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trevor wood 2

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  1. Dark Green/ Ocean Grey top surfaces, Medium Sea Grey lower surfaces. Yellow on outboard wing leading edge and Sky band around rear fuselage. Obligatory white/black D Day stripes on inboard wing and rear fuse.
  2. Still worth checking throttle trim on the Tx is at its lowest setting.
  3. Looks like you might need to calculate a pintle angle that will allow the extended wheels to point fore and aft, and the retracted wheels to lie flush with the lower surface of the wing. Danny Fenton posted some very useful info in “Brian Taylor Hurricane Project” build topic.
  4. Talking Pictures TV, Freeview channel 82 at 5pm Sunday 16th April. “The Footage Detectives” has Mike and Noel looking at film of ‘1960’s model planes and plane spotting’. Enjoy.
  5. I can confirm Shaun’s story is true. Mea Culpa. A definite case of “I learned about flying from that”, to use the words of the inimitable Wing Commander Spry.
  6. You’re quite right. I did use the Can Doo article for inspiration and guidance on such things as foreplane incidence/area and fin sizes. It proved very useful for this build and my last canard.
  7. My first post since the Forum improvement because my old iPad would only let me view the posts but not add any of my own. A visit to Curry’s and £319 later, everything’s been sorted with a new iPad. During last year’s building session I found an old veneered foam wing that I’d salvaged from a scrap bin at the end of a club meeting. It was a Clark Y style section and roughly 2 meters length with a straight taper and had a central servo driving outboard ailerons via internal Bowden cables. A fuselage was needed, and as an experiment I decided to make something a little less conventional. After a month or so of modelling, the photos show the outcome. The maiden flight was intended to be a test glide to check CG, so I stood a good 120 ft back from the slope edge whilst a helper gave it a level push from shoulder height. The anticipated pitching problems didn’t materialise, and the model just flew straight and level at a slow walking pace. Approaching the slope edge I decided to let it continue, and the next 5minutes were some of the most relaxed sloping I’ve ever experienced with a new model.
  8. Bruce, i've not been able to post any messages or view/post photos on my ipad since the web site was 'improved'. I'm using a friend's PC which seems to be working. Here is a photo of my aileron servo installation. A brass tube is located centrally on the bowden cable, and clamped by a screw inserted into the square, white nylon mouilding on the right. A short threaded rod is screwed into the nylon block and a standard clevis attachment fitted to connect to the sevo arm. The servo is secured on its side and clamped in place by double sided tape and a short length of ply screwed into hard wood blocks .
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