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Matthew Lloyd

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Everything posted by Matthew Lloyd

  1. Thanks, Tim, but I think I need to concentrate on the day job at the moment - I will add that idea to the growing list of alternative vocations! And thank you Lee - when I am ready I will give you a shout. Right, now back to work...
  2. I recently received a 46" Wildthing for my birthday (lucky me!) - it was recommended as a good beginner's slope model. It's a lovely kit. Is it true that A. Head may retire soon? Will SAS then finish? It seems a great shame if this is true - such well designed and produced models deserve to be marketed and packaged better. When I looked at the website I was rather shocked at how poor it was put together considering how well regarded the models are. Can't wait to chuck the WT off the Longmynd - I will report back on my progress sometime soon...
  3. oooh - I would love this. Add me in please, fingers crossed!
  4. Whilst working as a model maker in the 80's, I heard the story that Stupid Glue (for that was what we called cyanoacrylate), was developed during the Vietnam war as a field 'stitching' glue to close wounds. Has anyone else heard this? It is amazing stuff, but when we used to spray kicker on it the fumes would bellow off the join and we would turn away to avoid breathing in the heady clouds. I now treat it with great respect and work with windows open - and wonder wether a dab of the old PVA would do just as well if not better...
  5. oh yes, and it's a lovely colour too! Count me in please
  6. my top three: 1. Westland Lysander 2. DH Mosquito 3. Fieseler Storch
  7. Excellent stuff. You may like my addition to the 'Model for 2008' thread where I suggest resurrecting Hanno Pretner's Stratos delta, made from polystyrene packaging and brown paper. Nothing beats turning a pile of unwanted stuff into a flying model - where's the magic in all these RTFs?
  8. mmm, tricky this, but here goes: 1. Something along the lines of Hanno Pretner's Stratos delta - a plan from years ago - Radio Modeller I think. Made from a sheet of packing polystyrene and covered in brown paper - a real Eco-friendly design! I think an electric version would work very well. We used to knock these up in less than a week and stick on old .40 or .60 up front. They went like stink from the hand (vertically!) and we didn't cry when they broke. Go on - try a 'green' theme and get folks to use old bits of kit and recycled materials for some cheap and very cheerful fun! 2. Westland Lysander. Fond memories of putting the Airfix kit together. Should make a good solid plane. 3. DeHavilland Mosquito. A real Wooden Wonder!
  9. Never mind cameras - aren't computer wireless networks running on 2.4Ghz? Some outfits have a good range of up to 100mm - surely they also might have an effect?
  10. • ARTF: Almost Ready To Fling • Contact! • from left: "Here, I think you'll need this!" • thinks: "now, did I switch on?" • Incoming!
  11. Hi Chris Can you get in touch with me directly? Send me an email on [email protected] Thank you Matthew
  12. I've never tried slope soaring - isn't there a model club up there? I used to fly with the Wrexham MAC - years ago - and really enjoyed the club atmosphere. I also believe that to fly at a club is more responsible - but no less fun.
  13. Hi both I am also near Ludlow, and have been looking for somewhere nearer than Shrewsbury for a come-back-to-the-hobby-later-in-life flyer - who has a Tiger Trainer waiting for action. I like the look of the club at Montford Bridge, but it's not really within easy distance of Ludlow. I guess somebody should start a South Shropshire club...
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