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  1. Alan, if you order direct from http://www.windrider.com.hk/  before the end of the month you'll get it P&P free. This is how I bought mine last year and due to the exchange rate it only cost me about £45!  Ming's service is very good and it will only take a fortnight, or usually less to reach your door from ordering. BTW, they are such an easy model to fly that I actually took this photo with tranny in one hand and camera phone in the other!
  2. Posted by Bri. on 17/03/2010 20:11:02: Is the next survey  going to be 35megs versus 2.4? could be a good one.  Especially if you could only vote for one or the other, quite a few people have both! 
  3. 54 years old   All things electric  (given up ic)   Slope soaring   Modelling for 41 years!   First model was KK Soarer baby   Taught 3 people to fly.    
  4. Another vote for the Speedo II, but for ultimate zero wind performance the Mini-fireworks from T9 Hobbysport takes some beating, oh and it's small enough to keep in the car in one piece just like the Speedo.
  5. Posted by Nigel Hunter on 11/02/2010 22:41:41: It's probably the only bad plane that E-Flite ever made ................    Unfortunately I can assure that it isn't. The four different E-Flite models that I've had dealings with have been dire to say the least. All of them having poor quality (brittle and hard) wood, twisted surfaces and poor quality covering, however, they all flew superbly once I'd sorted out the problem areas.  
  6. Ernie, try coating the wood to be covered with 'Balsaloc', allow to dry well and then iron on the fabric in the usual way..  Edited By Dead-stick on 12/02/2010 17:56:16
  7.   Posted by Bobbyr on 31/12/2009 16:56:18: well as much as i admire all the responces here on this subject i cant believe that anybody has not mentioned an ARTF Speedo thermo 1.2m cheap chinese model . Unbelievable value at £35 with Fiberglass fuse and a  2piece built up wing , flys in the lightest of breezes yet its very capable of flying in 40 mph no worrys , its a slippy little plane that is as fast as many far more expensive planes , yet as agile as any foam wing model ive seen including alulas .  I do however think that everyone who feels they have gotten value for money out of the model they have purchased surely is a winner anyway .          Bob   Upon your recommendation Bob I bought one of these gliders and I totally agree with you. I maidened it last weekend and it's a little belter! It has no right to perform so well for how much it costs, and it's extremely well made. I have made mine a one piece wing as the airframe is small enough to fit in my car completely assembled.  Thank you Bob for highlighting this one.
  8. Quote:  ''Watch this beast as it lives to fly another day.''   ' Beast' being the operative word!       Still, I suppose it's mother loves it.  Edited By Dead-stick on 19/01/2010 21:06:25
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