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Peter Miller

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Everything posted by Peter Miller

  1. My first job after leaving the RAF was as a maintenance fitter in a plastic bottle factory.The operators had brass rods to clear jammed bottles. I was horrified to see them grinding the chisel points on a grindstone. No one seemed to see the danger that flakes of brass or other non ferrous metal could fly off the grindstone and embed themselves in flesh. That would have got you on a charge in the RAF.
  2. I can't understand the need for Expo.. It is obvious......... If you don't want the control to move so far..........Don't move the stick so far. But then I learned when a TX had two sticks, four trim levers and an on-off switch
  3. Sunbeam S-8 Shaft drive 500cc. Cost me £15 and I rebuilt it completely and then added ape hangars, fancy exhausts, Maserati Air horns etc. Then got back into model aircraft and sold it. Lovely bike to ride.
  4. I drove Reliants from about 1970 onwards. I had my Rialto up to 80 on a straight road. Never frightened myself...unlike motor bikes.My bikes, well one was my show bike that built in the very late 60s
  5. That looks great. I have found that blue does not blend into sky blue skies as it is darker and if inverted it is in shadow. I think that the fact that I actually bought the kit for my electric conversion says a lot for the model and it's handling.
  6. The correct CG location is 25% of the chord back from the leading edge at the root. Oodalally fuselage.pdf Oodalally wing.pdf
  7. Hi Nick. I think I may have done an R/C Biplane done on that theme but maybe I will look into the idea. Hi i12fly Glad you liked them, they were nice and among my favourites. THe Magister was a nice model too and very accurate. Enjoy. Grumpy Tiger Cub was amazing as it would fly so well on one engine that one could work out which engine had died. A club member has just built one for electric power but has not flown it yet.
  8. Thank you. That is one of the things that makes it worth while.
  9. I am not too sure bout not losing my marbles!! I can tell you that some years ago I did two nice scale models for someone who wanted to kit them.I am now told that they are with Kevin Crozier for future plans. I am looking for inspiration at the moment
  10. Thank you. It was a labour of love which gave me great pleasure and was very rewarding.
  11. Hi Folks This is a complete list of my published material and includes two designs done for a prospective kit manufacturer which have now been bought by RCM&E and which are scheduled for publication BOOKS Four Stroke Model Engines, the first book on the new generation of four cycle engines and still the best on the subject. Model design, published in August 95 by Traplet, paid lump sum. High Flying on a Low Budget, April 96 Traplet, Paid £1300 Essential tips and techniques £1500 Essential tips and thechniques Vol 2 £1500 COLUMNS The Engine Bay R/C Model World From Jan 84 for 7½ years. Originally an engine column but broadened to cover all aspects of modelling. Given up due to problems with the publisher over my book. 87 total Radio Control Model Mart column "Sports Flyer" As from July 94 issue 11 columns, 11 Hints & Tips pages and 11 Problem pages. May 95 issue last, total 33 articles. Asked to continue modified Sports Flyer Column in Model and Collector's Mart ran 5 issues Radio Modeller, Miller's Tales, asked to write this column even though I had a column with R/C Model Mart. The only person ever to have two columns at the same time in rival magazines. First Column June 95 issue.19 to Jan 97 (Quit because of new editor Asked to start again in May 97) Moved over to RCM&E when Radio Modeller was combined with that magazine Asked to edit gadget pages for Aviation Modeller International and create first few. Monthly at first. 