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Everything posted by payneib

  1. He's got to have a scarf! The bigger and draggier the better! It's the most important part!
  2. Don't get me to build it. 👍
  3. Pfffffffff. Bet I could squeeze a few more kgs in to that airframe without even trying. 😂
  4. I managed to find an old copy of the flair template, photocopied, made templates, marked up and hand painted my D8. It's a long job, oddly therapeutic, but I do not recommend.
  5. I'm always a big fan of the even-handed application of mod post adjustments.
  6. Dynamo label printer. I usually try and tuck it under the horizontal stabiliser. I also don't lose any sleep if it falls off.
  7. Whilst I'm waiting for my turn to fly. Do you go up your local flying field to stand there and watch all day? I have no opportunity to take part in flying full sized aircraft. The only way I can enjoy them is as a spectator.
  8. The guns from the kit look a lot like the ones available from Sarik - usable, but not great. I might have to sweet talk you and/or bribe you with chocolate Hobnobs to print some up for me. I'm frustratingly close to ordering my 1/4 Camel right now, but hoping to time delivery for when the wife's at work and I'm off. 😂
  9. I really enjoy building model aircraft. I enjoy flying them almost as much. Watching someone else do the hobby I enjoy, paying for the privilege, and not actually getting to join in is the most boring thing I can think of. Trade stands and swap meets very rarely have anything worth mentioning. It's what I liked about ModelAir. A few flights on the RC line, watch a couple of special interest planes go up, as soon as something I'm not interested in starts happening, I'd go and play on FF or C/L. And if the weather was so bad, or there was really nothing on the model aviation arena to pique my interest, there's a whole ruddy great museum to wander around.
  10. I still have a dead spot on my thumb where nerves were severed putting flaps on my Hurricane.
  11. Cowl cut and coloured. Pink doesn't quite match because I gave it too many coats and it darkened out slightly, I'll not lose any sleep over it. Unfortunately I finished too late to get the gloss coat on, so that'll have to wait until next weekend now.
  12. It's been a while, but I've finally managed to snag 5 minutes to myself. Tail hinges are all glued, tail wheel is on, radio switch is remounted, canopy is on. I just want to mix up a little bit laminating epoxy tonight, to seal round the edges of the covering on the firewall, then hopefully I can cut and colour the cowl in a day tomorrow. Bolt the wheels back on and chuck it back in the garage whilst I do the wings.
  13. As much as model air shows in general just aren't "my bag", I have enjoyed a couple of trips to the ModelAir events at Shuttleworth. I've also enjoyed a few trips to Shuttleworth at other times, and I just can't believe that closing the runway to GA for one weekend a year can possibly have that much of an impact. It's not like Heathrow with planes stacked four deep on approach 23 hours a day. I'm sure both the guys flying in to/out of there on any given wouldn't mind taking a day off.
  14. I've definitely had emails bounce back from the BMFA because Mr "Symonds" doesn't work there. 😂
  15. I fly Rockets, FF fixed wing, Control Line, RC fixed wing and drones. Which association should I join, and how many different insurances do you think is appropriate?
  16. I keep my kids on the books purely for the insurance. A foamy chuck glider through a neighbours green house (or another club members car window/expensive model at the field) is as covered for them, as any damage us "real" flyers might cause.
  17. 6s does sound a bit........ excessive. What are sport scale twin warbirds like for prophanging?
  18. I've been doing this myself for the last few years, most recently on the back end of my Galaxy Hurricane. I like the mix of "old timey craft" application, reliable heat shrinking and it's CHEAP!
  19. Did the Luftwaffe do a "fuzzy edge" on their camo, was it all hard edge demarcation, or mottling? If you're after a fuzzy edge between the camo blocks, foam seal strips from Amazon are brilliant.
  20. As a generalisation the American people are absolutely terrified of everything. There isn't a situation they can't invent in their own minds, for which they need to be hysterical about.
  21. Of course, you can always save all this confusion with actual engines. 😉
  22. If I were running electric (I'm not), I'd be very much in favour of KISS: A battery and esc in each nacelle, directly supplying their own motor. Probably an UBEC and 2s battery in the nose as a separate supply for the Rx.
  23. I used it as a revision aid for my B test a few years ago. Do it enough times and you'll pass it by luck.
  24. No tarmac here unfortunately. I think I'll castor it and link the throttles on a switch. For IC "vectored thrust" what's the best balance for that? Restrict one engine to idle and give full throttle control on the other, or try for a full throttle range balance on both engines?
  25. Just leave it castoring? I've done that on my Hurricane and it does ground steer.
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