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Gary Clark 1

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Everything posted by Gary Clark 1

  1. The Bullet seems like a great plane then and definitely something I'd like to give a go at some point (alongside my Kougar instead of replacing ). I think the Kougar is one of my favourites because it was the first model I ever built properly so I've always been unwilling to throw it away when it gets old and battered due to nostalgia and its flying qualities. I think it's just an illusion KC, the black/yellow one was just a recovering job rather than a rebuild so everything SHOULD be the same......I think
  2. Hi KC. The Bullet is not a model I am familiar with but after having a look they seem very similar. I also like the look of the bigger Cibre Mk II Gary
  3. Think i've figured out the photo thing..Here she is in previous lives My plan is to make a new canopy and turtle deck, glass her, retracts and electric conversion. This will probably mean a removable top deck around the canopy area. Not sure what paint scheme yet but I'm tempted with the Tucano look again or maybe something different but that is future Gary's problem!
  4. It's getting harder to get them in the UK now. I had a chat with the guys at Pegasus models (I was going to be lazy and just buy another one) and apparently the European importer for sig has gone out of business. I always wanted its big cousin the King Kobra but can't get it anywhere just now. Something to look out for i guess.. Ive got the wing stripped, some photos to follow (when i figure out how) Gary
  5. Hi All, I thought i would start this thread to let people have a look at the refurb of my SIG Kougar and also let me gain some ideas from the many expert builder on here. This isn't going to be a particularly quick process as I'm also building a 1/4 scale Moth Minor from a Jerry Bates plan but i like having something on the side away from the big scale stuff! I love these forums for people suggesting things so please feel free to step in whenever. Anyway, to the Kougar..... She has already had a couple of liveries so far but the time has come to strip her down, repair the repair and get her back to a new like standard. This is one of the easiest, exciting and enjoyable planes i've had so that's why I'm going ahead with this on a fairly simple aircraft. I recommend anyone to give one of these a go! First question, has anyone any experience stripping tissue and dope?!
  6. Enjoying your build Geoff. I'm like Martyn, having a go at freecad but would live to see how you do it. Gary
  7. Hi Guys, The best plans never make it last the first engagement and unfortunately for me, my job means I'm in the midst of moving house which I was not expecting a few months ago. I won't be able to take part this year but will watch on as I'd like to build this aircraft at some point. Good luck and enjoy! Gary
  8. That's my plan also Chris. I have a Brian Taylor Spit that is only half done so will have to work hard to get that done first!!
  9. I remember looking at this plan and liking it when it was published so I'm happy with the decision! Nice little plane! Do people start cutting the parts early or start everything in March? Gary
  10. Hi all, I've never taken part in a mass build before buyi would like to give it a go. Looking forward to finding out what aircraft! Gary
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