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Peter Miller

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Everything posted by Peter Miller

  1. We shall have to see. At the moment just doing the Compufoil wing is enough.
  2. Great! Glad that you are happy. CG on the spar is right!
  3. I agree about the drag flaps. I wonder why they are needed when there are elevons. They might be a step too far. We shall see. I do favour the KISS principle. Keep it simple stupid!!!
  4. Hi Martin I never mind what people do to my designs, it is also designing and people can improve on them in that way. What matters is that people have fun and enjoy what they do. I am designing an interesting model at the moment just to keep my mind working. It is the MW 9 Plank. Look it up on You Tube. If I don't make it I have a very experienced builder who says He will "one day".
  5. VERY NICE!!!! Ah Yes!!! we have an unflown one in the club...waiting to hear how the builder likes it but his is electric. Not the same!!!
  6. I have just come to a standstill. I have a plan on the computer but someone else will build it. I no longer go flying. I can see the flying field from my bedroom with a spotter scope and that is as near as I get. I do more photography now,just local...Very Local or tabletop.
  7. I wonder if I will ever see any of these completed!! I am coming up to 87 so probably not.
  8. My last job was a the tecnician in a craft, design and technical department in an upper school. We had a lad in his final year and his final project was a "toybox" Which consisted of six sheets of chipboard and which was diabolical. Now I was using the equipment to do a "Government" job building a small glow engine and he spotted this and suddenly found a real interest. As I had enough spare material started teaching him. This included turning and milling etc. He didn't have time to finish it but he had gone a long way towards that.. The head of the department was completely amazed. I think I got more satisfaction from finding the lads inspiration to go on and hopefully find a career in something that really interested him. Oh! And mine was finished but didn't work, My Guru Tom Crompton explained where I had gone wrong on the piton/cylinder fits.
  9. Which would mean hours of painstaking work with a sharpened piece of tube for something that would only only be seen in close inspection. In the picture that is yours truly back in about 1958-9. (must check service record) The Canadians visited St Mawgan and then found that our Houchins could not produce enough electric power to start the Sabres so they had to fly in their own starter trolleys.
  10. Rivets? What rivets? Yours Truly on visiting Canadian Sabre
  11. At St Mawgan we had the last Lancasters. One was on the apron with its engines ticking over. A young Pilot Officer came cycling across the apron and rode between the two prop arcs. He wasn't touched but he was still pedalling when he realised what he had done and fainted.
  12. My house taken from my Super Scorpion with a MObious camera
  13. I know, but it is a powered glider as so many are these days. Even full size gliders have auxiliary motors for self launching. Anyway....I am too old to run across a stubble field to launch a model.....Stubble field? Well I can fly this model in the field right across the lane in front of my house. I have flown quite a few power models there over the years. Eat your heart out!!!!
  14. My new model. Value Planes Micro Sinbad. 49" span, 9.3 ounces, vintage glider. Superb kit.Now just need a calm day!?
  15. Many years ago the Canadians got permission to retrieve a crashed Japanese fighter from a jungle in the far east for a museum. They sent a Canadian Hercules to collect it and this was duly loaded into the aircraft and they started back. In the flight hundreds of assorted bugs crawled out of the wreck and when they landed in Honolulu they shut ever door and sprayed masses of insecticide into the aircraft. The next stop was San Francisco and more millions of bugs had crawled out and more insecticide was sprayed into the aircraft. They carried on to Canada where they landed in mid winter with more bugs crawling out. This time they just parked the aircraft out in the open with all the doors open and the freezing temperatures. After that NOTHING MOVED
  16. Personally I would prefer a touch more but if that is what the instructions say...OK
  17. As someone who flew control line for many years (1954-1980+) . The CG is normally on the front line. Do not forget the weight in the outboard wing tip. about an ounce or just over. Second in Shuttleworth Scale day
  18. When I was at St Mawgan 22 Squadron had a Whirlwind that landed in the sea in Padstow Bay. The salt water destroyed the magnesium skin before they could get it out.
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