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Allan Jordan

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Everything posted by Allan Jordan

  1. Hi Phil, As Phil Wood has said, you will have to work out the material requirements for yourself. If you take your time over it you soon discover that it really isn't all that difficult ! Building from scratch is the most rewarding way of involvment with model aircraft but you will have to set yourself up with some equiptment. May I suggest the following. 1. A decent size building board. 2. A SLEC balsa stripping tool 3. A balsa plane. 4. A couple of Swan Morton scalpel blade holders & some blades When we come to the question of suppliers it is really a matter of your location ( you haven't told us in your profile ) Welcome to the " balsa bashers " REMEMBER if you have a problem with building there will always be someone on this forum to help you.. Regards Allan J
  2.  Hi Ernie, What do you find so confusing about BA threads, as a model eng. I have been using the BA threads for many years now ? If you would like to have a chart showing drill sizes send me PM with your postal address in france and I'll put one in the post for you, is this any help ? It will be a lot cheaper than buying a ZEUS.
  3. Hi Ernie, What about good old BA threads for your model ? they are available in very small sizes...
  4.  Hi Tom, Watched the video, loved it... Allan
  5.  Hi dizzypanic, What a splendid idea, a nice new PAW diesel for Xmas, you wont be sorry I'm sure !!  Think I'll show your posting to my wife... might just give her an idea... I would like the .60 size one ..  Enjoy your Xmas present mate( it will last for ever) !!
  6.  Hi Doc, I keep getting this buzzing noise in my ears...
  7.  Hi Dizzypanic, Buy BRITISH get yourself a PAW !! They really are great engines..
  8.  Myron I am quite dissapointed, I was hpoing that you were going to conduct your experiment outside No.10 Downing St... I shall now sit back and wait for the wrath of Timbo to come down on me..
  9.  Hi Phil. If you really fancy building the Sky 40 trainer I can help you with an un-touched plan from RCME.  Send me  a PM with your postal address and I'll send it to you ASAP.. Is this any help ?   Allan
  10.  Hi Myron, Nov. 5th. has been and gone ! Would you care to tell us how your experiment worked out ??
  11.  Hi Bernad, How about the Browne Monoplane... a recent Free Plan ??
  12.  Hi Phil, With a contact in printing like yours you could quite easily become the most popular forumite !!
  13.  Hi Andy, In order to silver solder stainless steel you need to use a flux which is made for the job, ordinary flux which is used for mild steel/copper and brass won't do the job. I would send you some by post but if the packet got damaged and the contents spilled out I would almost certainly have some explainig to do ! {ANTHRAX} etc. I would suggest you have a word with your local welding supplies shop if you have one. I bought mine from BOC.
  14.  Hi all, If I'm reading the postings correctly we have a number of forumites who make up their own fuel tanks.... May I remind you all that we are approaching the time of the year when tins containing sweets and biscuits start to appear at home.... a great cource of material for fuel tanks for FREE !! 
  15.  Hi Terry, Glad to see that you have the problem sorted.
  16.  Hi Mike, Some engines are supplied without the plug mate, never could understand why. Just think of the uproar if your nice new car came without plugs in the engine !!  Tis a stupid practice that should be stopped.
  17. Hi Terry, Have you thought about making your own puller ?  I've made them in the past for my own engines etc. How about sending me a drawing of the job. Then I will be able to see if I can help you. You can contact by e-mail if you wish. Is this of any help to you ?
  18.  Hi John, I posed this very question to an aquaintance in the film industry some while ago, his answer was quite simple... even if we raised the money and made the film we would have a problem with distribution as the USA controls the distribution companies and always gives preference to the US film makers. I guess it's just one more industry that we no longer have.
  19.  Hi All, I seem to re-call Brian Winch making mention of air filters as used by the car fraternity... anyone tried it ??
  20.  Hi Mike, as Bob says WD40 is OK, used it myself with no    "after effects"
  21.  Hi Gerry, Restoring plug threads on a F/S engine can be a little tricky, I've have only done it on T/S engines. You could try getting in touch with "Just Engines " Perhaps they can help ?  www.justengines.co.uk  Give it a go, nothing to loose eh ! Regards Allan J
  22.  Don't know what went wrong at the top of that posting chaps . Gremlins perhaps ????
  23.  I think it's be happening in   I think It's been happening in " full size aviation " for some time, at my last visit to Brooklands Museum I was told that Vickers used the wings and engines from a Wellington bomber when they built the " VIKING" airliner !  RE. the E28/39  I had an uncle serving  in the RAF when it first flew, he told me that one of his fellow mechanics rushed in to the hangar in which he was working shouting " I've just seen a  "kite" with no prop on it fly past "  the universal reply was " don't talk B*****y stupid !!  
  24.  I would be delighted to join in if I may.  I'm not going to grovel this time because it does'nt seem to work !!
  25.  Hi David, Cheating amongst us forumites...never surely!!  PS Bet Myron will have something to say on the subject.
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