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Everything posted by Willyuk

  1. so I guess we could ban ABS brakes for car drivers too, after all if you dont learn to control a skid without abs, how will you know what its like without it? Sorry only kidding
  2. Maybe my experience will help you decide, simply because I am a relative beginner too. After my trainer, I flew a wot 4 for a while and was getting comfortable with it, started to "experiment" got completely confused and binned it. I also was flying a high wind semi scalish stinson, which was a pig on takeoff for some reason but OK in the air ( in for repairs! fue to take off problem!) I just happened to come across an acrowot at a reasonable price and decided to give it a go.Now an acrowot is not a beginners plane and I understand that and accept the risks BUT compared to the trainer, the wot 4 and the stinson it is really easy to fly as it goes where I point it. That is it is accurate and responds directly to control inputs, added power doesnt make it ballon, as they say it flys on rails. The big BUT for me is that I have to be very very careful not to over control, to keep within my ability level in terms of orientation, take my time, not panic and I am gradually building my confidence with the plane step by step. The moral of the story is for me that one can fly something a bit advanced BUT (again) one has to keep in ones limits, maybe just fly circuits and lazy eights, that is keep to BMF A cert levels, dont be flambouyant, dont try flying too slowly but also keep the throttle back. Worth a go? after all we do this to fly planes we are fond of. Havind said that my rare bear is staying firmly in the shed for quite a while yet. Good luck.
  3. Praise where it is due, recently I lost the control dial from my transmitter, ( I was collecting the remnants of my destroyed wot 4) . I searched the web for a part number to no avail so I emailed Futaba customer support in the USA. Within a few minutes "John G" emailed back with the necessary part number and even better offered to send me a new dial free of charge. It arrived today, took a couple of weeks as it was normal airmail. Very impressive customer support, I guess I will stay a futaba user!!
  4. There's also this , but I am far from skilled enough to fly it yet,
  5. Ok I give in, the pics are in the album but I can't get it in the message, I click the button but nothing happens
  6. This Stinson had its maiden flight today. All ok except for final flight, tried to go around as it was a but high and the engine died. So a little heavy in the long grass, no damage luckily, except to my pride.
  7. Willyuk

  8. Willyuk

  9. Willyuk

  10. Well last week I took my trusty, built from a kit, glass and epoxy finished beauty of a wot 4 to the field and was having a lovely time and I just lost it, my fault too ambitious, too far away, almost rescued it but in the end it was destroyed and I mean DESTROYED. i was very cross with myself but on the positive side, I now have an excuse to get another plane, I reckon that's the only attitude we can have in this hobby, just like motorbikes, if you fall off, get back on again. so do not fret, get flying Al
  11. Thanks, I had seen that posting but unfortunately the is no flying report, it's mainly about how to electrify it. i was hoping to hear from someone who had flown one.
  12. Anybody built/flown one? Looks a nice vintage style Sunday flyer but before I splash out I would love to hear any opinions. thanks al
  13. Hi All, I have just started building an old House of Balsa Pitts special, all built up and it will keep me busy during this awful summer. I would appreciate any thoughts on the best covering method to use: oracover, solatex etc and a nice simple colour scheme off of a fullsize S2A. In the past i have used solafilm with mixed results and have tended to use glass and epoxy on all fully sheeted models in the past. Are full size pitts high gloss or textured. When I can I will go and loo at one but in the meantime any sugestions appreciated.
  14. Well old fella, one bit of advice from me. I too returned after a long break, the best bing I did was to get professional help in learning to fly ( I changed modes as well) . Why? I joined a very friendly club but found that relying on the other members to teach me meant long delays. So I just decided to pay, well worth every penny, no waiting for someone to be available, never tooooo windy, wait for breaks in the rain, not call it a day at the first shower and best of all an instructor who was quite happy letting me make mistakes and taking over as soon as it looked a bit dodgy. In a very short time I had my a cert. al
  15. I am about to start building a small pitts s2. (40 size) which covering would suit it best in the views of the experts we have on the forum. Should it be textured eg solartex or glossy such as solafilm? any recommendations as to the product, profilm etc. any opinions appreciated. thaks al
  16. Don't talk to me about trees, our site has an oak tree at the end of the landing strip offset by about 50 yds. Managed to avoid it for a while but one day I thought I had lined up for finals and made beutiful touchdown in the tree. The model was unharmed and I could almost touch it if I stood on the car roof, a pole was obtained, model pushed. When it hit the ground it was wrecked and broke the crankcase as well. HA! apparently it happens a lot I am now told!
  17. Yes, a wot4 classic, built last autumn and sitting awaiting an outing and a 1/6 scale rare bear, built this winter and will not be flown for a long while yet. I am back to my ready 2 for a while as i too have not flown since october due to various diversions. I only started this lark last year so need oodles of practise.
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