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New Miles Sparrowhawk from Seagull

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Hey Timbo, not sure if you can do anything about it but the article is not displayed correctly, half the article is covered by the second picture the patrt that reads

The model is a full ARTF and the quality of the review kit we've received at RCM&E is simply superb. Available in two sizes, the most popular will probably be the 70" span version we have here and designed for a 1.20 four-stroke (26cc petrol). The larger version will be for a 50-62cc petrol engine. The kits should arrive some time in June, prices have yet to be announced.

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Absolutely beautiful model, I'd love one....... hope it wont cost an arm and a leg.

Don't like the registration used though , as G-AESZ belongs to Roy Nerou's absolutely superb DW1 Chilton (what a beauty). Must build a model one day.

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Back guys and big thanks to Timbo for looking after things while I've been a way for a few days.

Ok, I've had a play, sorry about the browser issue, this does seem to happen sometimes. I use Apple Safari at work and then get home and look at an article in IE6 and find it's all over the place!

I do like the model it's a nice attempt to do something different in the ARTF genre. We'll see how she flies in due course.

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Eric Bray wrote (see)
Yes, looks nice, and wouldn't take too much effort to convert it to a Mew Gull!

I would think converting it to a Mew Gull would involve as much work as building a Mew Gull from scratch.  The tail is totally different as is the rear part of the fuselage. 

 Certainly a nice looking model though and refreshingly different from the usual ARTF fare.  I wonder how much it'll be? 

btw mods wore parkas rather than parkers  

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Last time I built anything with that colouring and those rego. markings the prop shaft came out lower down and it was called a Chilton DW 1A. I built mine from an elderly Boddington plan (both, I guess, Boddo and plan) severely modded for electrics and lightness and with flaps as well and based on photos of the real one at Old Warden. Result is a delightful flyer. Since I dunno how to E-mail snaps to this site, I'll send it to RCME and hope it finds its way here. And full marks to the nice person providing Lightning bits. I'm building one to replace late lamented Hawes Hawk. (Mega 16 15 4 and went like stink.)
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