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Pete B

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Everything posted by Pete B

  1. Once again a huge thank you to John P for running the league, your final position doesn't do justice to the time and effort you put in throughout the series. Let's hope for better luck next year! Congratulations to Tony on your victory, try as I might I couldn't keep pace, you were always a wheel ahead throughout the year and the battle for third was truly entertaining and kept the suspense up to the final race, with Charles taking the honours. Well done to everyone! It was a hard year for predictions and I can only attribute my placing to some astute team selection early in the year which made up the bulk of my scoring, as my predictions were pretty awful most of the time...😏 I had dropped Russell, Lawson and Ferrari by the Austrian GP and ended with following team, which I kept for the rest of the season. Really glad Pierre Gasly eventually came good! As you can see, I made a healthy profit across the board buying when I did as I ended up with a team value of $114m - not the normal story of my life😀 Let's hope next year's series is as entertaining as this season has been (I've already got my ticket for Spain😉) and I look forward to seeing you all again next year. A bit early but Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you all!🥳
  2. I can only say 'Chapeau!', John😃 I do feel a bit of a fraud when I'm passing (or being passed!) by those grinding their way up without assistance....
  3. Ha ha, John - I wish!🤣 Didn't throw any crisps at the riders, either😀 I'd learnt my lesson this year, though. Last Sept I camped in the town at the foot of the climb, Luz St Saveur and rode my e-bike up to about 4km from the top to watch a stage of the Vuelta. I thought I'd left enough battery but I hadn't and it was a hard push for about 1km back uphill to the camper when I came down😰 No TV picture can truly show just how unrelenting steep that climb is from bottom to top. This time, I parked the camper on the side of the road about 5km from the top and rode up just a couple of km on the day. The legs ain't what they used to be... Whoops, rather off-topic, better go before I'm modded!😉
  4. Hi folks, just looking in mid-season after my (unexpected!) win last week! Very sorry to learn of Chris McG's passing - we had some entertaining chat and banter in times gone by.... I made it to the Spanish GP this year (not that I benefited from any inside info!) having had to lose out last year as I was between camping-cars - swapping to a French driving licence meant I lost my >3.5t category - but I'm now mobile with a smaller French one, so all's good. The track facilities were massively improved on two years ago and it's a real shame Barcelona will lose the race to Madrid in 2026. Not a fan of street circuits but that seems to be the way Liberty want to go😒 We had the Tour de France pass through our village a couple of weeks ago (never seen so many people there!) and I jumped into the camper afterwards and whizzed down to the Col de Tourmalet to watch them again on the Saturday. Great three week's entertainment! So pleased to see how very different this season is to the last two. I can only attribute my current position to some inspired team picking and revisions, certainly not to predictions as it's now a bit of a lottery, particularly on Sprint weekends! Once again, thanks to John P for his stewardship of the league and best of luck to you all for the rest of the season👍😃
  5. Hi folks, just looking in to say I couldn't imagine a season without some good competition from you guys here! Firstly I must apologise to John P for not thanking him for his efforts last year - it was very remiss of me, I hope I can be forgiven...🙄 Hope you're all well and looking forward to a rather less of a one horse race this year - I'm just watching FP2 and I'm not sure Max is going to have it all his own way this year - well, I can only hope....😄 Best of luck to you all and may the best man win!👍
  6. Couldn't resist joining for another season, thanks for allowing me to do so. Although my zest for RC has unfortunately gone (driven partly by the loss of my flying site), the competitive spirit hasn't, so once again it's "Gentlemen, start your engines......and may the best man win!" I mean Lewis, of course....😃
  7. When they're not bumping into each other, that is.....? Pete
  8. John S is certainly on fire at present - and he's not giving anything away in the back room, I can tell you....? Well done, John?