2 by aug 96, 82 X June 2003 Gave up AMI HIDT pages. Promptly asked to do same for RCMW. First one published in Novemebr 04 issue. 11 before stopped Then asked to do Miller's Tales again in AMI. first came out in October (Dec issue) This contued until AMI closed, then moved to R/C Model Flyer. Finally ended when Model Flyer closed end 2014. 05.+Transatlantic Notes Column for Model Shopper (USA, about 8 issues) Safety First, Column for Radio Control Models and Electronics in early 80s, about 6 Millers Tales moved to R/C Model Flyer when that magazine bought out AMI. ARTICLE MAGAZINE 1 Finding Aircraft Relics Aircraft Illustrated 2 Teaching Aeromodelling Aeromodeller 3 Designing Aerobatic biplanes Aeromodeller 4 Penny Plain.. Aeromodeller 5 Come fly with me Amateur Photographer 6 Models go to work Geographical Magazine 7 Put wings on the your Camera Model Shopper (USA) 8 Control Line Scale Models ASP Scale Special 9 An Open and Shut Case Aeromodeller 10 Aerial Photography from Models RCMW 11 Plan for sale RCMW 12 The Big Cover up RCMW 13 Old Warden Scale day R/C Scale Models USA 14 Photograph your model RCM&E over two issues 15 Aerial Photgraphy from Models The Journal of Aerial Archaeology 16 Power to elbow RCMW 17 Taylor Monoplane history includimg scale drawings of full size aircraft Scale A/C Quarterly 18 Save Weight add Strength RCR USA 19 Roland Graunchet at WaW RM 20 Fun Fly models RCMW 21 Diesel Engines RCM USA 22 Fun Fly Model Flt 91 23 SMA Model Flt 91 24 Mini Starter Radio Modeller Feb 92 25 Tales Comp Ill The Author Jan 92 £50 26 Shoot 'em on the wing RM March 92 27 Cox failsafe R/C review RM Aug 92 28 Putting on the Style Pt I BMFA News Nov 92 29 Memiors of a HairyM FMD&C Nov 92 30 Basic Design Pt 1 RM Jan 92 Jan 92 31 Second Hand Engines RCMW Nov 92 Feb 93 32 Basic Design Pt 2 RM Jan 92 Feb 93 33 Image 200* RCM Dec 92 April 93 34 Image 200 RM April 93 35 Second hand models RCMW Feb 93 April 93 36 Putting on the Style pt 2 BMFA news MARCH 93 37 Photographing models* AM Dec 92 June 93 38 Tools part 1 AM March 93 July 93 39 Memoirs Pt II FMDC May 92 June 93 40 Building from plans RCMW plans cat Feb 93 July 93 41 Tools Part 2 AM March 93 Sept 93 42 Putting on the Style 3 BMFA News May 93 Sept 43 Engine Trends RCMW Sept 93 Jan 94 44 Knight Flying BFA News Oct 93 Dec 93 45 Pages From the past BMFA News Oct 93 Dec 93 46 Memoirs Pt 3 FMDC Dec 93 000 47 S/H Models RCR Feb 94 June 94 48 R/C, a different app. FMDC Jan 94 49 Memoirs Pts IV FMDC May 92 50 Correx models RCMW Sept 51 Building from plans RCMW Oct Nov? £115 52 Writing for Mags BMFA News June 93 Dec94? 53 Memoirs Part 5 FMDC Issue 7 54 Memoirs Part 6 FMDC Issue 8 56 Memoirs Part 7 FMDC Issue 9 57 Memoirs Part 8 FMDC Issue 10 59 Safety First RM Nov 96 60 Waco conversion RCMW Jan 97 61 Vash Negar Enchantica News Letter, fantasy short story7 62 Photographing models Pt1 RCMW 63Photographing model Pt 2 RCMW 64 Photographing Models Pt 3 RCMW 65 Not Been There AMI Aug 97 issue 66 Aerial Photography FMDC 67 to 72 Memoirs Pts 9 to 14 FMDC 73 The Barbeque FMDC Oct 97 000 74 Building from plans RCMW Sept 75 More Fun Per Pound AMI Nov 76 Old Warden report in R/C Scale Modeler in the USA, a long time ago 77 Soldering