tools, computers etc. There is no other service where we take the batteries from full to 20-30% in 10 minutes or under. No wonder we are happy with 300 cycles. Most lithium battery users are looking at 5,000 plus cycles at normal usage where the discharge occurs over many hours not minutes.

  4. 3 hours ago, Richard Thornton 2 said:

    No, the outer / upper surface is already painted in silver which as you say, is a devil to iron without scratching and melting the paint surface. 
    It’s the other side that’s got the glue on. I am going to have to experiment.

    Can't help you on this one, I painted all my wooden structure before painting, then coveted with natural solartex then painted the outside. The only covering that can be seen from the inside is black and my build photos show this. I do not know what the prototype is like but my model being black is not an issue.

    What I have done at times in situations like this is with plastic handle paint brushes is to bend the handles (heat gun may help) to get an angle the the head, of for wooden ones cut them down then glue them back together at an angle.

  5. 5 hours ago, Piers Bowlan said:

    Miss Lizzy at 51in span is a good size, me thinks. It has been on my build list for an electric conversion since Sep 2005 when the plan came out! A glaring omission by Sarik not to offer a parts set. Still, no biggy cutting out a set of parts oneself. Perhaps RCM&E should republish the plan in a future issue with a leccy conversion?


    Get well soon Peter, the modelling world is waiting for your next design. 😊

    I was in the same position with a plan of Miss Lizzy, got round to building it over winter electrified. Flew it again yesterday, a really nice model. See a couple of posts down at


  6. Looking at some pictures the movable mounts for the motor/prop combos look a bit flimsy. I know they will have been engineered and should be suitable. They will experience a mix of forces, torque from the prop rotation along with tension from prop thrust not to mention the gyroscopic forces when the props transition from hover to forward flight and back again and added in to that in hover the prop is forward of the hinge point.

  7. Richard, hat off to you on this, I did think about going the chain route because that mimics the full size but could not find the parts. I am a little embarrassed now at not having worked through to this detail. I ended up with a wire breaking on the ground and swapping to low profile servos in the wings. Still flying the plane, last out a week ago and it still flies well and looks good.

    • Thanks 1
  8. One thing I would suggest is to ask your examiner to demonstrate the A test to you. I am an area chief examiner and find this can be really helpful for both A and B candidates. It is one thing looking at videos and reading texts and trying to understand these, but if I fly what is required in front of them, they can see what is expected and there is no confusion.

    • Like 2
  9. Thst sounds like much to much fan for a 2700mAh battery, that size battery is typically running 55mm fans, it.might do 2 55mm fans but not 2 70mm fans. I have a model with twin 70mm fans on 4S, it pulls 105A and I use a 62500mAh battery. Your may not be that high powered but as said above, you should always have a Watt meter to check.

  10. 4 hours ago, Rich Griff said:

    I haven't read the above but was the nitro content dropped to 15 percent, from memory.

    IIRC the government wanted to reduce it to 15%, held a consultation and got pushback from BMFA and probably the RC car fraternity and probably other users/ producers and it was set at 30% so ready mixed high nitro fuels did not get included. Can not remember the exact details.

  11. I have had it once on a NiCad Rx set many years ago. Someone recommended running a dehumidifier in my garage workshop to keep it drier, only run it for 2-3 hours twice a day. I have not had black wire since then, but not sure if that is due to the dehumidifier or the move away from NiCad Rx batteries.

  12. On 27/03/2024 at 21:05, Peter Miller said:

    GReat to see Miss Lizzy.  You will love her I am sure.


    Yes the weight is without fuel.



    First flights today, what a lovely plane, flew on rails straight away and inspired a lot of confidence in the first couple of minutes, well balanced, positive controls and responsive so I put it straight through most of the B test on the maiden flight without any issue. Why have I waited so long to get around to building it!!!!.

    • Like 1
  13. Just completed this and ready for maiden at the weekend as weather looks more promising here in the north east.


    It is Miss Lizzy, a Peter Miller plan from RCME September 2005. I am surprised how long I have had this squirrelled away, I always liked the look of it as well as the earlier smaller Tequila Sunrise. Since stashing the plan away I have swapped to electric only so I have converted this by making the space between F1 and F3 into a battery bay which has plenty of room for a 3S 5000mAh battery and cut a hatch into the top of the sheeting. Other changes are swapping the u/c to a small carbon fibre unit, 3D printing the cowl and moving the tailplane servos to the rear to offset the battery weight. The pilot and windscreen are also 3D printed. It all comes out to 4lbs 1oz including the battery and with 525W of power it should have good flight performance.


    ps, I have just gone back and checked Peter's build article (RCME Miss Lizzy build article) for the weight and that states 4lb 1oz, exactly the same as I have achieved with my electric conversion. Just curious if the quoted weight is with or without fuel, mine is in flying condition including the battery weight (13oz).



    • Like 12
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  14. Are the ailerons the same thickness, are the control horns on the ailerons set the same distance back from the hinge line. Otherwise as per Martin, it depends how you have generated 4 servo outputs from the Tx / Rx and if all channels have the dame end points / mix.

  15. One model I use an APC IC prop on is my Ripmax Rapier which runs a 9x7 at >16,000rpm in a full power dive as the motor unloads. This is on the APC limit for E props (150,000/9 = 16,700rpm) but IC at this diameter is good to higher rpm (190,000/9 = 21,100rpm).


    In terms of relative performance of IC and E props, APC publish information on each prop for thrust and power at APC Performance Data.



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