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Graham Warren 3

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  1. Or as they say around here, "Tin tin tin!" Translated as "It isn't in the tin!" Cheers, Graham
  2. Mine arrived today (ordered Friday from UK warehouse), Just short of £27 delivered for a box of 5mm and a box of 3mm 500mm x 700mm. Quality looks OK, and it compares well with Depron on price, although Depron comes in 6mm thickness. Take care, Graham Edited By Graham Warren 3 on 25/01/2016 15:34:14
  3. For a gyro, I'd recommend a Spartan Quark. **LINK** Take care, Graham
  4. Congratulations. That's a nice looking cake
  5. Geoff, As I flew rc helis from micro to 600 size for a couple of years I understand what you're saying about larger models having more of a presence in the air, and flying so much 'bigger'. I'm not saying the 58" Tiger Moth won't ever get built, but there are at least three builds in front of it in the queue. I don't have access to a garage, workshop or shed, so building and storage of my planes has to be accommodated within my living space. Maybe it's time to rationalise my fleet and throw out a couple of foamies, or better still, stop buying kits.............yeah, like that's going to happen Take care, Graham
  6. I bought the DB Tiger Moth during a bit of an eBay frenzy It's not the actual build that's troubling me, more the size of the model. I have a 36" span Tiger Moth (I believe it to be by Protech), when I look at that and envision a model with a wingspan almost two foot larger, I think it's going to be too big for me. I'm currently building a Peter Rake 34.5" Bristol Scout, this is my third balsa build, I find the building process to be quite therapeutic and relaxing (I've actually done more building than flying recently). I have a Peter Rake 36" span SE5a, a DLG and a Rake plan for a Pup (I've printed the plan to give a span of 38" ) in my building queue. Although to be fair the DLG looks more like an assembly and finishing job rather than what I'd call a build. I will more than likely buy the DB Pup E in the spring as it's a much more manageable size for me. I also like WW1 bipes Take care, Graham   Edited By Graham Warren 3 on 24/12/2015 14:48:53 Edited By Graham Warren 3 on 24/12/2015 14:49:37
  7. Thanks Manish, unfortunately I fear my building skills wouldn't do it justice, which would be a shame as it's such a beautiful kit. Take care, Graham
  8. Glyn, I recently purchased via eBay a 58" DB S&S Tiger Moth kit, however, on second thoughts I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew with this. I would be more than willing to swap this for the 40" DB S&S Sopwith Pup E kit. I would also include the DB balloon wheels with DH logo (£7) and the 1/6 scale pilot (£3.30) I also recently bought. I appreciate that as a new member of the forum there will be a certain element of distrust, so to allay your fears I'm happy to send my tiggy to you for your perusal before you commit to a deal (I tend to think most people are honest and decent). Besides, if you shaft me I'm gonna rubbish you all over this forum and errr........ well that's it basically. **LINK** The box has a price sticker showing £95, I don't know when this dates from but the kit is laser cut. Have a good Christmas, Take care, Graham
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