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Brian Dorricott 1

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  1. As I use Phoenix I remember a link to a video about bypassing the dongle and using it in joystick mode. The video and files are at RC-THOUGHS.COM and are free to use as are the Phoenix files ( abandonware apparently ) . Followed the video and downloaded the files, plug in any modern TX ( TX16S or Frsky X18S X10 etc) with an USB port and bingo it works like a dream . Only problem I had was windows seeing it but it had I just couldn't see the word joystick anywhere . When you run it comes up as a Microsoft Joystick but calibrate it and it works fine . I looked at another simulator WINGS-RC.COM for about £30 online it's quite fun and allows 3rd party or fpv on about 30 models and several sites , quite fun . Be aware when you download your antivirus might not like it being an .exe file , so turn it off install and then put the anti virus back on and run a scan - no problem . Got to something with the bad weather and the flying site torn up by quad bikers when wet so get on the sim and fly them like you stole them .
  2. Tried them both ( doubting myself ) but thanks .
  3. I have a genuine copy of Phoenix Sim and its correct dongle and use either with a DX6 or Frsky X7S both of which are fine on it plugged into the trainer port . I thought I would drag out my Frsky X18 and plug that in and practise crashing with that because my DX6 is in use for buddy boxing at the club and the X7S is a bit decrepid but the X18 is not recognised by the dongle . Has anyone else had the same problem using trainer port on Frsky with Phoenix ? On a slightly different topic I could not get Windows 11 to recognise the X18 in joystick mode via USB says game controller when plugged in but doesn't flag as joystick , again anyone any ideas please .
  4. Anyone any ideas for a club mate who has old JR transmitters and I assume DSM2 receivers in his planes and his JRs are quite old and worn out . You know when silver finish on the plastic is worn through to black . My first thought was to get him a Radiomaster TX16S which will do both flavours of Spectrum but as he is nearly 90 years old I don't think he would be able to learn Edge TX . Also I thought DSM2 was effectively banned in Europe so any ideas what he can use that doesn't require all new receivers . We at the club have lent him AR410s but they don't bind to his JR TXs. Anyone any ideas as the way to go for him without having to spend on both new transmitters and all new receivers .
  5. That problem with separation isn't confined to Spectrum only , swamping with all these Rx's with telemetry transmitters combined and TX's with receive capability for telemetry isn't a surprise . It's a modern version of the old problem with adjacent 35Mhz channels swamping the receivers when close by but that was down to poor selectivity.
  6. Painless 360 for me , explains well and thoroughly in a relaxed style with good video and lightning . Recognised him once buying ice cream at Weston Park and spoke to him , very nice chap.
  7. Hi all Has anyone homebuilt a plane finder using some of available bits and bobs such as GPS/ESP32 and some form of RF ? I've knocked together GPS/Arduino/SDcard based trackers that are fine for the CAA but am thinking of finding something on the field in real time . The ESP32 Supermini is tiny ( approximately 25mm square) but has inbuilt WiFi and Bluetooth but short range , maybe enough for a tracker system . Anyone any ideas on these lines because we at Sale MFC have lost 2/3 Riots lately and the thick undergrowth and trees coupled with the River Mersey have swallowed them whole despite numerous Drone surveys . Never had much luck with the audible trackers either batteries disconnected on crash or not hearing them until on top of them .
  8. Just do it via audio alerts using a switch to trigger , I was trying to do it from the telemetry menu .
  9. On the NX range is it possible to trigger a voice alert say altitude from a switch instead of every so many seconds . It's dead easy on RM TX16S and FRsky using Ethos or Edge TX but just can't see it on the NX series . I want to flick a switch for the altitude or current used from my Lemon 7 ch receiver . Anyone done it or is it not possible ?
  10. No one has tried this new firmware then ? I'm with EvilC57 on this after being bitten once before a couple versions ago giving warnings all the time after install.
  11. Not much help to you but have you considered Ethos on the X10 Express ? Nice OS once your used to it and I run mine as of last week with Multi 4in1 module making it a " do everything Radio " . Fairly easy to install and Ethos Suite is very useful for updates etc.
  12. All running on Ethos now with multimode , lost my preferred sound pack due to updating but thats soon sorted . Thanks all for comments and pointers Ethos miles better than OpenTX .
  13. Thanks Ron should have known Mr D or Painless360 would have something . Shouldn't take long to put Ethos back as I kept the SD card complete with the firmware backup .
  14. Oh that's good news I like Ethos but was misinformed about it not working with 4in1 module . Where or what is this lua script called/ located please ? Going back to OpenTX after Ethos felt a bit clunky .
  15. Hi thanks for replies , I've decided to stick with OpenTX as it's doing everything I want . When I had a RM T16 I updated to Edge to get the touchscreen in play but again it did everything I wanted . I would have liked to stick with Ethos because it suited me I don't do anything exotic except a few Arduino based telemetry modules but Ethos doesn't support the 4in1 module . So under OpenTX I have a TX that will support my Access/D16ACCST and Spectrum receivers and has a trainer socket for flight sim - quit while I'm ahead ! Unless there is something I don't know about Edge TX that will wow me .
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