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Andy Hat

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Everything posted by Andy Hat

  1. Fab -thanks. I'll post some pics when I make progress.
  2. Thanks Percy! If it's not too much trouble - How high is the closed loop horn from the bottom of the rudder (or from the centre of the stab)?
  3. You may have seen this in the swap meet area if you went to Rougham on Sat. I was the one who bought it! It's a partially made Wot-4, incomplete, broken, mouldy, quite badly put together, but I like a project! I've done quite a lot of work on it so far and it's currently laid out in parts on the living room floor. I'd like to know where to make the holes for the closed loop rudder wires and the elevator control rods. Also, any dimensions/guides on where to drill thewing for the mounting bolts would help. (I did find a Wot 4 build thread on here which has been excellent but that was for a tapered wing, not sure if the numbers would be the same?). Does anyone have a scan of the manual? I can't find one to download. If anyone could tell me where I need to make the holes, it would make things a lot easier.
  4. Andy Hat

  5. Andy Hat

  6. I'll be interested to see if they'll now acknowledge the existence of Hobbyking. I don't think I've ever seen a review of a Hobbyking plane in RCM&E. Are they banned from advertising in there too?
  7. I have the original Hobbyking Monolog clone. It is fine apart from two things. On the maiden flight the elevator joiner broke, causing the stab to snap - and I wasn't even stressing it. Not fun, but the plane was repairable. If it's the same model just in different clothes, perhaps look at reinforcing the Ionos elevator. Secondly, the wire undercarriage on the Monolog is hopeless and bends on every landing- it looks like they've fixed this problem by adding a new carbon version though. Have fun!
  8. I use an Emax BL2826 with 13x6.5 APC prop on 4S 3000-3300mah batteries. Make sure you provide adequate cooling for the motor. I had to put a vent under the cowl - although mine was a conversion from the IC kit so the electric kit may be different. I wish mine had less dihedral (or none) in the wing. A great sturdy plane. I've flown it into a tree and the tree came off worse.
  9. Alley Kat, designed by Ed Keck, Southern R/C Products. Built from downloaded plan (**LINK**) , this 54" span US design was a popular kit in the 70s (I think). It flies really well on an EMP N5055/700 with 4S. The current canopy is a lump of balsa. I'd like to get a plastic canopy for it but have failed to find a UK supplier (some good websites in the US but the shipping is pricey). It's very stable to fly and so easy to land on the spot.
  10. Can't find any info on this at all. Not sure if it's called a Windsock or an Alpha. There's an odd wing arrangement where it looks like you could either build the wing in at the bottom or stick it on the top. Perhaps it is possible to build it so that you could swap it at the field? It comes with two wing halves and a short (~4in) wing section which probably goes into the hole where the main wing isn't. I've no instructions so if anyone has any info on this plane (or even a set of instructions), it would be great.
  11. The velcro is the blue stuff on the underside of the wing. The chunk of foam is there on the wing.
  12. I put velcro on all my batteries and then velcro in the plane. In the Fizza (and the Whizzza), I place a piece of foam on top of the battery. The foam fits between the battery and the hatch and stops it popping off the velcro in high-G moves. I've done a lot of hard flying and never had a problem with the battery moving. I'm surprised the wings haven't fallen off my Fizza and Whizzza yet
  13. I'm looking for a plastic canopy for my newly built Alley Kat (currently using a balsa lump). Searching has not found any good UK source, at least with a web site. I would like one like this: http://parkflyerplastics.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=46_64&products_id=604 I've tried making my own but failed miserably. Vortex Vac-Forms have never responded to my emails and the web site is very out of date. Is there anywhere in the UK that has stuff like the US site above?
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