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McG 6969

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Everything posted by McG 6969

  1. Hi Danny, Here is the Krepp Tape 'combing protection cushion' test report, Sir. Taking a jar of about 90mm, I covered it with a piece of Depron (covered w/ packing tape). Sorry, no paint nor generic Chipmunk instruments panel. No rivets, neither. I then cut a piece of insulation foam (50mm x 15mm / thickness 3mm) and beveled it slighty on three of the sides (side number 4 being for the front of the padding). Placed a piece of Krepp tape (65 x 30mm) upside down & center-sticked the foam to it. Presented it to the combing with an overlap at the front of the dash (w/ a bit of foam hanging over) and taped down. Afterwards pressing the foam down at the front and taping down under the combing. A short finger nail job to the tape to 'form' the general shape & done in 3 minutes. Sorry but it takes longer to explain than to do...    A bit of paint, dry brushing or weathering could help a lot & of course, it's not scale for the Chippie, but I like the general look of it. Total weight (with my actual dimensions) = 4 gr. I might even give it a go for the Bella Ballerina, if you don't mind. Cheers Chris BRU - BE / CTR Krepping Control     Edited By McG 6969 on 06/01/2016 19:34:58
  2. Here's a picture of them in place and one of the finished Tucano - Note! I expect all the Ballerinas we do this year to be better than that! ALL Ballerinas, BEB ??? I think I'll better stop right away then... ... and emigrate to a nice Siberian salt mine a.s.a.p... Happy emigrating Chris BRU - BE / CTR Siberian Control
  3. ... sheesh... that's amazing, BEB ! What scale are they? I'm afraid my painting skills will be nowhere close to that result. But if you enjoy painting them, I could always mail you a few Pierres... Happy painting Chris BRU - BE / CTR Acrylic Control
  4. Thank you for your nice words, Danny. I had been thinking about 'rotation moulding' (as a lot of Belgian 'chocolatiers' use that method for their creations) but wasn't aware of the short curing time for Urethane. I'll definitely give it a try but I'll have to consider that the latex is very thin & soft and Pierre could look quite 'funny' or even like Quasimodo... Pierre #2 is curing in the workshop at the moment. Maybe I'll be buying silicone after all. Thank you for the tip. Cheers Chris BRU - BE / CTR Cure Control
  5. Following with interest... Chris BRU -BE / CTR Martyn Control
  6. Hello everybody, While I was cleaning up some storage room to find a home for all those bottles, pots & tubes involved in my latest madness, I discovered a bottle of Latex Rubber with an apparently quite long shelve life. Sure I wasn’t going to throw that in the bin. An artistic friend of mine has carved a pilot (+/- 1:6 scale, I think) for the office of the Bella Ballerina. Looking for some inspiration on the web, she ended up with a very nice figurine torso made out Polymer Clay. It’s some kind of plasticine that you can 'bake' in the oven when carved/finished. Quite heavy but rock solid. So, I decided to experiment with latex moulding as I had it lying around (& silicone moulding is a lot more expensive!), to try to cast some 2K-Styrene (or Urethane) & hopefully get a lightweight figurine. First job is to ad a ply base (covered with packing tape) double-sided taped to Pierre (I guess I just enjoy to give names) & to spray some release/de-moulding agent over him. The process with the latex was a long one. They do sell some 'thickener' for the latex to allow for some thicker layers and a perceptive gain of working time. But - being stupid - I decided not to spend some money on that... and ended with applying 10-12 layers of that thin rubber waiting for some 15 minutes intervals between each layer !!! After waiting about 24 hours to fully cure, I was quite curious about that one... but I got myself a nice looking Rubberized Pierre Clone. Then, I roughly sketched an internal plug for Pierre & built it laminating some layers of 3mm ply. A bit of sanding, installing a dowel for handling and support, followed by a few layers of latex for easy release. Et voila. Up to the casting now… Happy latexing Chris BRU - BE / CTR Mould Control
  7. ... but then maybe you omitted the Corvair, kc... ... I thought I wrote Dr. EIFEL ... not Edsel...  Chris BRU - BE / CTR Corvair Control   Edited By McG 6969 on 06/01/2016 11:47:48
  8. At least Dr. Eifel did use his best TLAR-meter on his TLAR-board... Happy towering Chris BRU - BE / CTR Tower Control
  9. Hi to all & to BEB specially, Could someone - please - translate all this for a French-native Registered Newbie... ??? This reminds me of having to learn a lot of 'acronyms' for punishment... or the NATO alphabet for my first radio license... As I'm supposed to build my 'hybrid' version with an - hopefully light - aft fuselage & tailplanes in Depron, should I then consider placing my Lipo on top of the servos... ??? Happy gravitating Chris BRU - BE / CTR Ground Control
  10. Hi Danny, Amazing job with your decals. So much detail... Did you already find a solution for your head protection padding? I found some Krepp Paper Tape (brand > Tesa / 30mm) used by painters to mask some large curves on walls of buildings. It has a brownish colour, is about 1,2mm thick & has some 'relief' (structure) on it comparable to an anti-slip strip and that allows it it be stretchable sideways to obtain the desired curve. With a small 'pad' underneath to simulate the rubber pad, it might be real close to what you are looking for... I'm intended to try it on a piece of Depron simulating the rounding of your combing. Happy Krepping Chris Brussels, Belgium
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