  9. All the podium ducks lined up nicely for me, at last? As for my 'also-rans', they might as well not have bothered....? Pete
  10. It's a shame to hear that, Don. If you can stretch to €64.99 for the year and a reasonable ADSL, F1 TV gives you live coverage of all the sessions, with the Sky commentary - bare bones but you get the necessary bit. I receive it on my phone and cast it to the TV. Infinitely better than waiting for the CH4 highlights! Sorry folks - not available in the UK - Sky make sure of that? I'm thinking things might be a tad closer this year too - unless a certain team is sand-bagging.....?
  11. Spending $90m was easy - trimming it back to $75m was a tad more difficult.....? Pete
  12. I've just searched 'snake' and it gives me 3 pages of results: https://www.modelflying.co.uk/forums/index.php?/search/&q=snake&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=102 It shouldn't take too long to browse through and see if you can identify the thread you were looking for, I'd have thought? Pete
  13. If you mean a Google search is turning up that link, it's probably taking you to the old forum pages and all those links are now redundant. Try using the search facility on this site by entering a key term which should throw up the old threads. In respect of logging in to the site, you probably need to change your bookmark in your browser. I use https://www.modelflying.co.uk/forums/index.php?/discover/33/ which takes me straight to the 'Latest Posts' page. Hope this helps! Pete
  14. You'll have $75m to 'shell' out then, Glenn.....? Pete
  15. Make the most of it whilst it lasts, iqon.......? Pete
  16. You're very welcome, Glenn - John, who does the admin, has posted instructions on how to join above. Just put the code into the 'Join an existing league' box and you'll be away?
  17. No chance of me resting on my laurels, Chris (see what I did there??), I'll be going all-out for a nap hand of titles this year - team manager permitting.....!? Pete
  18. Ooh - seems I'm at the top - for now at least. How could you have had any doubts about me joining in, Chris? ? Pete
  19. Have you tried substituting your email address which comes up on the Home Page login with your user name, ie 'Tony Richardson'? It should accept the same password as for your forum login
  20. Yes folks, it seems that the 'Top Posters' box appears after a certain number of posts - perhaps after one page worth? - and it results in a random appearance to the pages, depending on the thread you're viewing. We're working on it but, being the weekend, may not get it solved just yet. Bear with us.... Pete
  21. We've discussed this in the back room and it seems that confirmation that everyone's PMs would be lost came rather late in the day, sometime last week, so if it was mentioned after the cut-off point, the post would now be lost. We're all in the same boat over this, unfortunately - I lost around 120 pages of PM history. However, the PM facility was seen as a facility to carry on brief exchanges between individuals rather than a means of long-term storage. It was one of the - relatively - few casualties of the changeover and we're sorry for this. The positive is that the overwhelming majority of material has survived the changeover - despite many doubts. Pete
  22. Hmm - sounds fishy to me.....? Have you successfully entered the magazine site? If so, you should get the home page which looks like this, with 'My Account' rather than 'Login/Join' in the top right corner? Hover your cursor over the 'Subscribe' button and the dropdown menu lists, in the last but one option, 'Digital Archive'. If you just click on the 'Subscribe' button you do indeed get to the 'Total Carp' offer. Hope this helps... Pete
  23. Try this, flight1; OK, it requires a bit of work to set you up but once done, it'll be easier from then on. You are currently logged into the Forum but need to log in to the RCM&E magazine website - click on the RCM&E logo, top left of page. Click on Login/Join - it should bring up a panel which contains your email address and starred-out password. Change the email address to your forum user name, keeping the same password and you should be able enter the site. Once in the magazine website, click on 'Subscribe' and the drop-down menu includes the digital archive - the March issue is in there?
  24. You're never too old for a thick ear from your Mum!?
  25. OK, I think we have sussed it but bear with me - it requires a bit of work to set you up but once done, it'll be easier. You are currently logged into the Forum but need to log in to the RCM&E magazine website - click on the RCM&E logo, top left of page. Click on Login/Join - it should bring up a panel which contains your email address and starred-out password. Change the email address to your forum user name, keeping the same password and you should be able enter the site. Once in, click on 'Features', the drop-down menu will present 'RCME Extra!' at the bottom of the list. Click on that and it will open the downloads page?
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