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McG 6969

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McG 6969 last won the day on May 10 2021

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  1. Hi Carl, Well apparently you're not. There are still just about the 10 of us and you're not part of it. Did you use the 'rejoin' button? Cheers Chris
  2. Hey Dirk, ... that seems to be a huge polishing job... well done, young man... Cheers Chris
  3. ... me to... ... I guess we are all waiting for our Nursing John to activate our League...
  4. Hi PDB, Our league code for anyone who wants to join us is 8397165 and the team name is Modelflying Forumites. As Simon wrote, once you're 'in', the next time you'll see a button "rejoin"... Welcome & Cheers Chris
  5. ... team & predictions = OK... ... just waiting for John P to get out of his winter sleep now... "activate & let the war begin"... Cheers Chris
  6. Hi Mike, My build is on hold since ages now. A double heart surgery early last year is the main culprit. The Sabre Dog is ready for final paint and I hope to resume it after my revalidation - weather allowing, of course. Best of luck with your build (and the Sauce...) Cheers Chris
  7. Hey Mike, Instead of sanding down the dimples of the glass, youl could apply a thin coat of Freddie B Sauce. That way you keep the full strenght of the glass coating. It's a brushable coat of very lightweight 'filler' that sands like butter. Phil C used it as well on his Yugo Sabre. Please see my build blog for further details... Cheers & keep on the great build Chris
  8. Hey Phil, Indeed this has been a very long 'radio silence'. Daily life has been taking over from the enjoyable hobby time I had. To keep it short, the main reason is simply ill health during the past 2 years. A relationship 'misfire', two house moves, two heart surgeries and dito revalidation took the best part of my energy. The Dog is still nicely protected in his cardboard residence since my house moves, but no real progress has been made. The fuse is ready to receive the Belgian red paint while the wing is primered & fine sanded... I can only hope to resume the paint job during the forthcoming months - weather permitting - next after my revalidation period if my mobility allows it. Many thanks for paying me a visit. Cheers Chris
  9. Happy Christmas to all... And a Healthy New Year...
  10. Congrats to JohnS, Tony & Igor for their League's podium 2023... A massive thank you to JohnP for his nursing contribution to our League throughout the season. See you all again next season, I hope... 🏁 Cheers Chris
  11. Congrats to Igor, Simon and... Gaston. With over 50 points to 'cover up', Tony will have a very hard time to beat John. With about the same 'bridge' to cross, I 'll have the same unprobability to close up the gap to Igor... See you all in the desert Chris
  12. F1 learns it overestimated fan demand for Las Vegas, the most expensive race of the year (Star Tribune) 'Well, the big race has finally arrived and tickets are still available, both directly and on a dramatically reduced secondary market. Hotel prices along the Strip have plummeted and all signs suggest first-time F1 race promoter Liberty appears to have grossly overshot the price point for drawing in new fans and spenders.'... Not really surprising when you see the skyhigh 'packages' rates even with the included catering deals... !!! ... Chris
  13. Congrats to JohnS, Tony & Ade. With two races to go, it seems that Tony might have some hard times to beat John in the standings. Forza Tony... It looks like I still have a slight possibility to catch up with Igor. Forza Chris as well then. 😎 Anyhow we had a great battle between grand'pa Fernando and Checo. Well done to both. See you all in The City of Sin... Chris
  14. ... absolutely, Igor... ... and we all need some 'colours' in our lifes... I'll stick to M&M's... Chris
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