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Michael Denest

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Everything posted by Michael Denest

  1. Great cymaz, thanks for the link. I'll spend the evening reviewing the thread. I spent a little time on it tonight, removing the servos and some other bits. As of now, It's in the back of the hanger while some other projects have priority. Have to get one finished in order to move the next one up.
  2. The servos were still in it, Edited By Michael Denest on 21/01/2017 21:11:00
  3.   Here's my new acquisition to the hanger, a well beat up Precedent Stampe that is definitely in need of some TLC. The Monokote covering is so brittle that my 2 year old granddaughter could put her pinkie through it, the horizontal stabilizer is damaged (you can move the stab halves up and down), one tip of the upper wing is missing and the engine cowl is a mess. Since it was free, I'm not complaining! Things to do are to strip the covering, make the stab repairs, replace the wing tip (fortunately I have a kit on hand) and bin the engine cowling as I have a nice fiberglass replacement. I thought of replacing the wire gear struts with a more scale arrangement and add more scale touches such as a forward cockpit and other tidbits. It currently looks like a Rothman's scheme except for the different colors so I'll go with something representative of an existing full size. I also thought of putting a fake registration following my wife's favorite smarty pants comment (G-BTME). However, that's not written in stone. For power, I'm considering an electric conversion and using one of APC's left hand rotation props. For an airplane of this size, I'm surprised that it is a considerably light weight airframe. Enjoy the photos. Edited By Michael Denest on 21/01/2017 21:12:12
  4. While you're waiting for the glue to dry, enjoy some reading from these RC Groups threads.  Some of the comments are worth the reading. **Strange Ebay Ads** and **Strange Craigs List Ads** Edited By Michael Denest on 11/01/2017 17:15:53 Edited By Michael Denest on 11/01/2017 17:16:44
  5. Posted by Martyn K on 10/01/2017 11:36:21: Thanks Richie Thats great. Glad you are enjoying it. Manish. I am pretty sure that Gordon said the design was unpublished.. Here are a couple of jpgs of the wing and fus. The plans are very detailed - even down to artwork. Gordon is a real master at his art. <Picture Snip> It is indeed 70" span ( or thereabouts) Don't worry about cluttering up me thread BTW, I enjoy blogs that meander Martyn Martyn, That is indeed, the Gordon Whitehead 70" Tiger Moth that was published in RCM. As it is now, all that is documented is a substandard scan of the plans from the magazine. Here is the link to the RCGroups message.**LINK** As of now, most all of the plans published in RCM have been documented and have been posted to Outerzone. This would be an invaluable addition to the collection. Regards, Mike
  6. Someone may be interested in this collection. **LINK**
  7. The Sterling kit appeared sometime around 1957 - 1958 (oz4985) so what you see on the plans was the latest in RC gear available at the time. As it was designed for rudder only, (note the unthrottled .15) thus the reason for the oversize stabilizer and large dihedral angle. The Ray Clapper PT-19 (oz2948) is an adaptation to full house control with flaps and a OS .19. I was fortunate in that I saw this model fly at a local contest, competing in multi pattern against the likes of Bonetti's P-39, Taurus, Kwik- fli's etc. The pilot (and designer) did a fairly decent job of flying the pattern plus he entered the airplane in scale at the same contest. The Clapper design flew with very large Orbit/Micro Avionics PS-2 servos with both rotary and linear output. Modern electronics make this a non factor in the weight department. The biggest problem with the design is engine cooling which is a non factor for electric power. You will have to set the motor farther back to put the prop in its proper location. Battery installation and removal can be done through the front cockpit. Personally, I would not be too concerned about the UC as the full size aircraft has a very large casting into which the struts are inserted. This UC assembly is bolted through the front spar. Even though it's a very beefy installation, you would have to really screw up bad enough to punch the gear through the wing (its been done). If you want to see one close up, there is a full size restoration being done at Wickenby (ex RAF Lancaster station), near Lincoln. Good luck with your build and a nice thread.
  8. There's two kits on Ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/222280576961?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.com/itm/142151181825?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Edited By Michael Denest on 18/10/2016 12:40:26
  9. Nice job Peter. I can attest to getting (full size) TM ailerons rigged to the correct throws. I made a triangular aluminum template with a notch on one edge to engage the pushrod connection at the bellcrank. The trick is to have the chain and sprocket in the correct "timing" position when rigging the airplane. Even with all that aileron travel, it's slow to react.
  10. Wonder why the kit is not prototypical of the full size using all spruce struts? I'd call it thinking out loud but I have a keyboard to do that for me.
  11. That's a nice flying site, where is it?
  12. Sadly it was closed during my visit but since I'm returning for a very short stay, I may get redemption.
  13. Combination wire stripper and crimper for blue, yellow and red electrical terminals and splices.
  14. Here's the Balsa USA version, slightly redesigned for radio. **LINK** It was first produced by Joy Products, who called it by its original name. That's an attractive model, enjoy the first flight.
  15. I was wondering how adaptable the hardware, gear and brace wire kits would be adaptable to the Duncan Hutson Moth?
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