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robert Jones 14

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  1. Simply amazing! This is old fashioned modeling as it never was (at least in my family!), but as it should have been! If you haven't already done so, get it up on YouTube so that it gets a wider audience than this forum-it will be an inspiration!
  2. I'm hoping to get about £80 for this:**LINK**http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121548454668?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Postage would be about £20 extra, I guess.. Do you already have a monitor, mouse and keyboard? And office software? I would be happy to offer support in all these fields. I would also offer a reasonable warranty, that is, I would expect this pc to last at least 12 months without problems. Edited By robert Jones 14 on 21/01/2015 02:15:14
  3. It seems to me half the model community is content to stay with their 35mg equipment, while some are trying to up-grade to some new regulation. Is there something us middle-of -the -roaders with 2.4 should be aware of?
  4. Just the model to chuck in the boot for a bit of lunch-time flying!
  5. Can't mention a Spit without mention of Mrs. Shilling's Orifice: **LINK**
  6. Posted by bouncebounce crunch on 15/01/2015 08:43:22: Parkzone Radian. yes it is a powered glider, but moves along slow enough to give you time to react and see what happens with your inputs. she can fly fast under full power, she can loop, spiral dive,stall turn, fly inverted and thermal too. best value for a beginner. cheers bbc I agree with the above. Half the price, and great fun even when you have learned to fly. Look at this post:http://youtu.be/mxqguF8sZSw Edited By robert Jones 14 on 17/01/2015 02:43:54
  7. I wonder how a Eurofighter Typhoon would make out if it was transported back to the BoB? Would it find it was constantly out-turned, or would it make mincemeat of a ww2 warbird? Edited By robert Jones 14 on 13/01/2015 08:21:46
  8. Hi Denis, I am also new to electrics. I got lost in the discussions about current draw, MaHs,ohms, etc., so this is what I did: I looked at an electric plane similar to the one I was proposing, and chose the prop size, motor size,ESC, and battery that they recommended. Didn't necessarily get the exact same, but similar. One thing to be wary of is spinner diameter. Also it seems better to have a slightly over-amped ESC if in doubt. I have also found that 1300, 1800, and 2200 3S batts are interchangeable in my plane with a 30amp ESC. Not very scientific, but works for me.
  9. It has been of concern to me, too, when it thermals to the point I am not really sure whether I have the eyesight or judgment to get it down. All I have thought of doing so far is putting in down elevator, to get it out of the thermal, and to a height where I can see what the controls are doing.
  10. If your Radian flies out of sight, I have a feeling a buzzer is not going to be much use in finding it.
  11. Hi, the Radian 1 is a far better plane than the Radian Pro,and great fun for relaxing thermalling. I know a few people (myself included) who got rid of the Pro soon after buying it. If you want a sailplane with more channels, there are far better ones than the Pro.
  12. When I started in electric a couple of years ago I used to follow the beginner electric section of RCGroups. Several times a week a newcomer would introduce himself with a ww2 warbird and asking for any extra tips before the maiden, "as I have already taught myself to fly on a sim". There would be a flurry of posts pointing out that he needed to fly a trainer first, join a club, etc. I recall one person ignored this advice and persisted in making his maiden flight successfully, solo, with a foamie warbird, and videoed the results. A bit wobbly, but managing a circuit and landing in one piece. So It can be done, but it is very rare.The usual result, as we all know, of a newbie trying to fly solo with a warbird is bag of pieces and a discouraged pilot.
  13. Posted by John Privett on 04/01/2015 22:48:11: Posted by Bob Cotsford on 04/01/2015 13:08:56: I know I shouldn't! Too late anyway, BIN has been taken off, bet it goes for a lot more than £50 now. I think that's just the way ebay works. If an item is an auction that also has a BIN price, then the BIN option disappears as soon as a bid is made. And there's now an opening bid of £35 showing on the item. No, the BIN would remain. He's removed the BIN because he's realized he can do better with an auction -perhaps someone tipped him off.
  14. Am I alone in thinking that if you have a valuable, expensive model, it is just as well to use the best radio (probably futaba)?
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