article in RCMW, in the Knowledge section 78 The Model Shop FMDC 79 Nostalgia ain't what it used to be FMDC 80 Doesn't itmake you sick. FMDC 81 Buyer of the Model Rule FMDC 82 First Trainer RCMW July 97 83 Intsructors, FMDC 84 Weather FMDC 85 Charger AMI April 86 Two Stroke Strip Down. Engine servicing article in AMI 87 Top ten tips soldering Photo feature in AMI 85 Modeling types in FMDC 86 Top Ten Tip, Controls RCMW, drawings, photos etc 87 Four Stokes AMI July? 88 Random ramblings FMDC Mar 00 89 Randon Ramblings FMDC June 90 Doing it My Way S&E Modeler 91 Flying Colours, RCMW 92 Random Ramblings 93 Random Ramblings 94 Making wheels 95 Laminiating in Sailplane & Electric Modeller 96 Vintage glider rally AMI photo feature 97 Moulding canopies AMI 98 Documentation photos AMI 99 Engine cooling AMI 100 Random Ramblings Jan 02 101 Making Dummy Engines. Flying scale Models Jan/Feb 02 102 Weathering FSM Jan Feb 02 103 Insignia, FSM Jan/Feb 02 104 Simple Sums, FSM May 02 105 Documentation. article in Flying Scale Models 106 Quiet engines, FSM. May 03 107 Subject Selection. FSM, Sept issue 108 Weight, The Model Killer, AMI, October issue 109 Structures pt 1 FSM Dec 03 110 Structurs Pt 2 FSM Jan 04 111 Controls pt 1 FSM April 04 112 Controls Part 2 FSM March 04 113 Radio installation, RCMW Plans catalogue 2005 114 Estimating wood for plans RCM&E July 05 115 WSelling plans FSM 2006 October isue 116 Making fuel tanks Model Flyer 117 Silver Soldering RCM&E website internet. 118 Ground School. Why modles fly Feb 08 RCM&E 119 Ground school Part 2 March RCM&E 120 Flight camera Action. Using the Oregon Scientific camera. June 08 AMI 121 Designing models part 1 Feb 09 RCM&E 122 " " " 2 Mar 09 RCM&E 123 " " " 3 April 09 RCM&E 124 repairing ARTFs part 1 6th May 09 RCM&E 125 " " " 2 July 09 RCM&E 126 Building from plans part 1 Feb 10 RCM&E 127 " " " " 2 March 10 RCM&E 128 " " " " 3 April 10 RCM&E 129 10 Things about engines June 2010 RCM&E 130 Stripping engines Part 1 RCM&E dec 2011 131 Piano Wire RCMW 132 Repeat Engine article in Woerkshop Special 133 Repeat Repaiirng ARTFs Workshop Special 134 “ “ “ “ “ Part 2 135 Making canopies from bottles. RCM&E 136 Photographs for documentation. RCMW Dec 2015 issue 137 Buying second hand RCM&E Aug 16 138 Cockpits and Windcreens RCM&E Feb 2018 139 Painting pilots RCM&E 2018 140 141three articles on building from palns reprinted 142 143 Article in engine stripping reprinted 144 "Insanity " My very distorted design description. 145 O-Four9ier electric conversion 146 Oodalally electric conversion Product reviews 1 Dumas Smoothie Aeromodeller 2 Sterling Spitfire Aeromodeller 3 Hercules Camera Plane RCM&E 4 Scorpio canard RCM&E 5 Custom Cruiser Radio Modeller 6 Wik Charly RCMW 7 Windbag RCMW 8 MFA Skyhawk RCMW 9 Midwest Hots RCMW 10 Premier Pirouette RCMW 11 Starburst RCMW 12 Sky Master review RM April 93 13 Reno M250 review RM Feb 94 April 94 14 Baby Birdie Review RM May 94 July 94 15 Ceto Review RM June 94 July 16 Ceto R/C review Aeromodeller June 94 Nov? 17 Pilatus Review RM July Dec 18 Par Par Review RM Jan 95 19 Patriot Review Pt 1 RCMM Jan Feb 95 20 Patriot Review Pt 2 RCMM Jan Mar 21 Battery Master Review RM Jan 22 Condor review RM Oct 23 Shukoi Review RCMM Feb 24 Parakeet review RM Feb 25 DAD review RCMW Mar 26 Flamenco review RM, April July 27 Inkswift FW 190 RCMW, built by Grham Smith, written by me 28 Jamara Sunriser, RM Nov 95 Feb 96 29 Vicompte review AMI Jan 96 July £60 30 Flite-mate review RM March June £50 31 Battery charger rev RM April July £50 32 Fournier Review AMI