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Andy Hall

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Everything posted by Andy Hall

  1. Would like to...... it currently sits in the queue, behind a Vans RV-4 and an A10, both from RCM&E plans..... perhaps by next Christmas !?
  2. Trying to decide how the profile of the wingtip should look before I cut it. Anybody got any finished profile pictures ?
  3. Between a GWS Spitfire and an RCM&E Weekend Wren, I've probably clocked no more than 1hr of flying. Spend more time building (and rebuilding😬), which I find more rewarding. Might learn properly before I fly this one 🫣.
  4. Hi, Well.... the Gigolo got chewed on by the cat towards the end of the build, the Aztec Two Step is a work in progress but the Tequila Sunrise is done and ready to go. Weighs in at 785g (27.7oz) ready to fly. Might add a small 3D printed radial engine inside the cowl and just need to fine adjust the battery position for balance and then........... I'm too nervous about flying it. Not to mention that I've not really flown anything particularly successfully !!
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/402836364364?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=9eThzfpGQ9-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=nL4aTUrhR0m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. @Trevor Crook to answer your original question, on the Vortex Vacform website, the canopy is listed as CN100 ......
  7. How are you getting on @Trevor Crook ? With a little bit of assistance from @kevin b and suddenly finding I have some (unwanted) spare time, I've finally got started. First the wings and motor mount. Little bit of adjustment and will be ready to break out the glue.
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