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Everything posted by Fredrum

  1. I have been doing some bits for the last few weeks such as covering the fuselage and sorting out the glazing, radio installation and control set up. I’m having an issue with a faulty antennae warning on my Taranis so unfortunately I couldn’t use it to set up the controls. I have a JR 36mHz PCM9 that I bought many years ago when I wanted to get into the hobby, but never used. I had it serviced recently and it works great so I installed the receiver temporarily which explains why I have a 9 channel receiver in a 3 channel model. Might have to upgrade to ailerons, flaps, retracts, slats, airbrakes, bomb drop, ejecting pilot etc just to fill up the channels Glazing installed. The framing was done with Monokote stuck onto double-sided tape then cut into strips.
  2. I expect to have Jemima finished before Xmas then it's on to an OD parasol wing based on the classic Tyro Major. In the meantime, I'll be building an aileron wing for Jemima once my flying skills are up to scratch as well as trying to get in at least one F1M indoor duration model. I think that lot will see me through most of 2016 given my rate of building. Oh, and I need to get a handle on programming the Taranis.
  3. Hi Peter. Fancy sending a widget addict like me to the SLEC website. I almost had to call for an intervention. Will be worth looking into for my next project (under strict supervision). Thanks. Underside of the fuse is covered. Also covered the cowl. I had two goes at it; the first attempt with the heat gun (rubbish) and the second (more or less successful) with the iron. Very time consuming and a bit dodgy in the end. I also partially covered one side of the fuse, but I stupidly gave the framing under the wing a coat of enamel thinking I would get an extra bit of colour on it before covering. Of course, the heat from the iron just turned it back to liquid and there was very little adhesion, the result being that when I shrunk it with the gun, the join gave way (not to mention blistering the enamel). So I pulled the covering off and cleaned off the adhesive and enamel with acetone ready for another go tomorrow. The frame is still red, but it doesn’t have a build up of paint on it, so fingers crossed. Ah, so much to learn!
  4. Posted by Biggles' Elder Brother - Moderator on 24/11/2015 23:24:19: I've done this on my Twin Otter - using the Taranis the mix is quite easy to set up. But I would strongly agree with Chris - I made the mix switch outable in the air as the effect can be quite disturbing! Good on the ground though! BEB Hi BEB. I use a Taranis and will probably look into differential throttle in the future. I'd be very interested to hear how you set up the mix.
  5. Bought myself a cover for the sealing iron and a Coverite thermometer. Wow, what a difference. The iron is no longer marking the film and it turns out I was using the iron way too hot. Wish I had done this at the beginning. Fin & rudder covered.
  6. Wings all finished, but not without its dramas. I had to pull the covering off one wing tip when I burned through it with the heat gun. It’s not perfect, but I’ll just keep telling myself that I’m at the beginning of my RC journey and the next one will be better
  7. If you wanted to mix your own, you could probably find a very similar colour here along with the formula.
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