June 33 Electricub rev RM June 34 Inkswift P-47 AMI , Built by Grham Smith, written by me 35 Union Cub Review Aeromode Jan 97 36 Spectra Review RCMW Nov 37 Swarm of Bees RCMW Aug 38 Easy Pigeon Review RM Sept 39 Extra Slim rev RM Jan 98 40 Astro Hog rev AMI Feb 98 41 Fleet Omega review MW Marhc 98 42 Ripmax Hellcat review AMI March 98 43 Kyosho t-33 review RM July 98 44 T-34 Mentor review AMI Reviewed by Stuart Pickett, witten by me 45 Westerly Review AMI Reviewed by Graham. writen by me 46 Taube review RCMW built by Stuart , text and pics mine 47 Banana Review RM July 48 Happy Fly Review AMI Jan 99 49 Cherokee Review RCMW Jan 99 May 99 50 Goldberg Cub Rev(W/Cover) RCM&E May 99 £100 51 Cambrian Acrostar, RCM&E 52 Kyosho Spitfire ARTF, AMI 53 PT-26 Review AMI Oct 99 54 Design 7 review Review of computer program 55 Rascal review RCM&E Dec 01 Feb 01 56 Scorpio Aquila review 57 Tissan Haifa Banana 2000 RCM&E. 58 Scorpio Miss Europa speed 400 electric ARTF May RCM&E 59 Sig Rascal .40 ARTF June RCM&E 60 Scorpio Taurus. Built by Stuart Pickett, written by me. 61 Piccolo Fun Helicompter April 04 AMI 62 Bellair Playboy vintage elctric 63 Tissan Haifa Barnash review/ AMI Feb 07 64 Cloud Walker review. Kit reviews are about 2,000 words long with photos Construction articles and plans 1 Duchess, Control line aerobatic biplane , Aeromodeller 1974 2 Dancing Girl.Control line aerobatic biplane Model Airplane News USA 3 Thrift light Wt Control line stunter Aeromodeller 4 Lake LA 4 C/L scale amphibian Aeromodeller 5 Flying Banana C/L twin rotor autogyro like Piasecki.MAN USA 6 Tiger Rag Control line aerobatic biplane Model Aviation USA 7 Tiger rag Control line aerobatic biplane Modelarz (Poland) 8 Yak 18 C/L semiscale stunter Aeromodeller 9 Tempete C/L scale homebuilt Model Aviation USA 10 Yak 18 as above Modelarz POLAND 11 Luton Minor R/C scale RCM&E 12 Volks plane R/C scale homebuilt RCM&E 13 Don Kichot 1/4 scale R/C homebuilt Model Aviation USA 14 PeeTee Sportster Semi scale sports R/C RCM&E 15 Ryan B-5 Brougham R/C scale Model Aviation USA 16 Turbulent R/C scale homebuilt R/C Scale Modeler USA 17 Turbulent as above RC Model World 18 Miss 57 semiscale R/C sports model RC Model World 19 Agrocat Semiscale R/C sportster with crop dusting facility RC Model .. World 20 Brugger Colibri R/C Scale homebuilt RC Model World 21 Lady Eowyn R/C High wing cabin monoplane aerobatic, R/C model world 22 Taylor Monoplane R/C scale homebuilt Scale Aircraft Quarterly 23 T.R.I 6 AL Pursuit (Trivial Pursuit) Semi scale R/C Radio Modeller 24 Laughing Samurai Special R/C sports Radio Modeller (Oct 90 25 Fan Dancer, Competition Fun Fly Radio Modeller Nov 91 26 Aztec Two-Step, 020 powered twin Dec Radio Modeller Dec 91 27 Tequila Sunrise Semi scale R/C Model Radio Modeller Feb 91 *28 Taylor Monoplane scale drawings of full size aircraft 29 0-Four9ier, semiscale powered glider 30 Yuppy Love, small aerobatic biplane 31 Montezuma's Revenge, Aerobatic flying wing for .40 32 American Dragon, semi scale biplane 33 The Little Ship, Vintage designed by Dick Schumacher ONly a small reproduction 34 Tequila Sunrise, as 28 in RCM (USA) 35 Netopyr Czech vintage design 36 Moon Dancer, sports aerobatic model 37 Aerobic, indoor aerobatic radio control. 38 Waco PG-2 Scale Model for 2 .049 engines RCMW 39 Sunbeam Part I Ultra simple powered glider for Cox Texaco 049 Sunbeam Pt II 40 Monocoupe 110 scale model with basic history of full size 41 R/C Coquette R/C adaption of Vic Smeed design 42 Blue Movie II RCMW Experimental plastic model in Correx 43 Quark Plan Aeromodeller CO2 powered R/C, weight 2 ounces. *44 Stitts Baby Bird, 3 view of worlds smallest aircraft published SAMs 45 MAK 15 Co2 Powered Russian powered glider, published by SAMS 46 Shrike Commander, .020 powered scale twin, hairy!! 