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Barnstormer 52

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About Barnstormer 52

  • Birthday 04/04/1952

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  1. Hi Robert I meant the PC version creates a graph and it might be more obvious what is happening Geoff Geoff
  2. Robert There is an app for a PC that you could download from Overlander - Charge Tracker Not sure if you can still get it as the charger seems to have disappeared from the website. You can watch the charge and cycle process and it creates graphs which can be viewed, this might help. I have 2 of these chargers and have only noticed 1 fault - while charging a Futaba Lilo Tx battery at the end of the charge there is an error message rather than a charge complete message - I haven't actually got around to watching it on Charge Tracker. If you can't get the app from Overlander I think I still have the download. Geoff
  3. I did manage to create this last year when experimenting with the output from a Futaba SBS-01G using GPS visualizer. The flight path is a bit erratic compared to John Lee's efforts from 2020 - Skywriting. Needs work on the thickness of the trail etc. It does show the flattening of the curves that Phil mentions. Geoff
  4. Hi Dave If you have the time to do it I'm sure it would be of interest. Put a bit of the E back in. Geoff
  5. Sam Keep your Tx and give Malcolm's book a go. He describes the setting on p68. It does say however, that it only works if the throttle is nearly closed so as to prevent accidentally killing the engine. I'm sure the book will help with other programming. Everyone has their own preferences I know, but It would be a shame to dump all your kit just because of not being able to sort 'throttle cut'. I had my 14SG for a good number of years and managed to sort most things out. I must admit the rotary finger sensor used to be my pet irritation - but if you did it enough you soon got used to it. I am a Futaba fan though - went to 16SZ and 18SZ for the touch screen. There are few videos on youtube. Regards Geoff
  6. Sam There are quite a few reference to Throttle cut on the forum - have you tried reading through them? Seven popped up from a search for 'Futaba 14SG throttle cut' I had a 14SG but don't have it anymore so can't really help. Normally at this point someone mentions Malcolm Holts book. You can only get it for Kindle but you can read it on your PC. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Futaba-14SG-Programming-Fixed-Aircraft-ebook/dp/B00BMM9J7A/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2RZ6BPYIS9DOI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GIbJ2MX0WKyg2u7DlSJqyNvUu2zI03RFzQWzC_kHS_HGjHj071QN20LucGBJIEps.PNB4tE9JbqB5RZwe0QUFefSLjdyVrIN68IDSCbpveJw&dib_tag=se&keywords=programming+futaba+14sg&qid=1708357798&sprefix=programming+futaba+14sg%2Caps%2C204&sr=8-1 If you can't fly and have time on your hands - it's less than £6.00 on Amazon - so you could be reading it almost instantly. Best regards Geoff
  7. My grump is with the BBC Why not include a picture of the actual drone used in the offence, rather than something that resembles 'The Flying Bedstead'. Why use the term 'Hobbyists' - which seems to infer the blame lies partly with other model flyers, knitting is a hobby as is restoring vintage cars. 'Other hobbyists' sems to me to imply that he is involved in model flying - if he was then surely he would have known he was in the wrong. I regularly make spelling mistakes but you would think the BBC would proof read what they write - offence 3 is listed as Alternated the drone controller to allow the drone to fly further distances, contrary to the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006
  8. Good advice Martin. I would not be happy in the workshop with the diesel heater (or anything else for that matter) without a carbon monoxide detector/alarm present. It does sound as though there is something wrong with Sam's unit. I use more than John's 5ltr month but have not used enough that I have started to worry about the cost. I could not get red diesel from my local marina, they said the laws had tightened and they needed to see proof of ownership of the vessel. Geoff
  9. I wired one of these in to the mains in the workshop, this is its 4th year https://www.amazon.co.uk/Redrex-Universal-Regulated-Switching-Transformer/dp/B01MRSAT39/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3TY3QDWD8P2AL&keywords=Redrex+12v+power+supply&qid=1702060207&sprefix=redrex+12v+power+supply%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  10. Alex Bush and his team do a wonderful job of mowing...........
  11. Ha - Fair comment - It's supposed to have cheek cowls and wheel pants - if it survives the 'maiden' I might add them.
  12. Just finished the trim. An Ian Peacock Bootlace (AKA Miss Tangerine) built one in the '70's from a foam wing that Ian sent me and I cut a foam turtle deck myself. Always thought a slightly bigger one might be nice so enlarged my plan to 125% to give a wingspan of 65". Weighs in at 5lb 8oz. This one is all built up though - no foam.
  13. Ron, Martin Thank you - have both of those now and have moved on a bit. Geoff
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