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Stuart Z

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Everything posted by Stuart Z

  1. Just my thoughts. The Iwata Neo CN is what I use but this can be greater or less than £100 depending on where you go. You can easily get a full range of spares as well. You can get relatively cheap compressors but you have to remember the cost of hoses and adaptors. It is a fair investment but there are a few complete sets about. I personally have gone for the airbrush rather than a gun (I have a couple of guns for laying on primer) A gun can lay a lot of paint on big areas but the airbrush can do the same, just takes longer. The paint is a key matter to consider. I use acrylics by Vallejo Model Air. But others are others out there. It’s largely a matter of choice but it might be worth getting Ian Peacocks Airbrush book, several copies on eBay to give a broad understanding- yes it’s very dated but a quick cheap way of getting some knowledge.
  2. Yes, I believe there is. If so you are effectively moving the C of G back which would make it more lively, not sure it will be as good as an Acrowot but others may think differently. You still have the broad wing tips which will slow its rotation. S
  3. Hi I have mainly used 3S. I found it very similar to the Riot but with a low wing. It’s a fairy stable bird. Possibly with the control movements upped it may be quite lively. The wing shape is square so not tapered as some aerobatic models. Worth checking out the many articles on here to see what others say. I know my Acrowot foamy is definitely quite lively by comparison. Again my opinion but see other comments. S
  4. Just my view, the Ruckus will be more docile than the Acrowot Foam E Possibly what you wanted? S
  5. Thanks for the continuing input. Current plan is a 63mm Irvine spinner, found one in the box of "not sure when or why I bought it but glad I did.!" Probably cruising a model air show dealer tent and putting it in the basket in hope I'd find a use for it. I have quite a bit of "might need one of them". S
  6. Thanks Trevor & Glenn, I welcome the input. No matter how much I build there is always something new to learn. S
  7. Hi Just installing a Saito 82b in a model, my first 4 stroke. Normally I would use a plastic spinner on a 2 stroke, but somewhere read that’s not good on a 4 stroke. I bought an aluminium one but the spinner back plate insert needs to be made larger. Can I used a reamer on it? Not a lot to get hold of to ream it out. On the spinner itself the prop blade slots need opening up, is that best with a dremel sanding drum or a routing tip? All new to me and can’t find a simple answer- can someone help please. Is the plastic spinner safe for the job or do I need to somehow modify an aluminium spinner. S
  8. Thanks Perhaps it was simpler, perhaps it was a case of what you were familiar with, but it seems there are more variables, In reality the issues are the same, but unlike IC it seems you are forever looking things up. However, I had years of knowing what IC aligned with what. Now’s it’s all new with electric. Hey ho my new pattern model I’m going to be IC. It was going to be way too expensive given I have loads of IC gear. Thanks again kind regards Stuart
  9. Thanks Shaun, Didn’t see an alert to your reply. Thanks for the information-it is definitely a big learning curve but I think I’m getting there with your help. I’ll get the props you mentioned and see what gives the best performance as I can revert to the lower motor and interpolate the options as I go. Many thanks S
  10. Hi Still stumbling in the dark a bit. I’ve tried a 4S battery with a 50 amp ESC and got the next higher rated motor from 4 Max. (1270). Now pulling well over 50 amps on 11x5.5 prop. Any thoughts on how to get the power draw down - on a 3S I only get around a 30-35 amp draw. BTW RPM seems to be around 8000 on the 3S setup. Would have expected more 😟 S
  11. John Good luck with it! The DSM and Marvic models were all good flyers and to be honest all looked very much the same albeit my Saphir had the angled wing tips. S
  12. Probably a wise move - the Irvine motor is generally quite powerful for it’s size. I had a full size Joker (70”) with an Irvine 61 and a mini pipe. Was good and in the vertical ! The Joker 40 is having it’s 30th anniversary this year, I paid the princely sum of £47.95 for it. S
  13. Thanks Jeff That sounds fair enough then. I’ll look to the 4S then. At the moment I’m still battling with the kit. Probably the biggest challenge I’ve built so far with parts that look like they were designed for the 60 size and parts that need a lot of fettling. At the moment working on a tail plane that is 10mm thick to go into a 6mm slot. Aileron stock was actually TE stock. Hey ho, reminds me of the “good old days”. Bit of a shock for anyone used to 21st century ARTF! Thanks for all your help! S
  14. Thanks Jeff I was thinking along the latter lines of swapping the motor along with the battery. Having looked at the motor sizes on 4-Max it will not be straight forward as I thought so it might be a case of going for the 4S and if it's lacking, well that's that. I would welcome Bruce's thoughts though as it looks like it's one or the other with no switch option if the 4S is not up to the job. There was me thinking electric would be simple and clean. Think I'd rather get oily. All seems so simple with IC! S
  15. Jeff, Bruce, Words of wisdom I think. Yes a 5S setup is expensive but the 6S not much more. Having looked at the Bullet and the Moonglow they both use 4S setups. I'll try that and if it lacks the necessary, I'll upgrade to 6S setup. The cowl will accommodate both as far as I can see. Thanks to you both for the advice. A black art indeed! S Jeff - Thanks for the link!
  16. Thanks Jeff, The Joker 40 is a deceptive name having a wingspan of 59" (if I don't mess with it). Looking at the 4-Max site it's more the Sebring Katana in size and weight albeit the wings are foam and not built up. So it looks like an expensive 5S set up is required. Puzzling, the Moonglow is also similar in size and weight but the specs for that are very very different. Beginning to make the OS 55AX on a pipe more attractive, just not at some of the clubs I go to. I can't find "Electricalc" but maybe that would help? S
  17. Hi Has anyone any experience of electric setup in a DSM / Marvic Joker 40? Originally thought OS55AX but was wondering about electric setup. No experience of electric. S
  18. Hi David I only used standard servos in my Joker and Calypso way back when. I suspect better servos will give better response, mine seemed fine at the time. S
  19. I had an OS 61RF and pipe on my Calypso by Mod Tech and that was only about 3” extra span. So maybe similar. Certainly had serious vertical performance Any thoughts on that? S
  20. All this exchange has motivated me to get my Joker 40 onto a clear bench. Looks straightforward as fuselage already done. Thinking OS55 with a pipe. Yet to assess fit and manifold position etc, etc, etc. At least now in the era of 2.4ghz I won’t be shot down like my last Joker ? S
  21. Hi New to electrics, should I be changing the ESC up to next size up, say 50amp, if I’m going to be upgrading similar to the above? Hope you can help S
  22. Mine is a Marvic kit and does have a jig built fuselage. From memory it was DSM with the shop in York.
  23. Hi Not sure that Marvin “took over” from DSM as such I seem to remember buying kits (Jokers & a Saphir) from both. At similar times. Luckily, I still have an unstarted Joker 40 to build. Not sure, but I think Marvic. As said there are no plans supplied. S
  24. Hi I use the GT X2 which must be broadly similar to the X4, obviously 2 outputs instead of 4, but very happy with it. Had it a few years now and buying a second as storage charging is a wee bit slow at only 1 amp. I guess that is fairly common though for storage charging. S
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