47 Velie Monocoupe, 44"span scale model for .074 and four channel radio **48 Aerobic kit by Miniature Aircraft Factory as 37 above. 49 Faile (Falcon) RM, Scale up of O-Four9ier, see 29 50 Waco PG-2 Scale twin in Radio Control Modeller USA as 38 above 51 King Condor. Enlarged Trivial Pursuit see No 23 52 Peanuts, 049 trainer in book and plans service, basically a cut down Sunbeam 53 Moondancer 25, Scaled up version of 36, Oct 96 RM 54 Velie Monocoupe, Scaled up version of 47 for .25 engines.Dec 96 RCMW 55 Lady Samantha, Spoof scale in RCMW April 97 56 Pink Panter, CO2 F/F design in Aeromodeller. 57 Magee Challenger CO2 spoof scle in Aeromodeller 58 Cavalier CL plan in AMI 59 Electric Little Ship Full size plan in AMI as 33 above 60 Tipsy Nipper plan RCMW profile fun fly 61 Dragon Dancer RCM&E June 98, 40 size Moondancer 62 Granny Weatherwax, rubber powered witch in AMI 63 Fantasy 2, sport scale for .20 to .25s in AMI 64 Cavalier Plan in Flying Models, USA. repeat of 58 above. *65 Zivko Edge scale 3 view as part of a Miller's Tale 66 Photo Prince keldar Flying Models Jan 99 Nov 00 67 Chantilly Lace. .40 powered open cockpit aerobatic. RCM&E 68 Peggy-Sue, 30 FS powered high wing aerobatic model Flying Models 69 Signorina, .12 powered trainer with Sig foam wing 70 Macchi 202 1/12th scale fighter 71 Stubble Jumper plan, Parasol wing in AMI. Built By Dave Perryman 72 Messy Wolf RCM&E Mar 00 Mar 01 73 Mary Lou Flying Models July 00 Mar 01 74 Umaguli AMI Jan 01 March 01 75 Miss Molly RCMW 76 Lady Samantha in RCM (USA) 78 Jolene in AMI 79 Peyret Mauboussin electric power in S&E Modeler, USA 80 American Nightmare .15 powered twin in RCM&E *81 Zivko Edge 540 3views in Flying Models 82 Easter Eagle Electric powered glider, RCM&E 83 Easter Eagle Mk 2 in S&E Modeler, USA 84 Fletcher FD-25B in Flying Scale Models 85 Fantasy 3 AMI JUne 02. 86 Toot Sweet in RCM&E, July 02, Scale up of Yuppy Love. 87 Kawasaki Hein for 15s in AMI January 03issue 88 Kirby Motor Tutor in FSM February issue 89 Ohmsick Angel Quiet Flyer, USA. 90 Firedrake RCM&E July 03 91 Paladin, R/C Model World. 92 Bootlace semi-scale Shoestring RCM&E Jan 04 93 Stupid Cupid 15 powered C/L stunter AMI Feb 04 94 Dancing Girl. .46 powered aerobatic AMI **95 Macchi Folgore plan for Cambria Kits 96 PT Boat in Model Boats. First boat design Aug 04 97 Culver Dart in RCM&E as full size plan., Aug 04 98 Stitts Playboy in FSM Aug 04 *99 Aeromod Loadmaster 3-view (Biplane Piper Cub based on Janes article. 100 Li'l Mustang, semi-scale aerobatic, RCMW Dec04 issue *101 Kirby Motor Tutor in FSM with plan of model. 102 Tipsy Junior R/C plan in March 05 RCM&E 103 Rhapsody, two parts in AMI June and July 05 issues 104 Miss Lizzy, RCM&E Sports design Sepet 05 105, Cjetkovic Mini Ace, Scale model RCMW Sept 05 106 Corben Super Ace in FSM UAug issue 107 Miss Cassy in R/C Model Flyer. 108 Fike E in RCM&E Feb 206 109 Midget Mustang 1/5th scale RCM&E October 06 110 Marauder AMI Sept & October 06 issues 111 Wattsdog, electric power RCM&E Dec 06 isue 112 Symphony Elliptical wing aerobat RCMW Jan 07 issue 113 Sonerai, Sports semi-scale modelApril RCM&E 114 Bonzo, Sports model RCMW June 07 115 CAP 21 sport scale aerobatic RCM&E, August 07 issue 116. Fournier RF7, scale model. RCMW. Sept 07. 