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Morgan Goule

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Everything posted by Morgan Goule

  1. May I ask why it has "April 15" written in it?
  2. For some funny reason I really like the colour 😊 & easy fix 😉 couple of carbon bits up the front and some hot glue and she will be good as new 😊
  3. Hi Paul , Welcome to the forum now to the point yes it can be done but is highly NOT recommended wit certain brands such as orange and spektrum, have only ever known them causing trouble and do not bother any more. My own opinionis to stick to the recommended gear e.g. if its a spektrum transmitter I would go for a spektrum reciver , same as futaba and others. Hope that helped a little Morgan
  4. Heres a few pics , the radjets flying together are mine and liam claytons (not my pictures) Edited By Morgan Goule on 13/07/2015 22:31:00
  5. We had been practicing Friday night on keeping close formation and on Saturday we thought we'd just play combat then we managed to hit each other three times over the weekend
  6. I think so Geoff (Would have to check with others) Chris? We have a Transmitter Tent where all transmitters must be booked in and I know we used to accommodate for 35Mhz but don't know whether we still do.
  7. I use staples to print plans
  8. Does anyone know where I can download some other models?
  9. I learnt to fly with an ensign http://gb.trapletshop.com/ensign There's the link to the plan , I had an os 35 glow in it and later sold it as I need the space
  10. Yes max whatever time you want from 10:00 am Friday morning tI'll whenever you want
  11. Afternoon guys, Just here to remind you all that the Greenacres and RCM&E fly in is in two weeks!!! Can't wait😊 & don't forget your radjet👍
  12. And TWS you are right about children laughing at other children about the hobby s I had to put up with this when I was younger and people have only just got to grips with it
  13. I'm going to be completely honest with you all , I am quite offended by the amount of people putting us youngsters down maybe we can be in experienced and a few of us may not be as safe as others in the hobby but ill tell you now that WE HAVE TO LEARN (I am 15 years of age and a B cert holder & have been flying since I was 7) Of course I may have been born into the hobby dad being an rc pilot and cousin being a show pilot but that does not matter to me. I was still a child that had to learn my way around the hobby in a safe manor and if I as a child had read some of the things that you are posting here I would have not been the slightest impressed and for a matter of a fact I have seen 40 year olds join our club and have seen children that are safer around live aircraft but they had to learn. Look guys I'm not trying to be funny but give us a chance here. Rant over.
  14. I love these two (red bull matadors) never fail to impress me at how close and neat they keep their formation
  15. Our club has quite a few "youngsters" and like graham has said we attract more youngsters as there are more and more joining every month and most of them seem to be quite promising pilots
  16. Got my finishing resin from bucks composites good stuff
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