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Flying Squirrel

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Everything posted by Flying Squirrel

  1. If its for a sim I don't think a straight through cable will work, there are normally some electronics involved EDIT: something like this?.. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/324561174256?hash=item4b915a7ef0:g:SmQAAOSwE~xgbtK8&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA8HJsBb8RDJucW7UMnum2eL7zQQD3uIL%2BUiEu9fGY2VsuXV60TmrNHI8nNj2cGU%2Fustt25tias3abhR9cMyRiqNX3je%2F2Ox%2FFmcVG7f%2FbhDXpSwIkrCWAqHymxwzvV0zwPQWTtafZiwlOuLCx0641UKYp6aWDgdxAPs4B8%2FCYHwlvmCjad5Hss96rs6xZcc7tEA4sUu%2F2lHfgwR8T7hjqqrev8nE1EMhY1ryx6cEcMHUatDVcjaqWrxvAfO2uH%2FZ92jVM0sTAfY0Fa2vBrsrzSygIcJmw5w0gAlIHdY5ezgxKI7zxvWcBPTCU%2FFs3zPEpTg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMkPvr5eFg
  2. It is, and thinking about it, it happens more with the cowl on, either that or I just notice it more as I have to remove the cowl to investigate. I've not noticed it feel overly hot but what temp range should I be looking for if I get the laser temp gun out? I did suspect this as mine actually clamps on to a DIY bracket (the original snapped but) but as far as I can tell the joint/joints are tight and sound, I will check again though. With the engine not running it appears to return OK, there is a throttle stop but this is wound in to allow throttle cut to work. I've had force engines in cars before and they've been OK for the price but this is my first aero one, I fear you may be correct re the carb..
  3. Not yet, I'll try and take one next oppurtunity. The cutting out often only happens in the air though, even after behaiving for several minutes on the ground - maybe that's a clue to the more educated?
  4. Thanks guys, I'm pretty sure (as far as I can be) that plumbing is sound. Plug is currently a model technics 3d plug (4 stroke length) but have also tried OS 8, and Enya 3s' Yes, the engine is run in. Generally the engine transitions from a idle to WOT quite smartly but occasionally quits returning to idle. As I alter the LSN and the rpm increases/decreases and I have to adjust the throttle idle position accordingly - I'm wondering if I'm 'masking' one with the other and getting lost, hope that makes some modicum of sense!
  5. As a relative new guy I'm looking for advice/guidance on setting the LSN and in particular it's relationship to the air gap in the carb. Ie, if I lean out the LSN a touch the RPM increases and I therefore lower the throttle for a steady tickover, I'm not sure I'm doing it right. For clarity, the engine is an inverted force .46 2 stroke and occasionally cuts when closing the throttle. The idle can also be a little inconsistent, slightly fast for a few seconds before dropping. Members of my club have tried to help but the consensus comes to an on board glow being the answer, I'm loathed to do that as I think it should run fine without, maybe I'm wrong. Centre of tank is just below the spray bar, no leaks in pipework etc running optifuel 12%
  6. for home use I just buy a key for office 2019 or whatever from the likes of CJS keys etc for about £10 - £20 one off payment https://www.cjs-cdkeys.com/products/Microsoft-Office-Professional-Plus-2021-CD-Key-(Digital-Download).html?setCurrencyId=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw6fyXBhBgEiwAhhiZsu53pXClkfQ22tBomBUOS3JJhuuR8-SnzeWGmm7jwO7pK6LULS1flxoCWVAQAvD_BwE I've used these several times and yes, they are perfectly legal license keys.
  7. Not my personal experience but just read this on another forum from someone with the same issue
  8. Anybody see any of this flight yesterday, much of it well below 200m, less than 100m round my way!!
  9. I wonder how many users of the forum actually subscribe the magazine, digital or hard copy, maybe no (or less) ads for those that subscribe already. Makes even more sense given most of the adverts are for the magazine!
  10. It may be worth contacting Model Shop Leeds, always very helpful and good stocks of fuel. You may already know that Model Technics are out of business but Optifuel have taken over the brand, which MSL sell. https://www.modelshopleeds.co.uk/catalog/index.php?cPath=291_646&sort=1a&action=view_product&products_id=79620
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