117 Little Bandit AMI Jan 08 issue 118 Werewolf Jan 08 RCM&E 119 Size Zero. March 08 RCMW 120 Denight Special RCM&E April 08 issue 121 Cassutt .15 powered in RCM&E July 08 issue 122 Okie Swinger in RCMW July 08 issue 123 Feugrey TR 260 french aerobatic aircraft RCM&E 123A Feugrey TR 260 in 2011 RCM&E plans hand book 2011 124 Gusty 3 views in Miller's tales. 125 Renegade Pattern Ship in RCMW Jan 09 issue 126 Big Ship, enlarged Little Ship in Jan 09 RCM&E 127 Cessna Airmaster. FSM Feb 09 128 Frisky pete vinatge control line in May 09 Model Flyer 129 Midget Mustang, Control liner in May 09 RCM&E 130 R/C Roamer. Vintage R/C from Cal Smith, RCM&E July 09 issue. 131 Luciole 3 view in Millers tales 132 Luciole plan RCM&E NOvember 09 issue 133 Slingsby T31M February 10 RCM&E 134 Super Trooper March 10 RCM&E 135 Harmony RCM&E June issue 136 Tailwind RCM&E Aug issue 137 Van's RV-3 in November 2010 RCM&E 138 Swizzle Stick in RCMW Nov 2010 issue 139 Witt-V racer in Traplet Plans handbook 2010 140 Melody biplane RCM&E March 2011 141 Super Acro 3 view in colum Miller's Tales May 2011 AMI 142 Fournier RF 7 in RCM&E 143 Super Acro on RCMW September 2011. 144 PTBoat in Model Boats contruction Special 145 Feurgrey T260 in RCM&E plans hand book 2011. 146 Dalotel RCMW Dec 2011 147 Legrand Simon RCM&E Dec 2011 148 Turbulent Sold to RAM Models for part kit. 149 Harlequin. RCM&E March 2012 issue 150, Miles Magister sold to RAM models as a kit. 151Sandow. Enlarged vintage. RCM&E July 12 152Minnow aerobatic semi scale RCMW Sept 2012 issue. 153Wee Mad Arthur. Sports aerobatic for .15, Model Flyer October issue. 154Dragon Dancer.2 aerobatic for .25 to .32 in RCM&E December issue 155Sky Rover General purpose for . 48. .52 Four strokes. Model flyer Dec issue 156 Fokker DVIII. Scale in January RCMW. 40 FS power 157 Oodalally Sports aerobatic. RCM&E 158 Culture Vulture .049 powered glider Modl Flyer June 13 issue 159 Dancing Queen. Sports aerobatic RCMW July 13 160 Swamp Rat Sports aerobatcic RCM&E July 2013 161 Panic Attack Model Flyer Aug 13 issue 162 Alley Cat RCMW Feb 2014 163 CAP 20L RCM&E March issue 2014. 164 Fanlight Fanny R/C Model Flyer, May issue 2014 165 Miss Alliance RC Model World May 2014 166 Grumpy Tigercub RCM&E June 2014 167 Fournier RF-7 for cox .049. RCMW June 2014 168 White Lightning, Sports aerobatic. RC Model Flyer November 2014 issue 169 Scoville Stardust. RCMW Jan 2015 170 Jezebel. RCM&E Feb 2015 171 Grumpy Skylark \RCMW March 2015 172 Floozy, Biplane RCMW 173 Repeated Fournier RF-7 RCMW 174 Scoville Stardust, Racer, RCMW 175 Gold Fever RCMW November issue 176 Ballerina RCM&E December 2015 177 Peyret Maubousssin plan RCM&E 178 Locamp Plan RCModel World 179 Super Marauder plan RCM&E. 180 Size one RCMW 181 RWD5 RCMW March 2017 182 Kitehawk, RCM&E March 2017 183 Fletcher Defender FSM April 2017/ Reprint of plna number 84. 184 Destiny RCM&E Oct 17 185 Peggy Sue 2 RCM&E May 18 186 Easter Eagle Senior RCM&E August 2018 187 The Ohmen, Electric powered aerobatic, RCM&E October 2018 188 Little Miss Honky Tonk Sports aerobatic Feb 2019 189 Li'l Cub STOL June 2019 190 Miss Deeds, August 2019 191 Moon Dancer 2020 192 Miss Sizzles July 2020 193 Rans S-9 Chaos RCM&E Oct 2021 194 Stampe March 2021 195 Team Minimax MArch 2022 196 Hound Dog RCM&E Oct 2022 197 O-Four9ier-E RCM&E Feb 2023 *** Druine Turbulend exkit design, scheduled for RCM&E *** Miles Magister Unused kit design, scheduled for RCM&E I am tired!!!!!!!!
  12. Two spelling mistakes in one word???!!!. Obviously whoever dreamed up that notice qualified to use the lift.
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