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Webbit Wing Walk

Ian Jones

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Not quite what you might expect!

Loads of excuses but I'll skip them and just say after many a succesfull flights I stalled it and spun into a tree. I kept the bits but really it was beyond repair and today I finally decided I was going to migrate the engine into another model, the 2015 Mass Build Atom Special actually. This meant the remains were for the crusher (my feet) and I just wondered what would happen if I stepped onto the main spar.

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Hi Ian

I seem to remember at GA 2 years ago that you tried the Webbit Fuselage Sit using my model as the test.

I can confirm that it wasn't as strong as the wing.. But it did survive. I wonder how many MB2011 Webbits are still around?



Edited By Martyn K on 04/02/2015 14:27:28

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Posted by Pete B - Moderator on 04/02/2015 11:49:04:

Interesting, Ian - and all in the cause of science, I'm sure!teeth 2

The question is, is that good enginering - or over-engineering?


Yes that is why I crashed it, you are right,

'twas built as per plan, though there was an option to leave off the webbing for the D section I didn't go for it though. Interesting paradox; the wing was good & tough alright but if I had built it lighter then the engine I chose might have coped better but I would never have known how tough the wing was had it not crashed. Suppose I have to admit to over-engineering it though dont know

Edited By Ian Jones on 09/02/2015 00:16:03

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Posted by Olly P on 05/02/2015 12:11:03:

Martn - still got mine, and still yet to maiden it frown


Got some hanger rash to fix too....

Come on Olliy, have it ready for Geenacres this year, it might be the last one flying. Vintage in ebay terms wink 2

Posted by Mowerman on 04/02/2015 15:56:41:

About eight years back I built a Femto Fun 400 from a free plan in Model flyer, after a 'mishap' that broke the fuselage and gearbox I decided to scrap the remainder then found that I could stand on the wing as Ian did..Amazing how strong a balsa model can be.

Goes to show that some of the old ways are still good ways smile

Posted by Martyn K on 04/02/2015 14:27:00:

Hi Ian

I seem to remember at GA 2 years ago that you tried the Webbit Fuselage Sit using my model as the test.

I can confirm that it wasn't as strong as the wing.. But it did survive. I wonder how many MB2011 Webbits are still around?



Edited By Martyn K on 04/02/2015 14:27:28

Sadly mine was fairly short lived. That was a good weekend at Greenacres, I hope to get there with something that will last longer this year.

Posted by Kiwikanfli on 04/02/2015 05:02:17:

Must have hurt - the tree that is or was?

Yes, it took a while but eventually it fell down.

I jest not, it might have had some help from the wind though wink 2


Edited By Ian Jones on 09/02/2015 00:15:04

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