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Rare find?

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Hey guys! Hope you’re all well. I recently found an old gem in a pile of my grandads ‘passion pile’. It’s an unopened KALT FCBaron kit, completely unopened. Has anyone got any info on it? I’m struggling to find info online.. Think it’s worth much at all?







Edited by George B-L
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Unbuilt kits have quite a following.  

An Ebay listing with a detailed inventory of what is actually in the box, plus pictures of the instruction manual so buyers can reassure themselves that it is all there will get the most cautious of buyers bidding.  Use every picture that Ebay will allow you, so everything that is in the box is clearly pictured.

The buyer could well be in Japan or the Middle East.  I sold an early boxed Thunder Tiger buggy to Qatar. 
It is also worth describing how you will pack it carefully to protect the outer box, as that is a significant part of its value.

The Vintage Radio Control Helicopter Club is probably a good place to look for more info

Your particular Baron is described here:  FC Baron  As it is intended for a four stroke engine, it is probably pretty rare, particulalry in a boxed, unstarted condition.  If I were you, I wouldn't take the first offer you receive.


Edited by Robin Colbourne
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Er, OK! I never had much to do with Kalts, but they did have an enthusiastic following back in the day. Four-strokes in helicopters never really caught on, mainly due to cooling issues. The gearing will be different from a 2-stroke version.


Its a shame you weren't at Charmouth this week-end just gone by. There's usually quite a few vintage enthusiasts there! A few of us have had a lot of success converting vintage helis to electric, which seems to make them fly much better! So far, I've done a Schluter Cobra and DS-22, a Morley 2C and two MicroMold Larks.


Its quite amazing how well the Lark flies as an electric model!


For the purists though, an untouched kit is the Holy Grail! I'll mention it to some others I know who may be interested, but I'm sure you'll get quite a bit of interest if you advertise it, as suggested by Robin, above.


Just watch out for scammers! Anything rare like this will have them buzzing like flies around a you-know-what!


Nice find!





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